League of Legends General - /lolg/

Tristana & Lulu

Old: eyosongive.us


How can someone like Altec have an esport career



well the threads half alright, but I know youre not the actually cunt lulufag since you use eyoson like a good OP

comfy bfs~

where's the swim in lulu guy he's late

This picture upsets me. Please don't ever post it again.

>Altec trying his hardest
>gets exhausted and dies
>meanwhile Hai and Lemon continuously gets caught by cocoon and just dies randomly

Can we please stop calling it that? It's just a cringey excuse for the nerds to get their lunch money back

>play like shit
>doesn't matter because my objective control is really good
>can't stop winning


ahri cant suck your soul out from a handjob right?

That's what it's called. Esport. Get the fuck over it.

>UK flag
something is not quite right here

So Death's Dance is getting buffed, and Bloodthirster is getting buffed, but I only recently realized what true freelo is next patch.

Building both on the same ADC.

what's wrong with it?

Everyone hates the term but no one has come up with a better one.

>all that wasted semen
imagine all the culturally enriched babies it could make

Could you please delete this?

Then teach me.

> all the fun champs can't solo drake early enough
> want to gank and do drake as 3 or 4
> all the laners simply refuse every time

I'm thinking about starting to autistically spam the blue ping at the drake, until they come and if only to save their sanity.

if the next OP is a lulushit im going to commission lulu porn from rampage

Why do we need these euphemisms. Why can't we just call it what it is. Affirmative action for the unable.


>not building death's dance bloodthirster hydra spirit visage nasus for 70%~ lifesteal

>not knowing canada is still under the crown of england

>not ribbon/fiora/yasuo/yi/trynd

xth for quinn, the most perfect pussy in all of the league

competitive videogaming

What do you propose instead?

For a team that was expected to finish DEAD LAST I don't think they've done anything to warrant being shit on.

Plus them upsetting CLG likely means they don't make worlds this year, and thank fucking god for that

You know what's busted? Lifesteal items with PD. 12% reduction + huge amounts of regen make you fucking unkillable

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

with Warlord's Bloodlust.

>hometown hero

"hey loser"


miss the real glory days of afk farming and winning

after a certain point with sated the enemy team would be way too afraid to come near you so just go solo baron or split push

literally shyvana

assuming bot side:
>red chickens wolves blue gromp crab, b
>buy smite item
>solo with WQWE skilled

all shyvana needs to solo it are red buff, smite item and two points in w. cloth armor helps if you can afford it too but you just go and solo dragon after your first back because nobody ever wards it that early.

You don't seem to get the cultural enrichment meme. It doesn't actually have much to do with genetics or culture. The joke is that it usually involves grinding a machete into human throats and the wording is only a cynical euphemism for brutal manslaughter.

Here is a list of pure champions that should never, ever be sexualized under any circumstance, fanart or otherwise.

Anyone I'm missing?

It was a simpler time.

>people are still perpetuating the rushing on bork on xayah
>tfw you're too intelligent to fall for such shit builds but no one will realize it for months

>Draven's name is Drave
>except in the chat where it's Draven

>winning a 5v4

what is the point of this screencap exactly

I can never be worthy of Sona.

I try to be a good person, everything I do is moral, my job involves helping people, I donate to Doctor's w/o Borders, I've saved several lives, I'm kind to those around me, etc.

But nothing I can do would make me good enough for her attention. She's on a completely different level of humanity than me, and all I can do is look up at her and try my best.

>wearing a flag
we get it, you're from canada
>tfw 3 players will do it again tomorrow

I've done a couple first clears with Xayah in the jungle in practice mode and it seems pretty decent.... I think you'd max W and go bloodrazor, botrk, runaans.

Anyone tried it in a real game? Her first clear isn't that low hp if you kite well and use your feathers. Her ganks would be weak early is the main issue.

>not sexualizing Gnar

im sorry but since that image of cute little mini gnar nailing Soraka in the asshole and then turning mega mid-coitus I can't agree with this

probably a Russian symbol or something that looks like an N

what the fuck is that anatomy jesus

I love edgy girls


Annie shouldn't be on that list.


sorry bud, not even riot agrees with you

I can just imagine illaoi using the vulgar thrust expression on him

>people still don't realize DD is Xayah's best lifesteal item
>people still don't realize cleaver is Xayah's best arpen item
>people still don't realize Xayah's core is PD+IE, and you get your support to buy Harbinger because she is the single best ADC to use the item with and Rakan is the single best support to buy the item on


Can this edgy 13 year old or whatever stop posting porn? It's not funny, charming, amusing or helpful. We all know how to find the same pictures ourselves elsewhere. Just stop.

>he picks vayne top into my Quinn

phreak is looking old

>Feeding Orianna
>12/3/9 as ADC

I swear to fucking god, every player with "bad [champion]" or "noob [champion]" or "bronze [champion]" etc are always, always really good

>play rakan
>rush forbidden idol and then immediately start building zeke's
>get flamed for the build

I want to look exactly like Diana...

part of the thrill is finding porn where it shouldn't be

>tfw you fail the first gank and other lanes are already spamming pings for attention

god damn it, another /mute all game

>from rampage

APPARENTLY she is a korean challenger playing on NA with 140 ping.

Literally the one "artist" more disgusting than aka6.


my dads a nascar redneck trump supporter
even he calls esports esports


>somebody picks Quinn
>she took Ignite

is that a fable reference

Not wanting Illaoi to put her moves on the North Man

only if you stop being a cuck.
i guess were destined to do this forever

best guy
best husband
best husbando
xayah is really fun
someone start a vg vs vg


>Arrow wins MVP over Hauntzer
>When Arrow is playing in the single weakest major region in terms of ADC talent when Hauntzer is playing in arguably the best outside of Korea in Top Lane

The gook bias is real, holy fuck if DL didn't win last split no fucking way Arrow deserves it

Very nice.

Leona currently has the oldest base splash of all champs, nearly 6 years old. When will she get an update?

kys gumi

>30% CDR, 25% arpen, 100% crit with Zeke's, huge life steal thanks to W and DD proccing on all your feathers
That's basically full build, only you STILL have a slot left.

Why do people watch esports?

Is Vlad strong? Is Vlad fun? I need somebody with strong sustain for midlane

I blame the useless, retarded nigger mods for not doing their job and banning the asshole.

remove annie

Teemo,Fizz,Viegar,Galio,Blitz and Urgot

>uses the word cuck as a retort
This is how I know your underaged.

>being this edgy and salty because people playing video games are making 6 figures while you work in retail
holy imagine being THIS mad

heck off grey
if not grey then

it was one of my fav games

at least the first one is my name King Grey is based off of my first waifu ever who is from that game~

Too bad she turned out to be an evil bitch. The tits were rockin though.

What are the best champions to help me learn how to cs better? I assume it's an adc

I want to learn how to cs in general before learning how to cs on my champs.

Because it's fun, now shut the fuck up already.



I actually really liked her personality even if she was a selfish evil chick, she made me have a thing for frigid prim and proper posh stuck up chicks

also Jhin was ALMOST jack of blades I prefer jacks first voice over the edit which made it deeper for no reason

What the fuck? That's not Shadbase. Is it?

Not sure if trolling, but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt. It's not shad.

>Support is a clearly boosted girl gamer
>Gives me shit for not winning lane
>Call her out in all chat
>Their team has my back and tells her how bad she is
We lost but it felt like a win

fuck yes

further, he is nostalgia incarnate

>Too bad she turned out to be an evil bitch.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

I cant think of a more sweet revenge, ima make sure to get three pics at least with the most disgusting ahegao

>pick up a bunch of extra shifts for more $$
>get home tired
>feed uncontrollably
So this is why only NEETs have fun with league