/4ccg/ - Last week until off-season shitpost end

Previous Thread: >Main Page:

>Stuff you need to read:
pastebin.com/D24CZBxp (embed)

>Where can I watch the cup
Literally Shitbox front page, or the wiki front page


>Archived games:
TTC2 when?
TTC3 last days when?

>Next Cup
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2017_Veeky Forums_Spring_Babby_Cup_Qualifiers
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2017_Veeky Forums_Spring_Babby_Cup

>2017 Spring Export/Draw Dates:
>Fetus Deadline/Preliminary Babby Export Deadline: April 21st
>Babby Deadline: May 5th
>Babby Draw: May 6th

>2017 Spring Cup Dates:
Fetus Dates: April 28th-30th
Babby Dates: May 12th-14th, 19th-21st, 27th-28th

>Current Invitational:
None running

>Upcoming Invitationals:
None I guess?

>PES 17 Info:

Stuff happened
Veeky ForumsL sign-ups open

Other urls found in this thread:


>the timing of the fetus cup draw


>all these VGL managers signing up right away

implyingrigged.info/wiki/Veeky Forums_League_8_Signups

Signups open.

kill yourself


From the previous thread.

This is the somewhere else I was referring to. Don't confuse these two pages

1-0 boys

>2 bongs and a half until the fetus draw

What matches you want to see in fetus?

Who /sog/?

Having a difficult time getting Proof of Interest. It might not happen.

t. /ss13g/ manager

you're team is fun to watch


are year la


also, fetus drawtism when?

Fetus drawtism

Just under 2 hours away.

i know, but drawtism > real draw

are you being sarcastic dude?

the tf2 revival isnt looking good, the new manager is trying to add more tripfags and is clearly another merc who doesnt know anything to replace them

goodnight sweet prince, you will live again but in an even more empty merc form

better a spoon and wholesome

than a merc and barren

I miss /x/ ;-;

Wasn't NFR or Paval going to manage /tf2g/?

someones fucking trying but theyre doing it in a weird way, no trip, hiding their name in their failed attempt to prove "i totally play tf2 too guys"

its like theyre trying as hard as possible to have an exit strategy where no one knew which manager even applied

Not Paval then

Just dragged my ass over to the thread to put my (you) on it. You're playing dammit.

NFR apparently

He even posted his fucking hitbox stream in the /tf2g/ thread

he has now, it took alot of coaxing to get him to actually admit who he is

his tf2 stream is just him high fiving his f2p engi friend in a server just him and his friend

Is it time brothers?

I feel a bit bad for that because I told him there is no need to trip..

But I don't go /tf2g/ and on the generals I frequent tripping would trigger a negative response.

post first, trip later when interest arises and a leader is needed

If you're not a merc you will know how to ask your general.





all in on /wsg/


me rn

Spoilers: /co/ will be the hat pic

probs /wsg/ but i'm hoping Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums has a 170 cm CB

Group C is literally "we were good once (except Veeky Forums)"

Veeky Forums has a lot more wrong than just a 170 cm CB.

If /a/ fails to advance from that group they might as well stream their suicide

>no mental illness derby

If /a/ doesn't get out of that group please take over /h/ manager.

Group A: /wsg/ /lgbt/ Veeky Forums
Group B: /a/ /i/ /y/
Group C: /pol/ /trv/ /co/

if /a/ don't 9 point that fucking group their management should be publicly flogged
if /a/ finish LAST in that group their management should livestream suicide

Hey Veeky Forums once took third place at their own invitational

Veeky Forums, /y/ and Veeky Forums will all finish last.

in b4 Veeky Forums /a/ and /pol/ get aborted

draw results
hat pick: /i/

Hey, Veeky Forums got a babby 3rd place once

Veeky Forums will be aborted

/wsg/ will win the fuetus and the babby


fuck off marshy

There are no winners in a fetus, only losers

I think they will too, they arguably got the best teams in each of the other pots in their group.

All the single letters got in the same group, the hat was obviously loaded.


It'd be nice, I just want some nice stat padding.

It is /t/'s year baby!


Can /y/ vs /t/ become a derby now? What do we call it?

/pol/ is mediocre. It's what /ptg/ ran in the Beta Bowl.

Ok, so who will die in each group?

Where is my girlfriend?

I honestly think /trv/ are better than Veeky Forums but nobody in Pot 2 is good
whatever, Veeky Forums are running LB CB RB they deserve to get aborted and Lazyturd should be fucking shot for thinking that's a good idea.

he's talking about Veeky Forums though. you may recognize them as "that Pot 3 team that didn't draw /pol/"

>I honestly think /trv/ are better than Veeky Forums but nobody in Pot 2 is good
It's hard to say really, they probably have a better export but worse manager as Mauled hasn't even downloaded PES, I imagine that Veeky Forums have at least done some testing, but you're right in saying pot 2 is shit.

Veeky Forums, /y/, and Veeky Forums
/t/ and Veeky Forums have good chances of dying too and I can see someone getting 5-4-1'd in Group C and letting trash ass Veeky Forums through

the crashing pes derby

What about /i/, is their export any good or will they get through just because they derw /t/ and /y/? /lgbt/ seem decent but they might fall because they have new managers, and anyone in Group C could lose out to Veeky Forums in the 5-4-1 situation. /a/ and /wsg/ are the only 2 who are almost certain to qualify as /a/'s group is absolute shit and /wsg/ are the best team in the Fetus, even if they got a relatively difficult group for this level.


>they probably have a better export but worse manager as Mauled hasn't even downloaded PES
right on the money although really i'd say Mauled and Juno/Croc are equally awful at managing. at least Mauled doesn't run shit like fucking crossing on DMFs/lone AMFs and two-card silver strikers lmao

/i/ could be threatening to actual teams if they run the right sliders (see: Autumn 2016 Veeky Forums, similar formation) but I really fucking doubt Rillion will actually run good sliders. /i/ are like /a/ in this group though, if they don't advance their management should livestream their suicide

>who 10-0 here?

ATF results here: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qx2GOThHzTzXXVlqS9ltr50juinEuaZR-UOe9L3964w/edit#gid=0
TL:DR everyone passed. I only checked AATF and preset 1 legal so if I missed something please let me know.
If you have any savefixes/aesthetic changes that need to be in the editfile please list them on this page: implyingrigged.info/wiki/2017_Veeky Forums_Spring_Babby_Cup_Qualifiers_Save_Fixes

> Veeky Forums are running LB CB RB they deserve to get aborted and Lazyturd should be fucking shot for thinking that's a good idea

Just you watch, they won't lose a game in the fetus and actually advance to elites on that shit.

This guy walks into your bar and orders a 2-4-4. What do you do?

>everyone passed

lack of maydave to fuck things up is a wonderful experience

Lazyturd genius manager

>group B
>/y/ or /t/ will go to a babby

I never thought I'd see blatant trolling as I have in this forum. Step away from the computer, drop the ham sandwich, and back the FRACK off gaijin. I hate to use that word but you've made me that serious. As hard as it may be for you to fathom, some of us here are actual fans of the Final Fantasy series (pre FFX) and Square's work in general. You can try to bash me for an avatar I bought because I happen to be a dedicated fan of perhaps the most poignant, painstakingly woven tapestry of love, loss, and vengeance ever to be put from pen to paper, but you would fail, like all you flamers do in real life. Who can say that the minds at Square Enix (note: the appropriate portmanteau is SQUENIX, not the laughable SQUEENIX) were not inspired by the works of William Shakespeare or Chuck Palahniuk? Cloud's Bastard Sword has more akin with the bastard sons of Macbeth than it does any armament or basilard of the time. The Honey Bee Club in Midgar reminds me more of the Fight Clubs than any brothel. So please, use your brains, not your sarcasm, and step up to the intellectual plate, or leave this forum and take your "haterade" with you.

/y/ deserve it senpai

/sp/ will win handegg fame multipliers are real.

/sp/-Veeky Forums is gonna be the owl

How do you have so little awareness? Why the hell do people just thnk things are true without verification? Why do you people think that you can make what can be defined in every single way as an UNINFORMED ASSUMPTION and present it like fact whilst complaining about complaining and somehow leaving their own insessant complaining out of the equation? The delusion that people's perspective is infalliable when there's nothing more supporting it than an unreliable and biased observation is getting annoying.
I mean, look below - is this MLP? You guys have no way to judge someone else's perspective of unrelated. I mean, have you actually weighted the Veeky Forums discussion against any other unrelated discussion topic brought up in a thread? You haven't because you're just touchy, need a safe space where Veeky Forums isn't mentioned because like most uneducated people, don't have a concept of how ironic and pointless threads like this are.
The fact that there is no legitimate reason beyond "i'm anti-intellecual", "i'm sensitive to topics i don't like", and "that's the dumbest cup formation in years" to force people to speak a certain way should be more obvious. I'd love it if people would stop arbitrarily stating their perspective as fact without thinking or provided any reason whatsoever and thinking it's equal to a well-considered argument but that's not going to happen, is it? Pretty clear very few even know what consideration even is.
I like Veeky Forums, too. I'm just not coddled, judgemental, short sighted or arrogant enough to try and stop people from talking about what they want because i percieve it to be unrelated. I see loosely linked discussion all the time on various things but i'm sure you guys have definitely done your research on that one and haven't just based it on what little you've randomly observe and emotionally reacted to.

>/lgbt/ seem decent but they might fall because they have new managers
Last time someone ran 3-6-1 in their first cup, it didn't go well.

If they don't get to fight /pol/ it will be a sad day. That's pretty much the only matchup I'm looking forward to in the fetus, alongside Veeky Forums's matches

They didn't get them, the draw has been done.

>Alycorn talking tactics

>Open stream
>"Okay okay-"
Looks like I lost some fun there, not even going to log in to meme

will Veeky Forums do

Obvious work was obvious. They're just trying to get him attention.

> /a/ gets /i/ /t/ and /y/

>two, of /i/ /t/ and /y/ are guaranteed promotion

Don't you mean all three?

/mlp/ are fucking ecstatic right now

So what happens if /a/ doesn't promote?

Who takes over?
