I'm a chick and I have a legit sexual harassment case against the boss. Should I even bother with it? I'm already moving past him on the ladder, and the guy is enough of a loser without me ruining his life.
I'm a chick and I have a legit sexual harassment case against the boss. Should I even bother with it...
Honest answer?
It shouldn't, and it's wrong. But often, accusing others will damage your reputation and work environment as much as you will theirs.
Our female boss once called our assistant, who was complaining about harassment, "troublesome."
The truth is, you make yourself a liability whether it's right or wrong.
If you're moving past him don't do it. There's a small chance you'll get labeled as someone who complains over petty stuff or even worse a liar.
It also depends on what he did, but I remember some whore who would show her tits in the kitchen at a restaurant I worked at years ago, and she called sexual harassment after a cook slapped her ass. They almost made all the guys take sexual harassment education.
Maybe you should just tell them you don't like it. As long as you aren't getting raped you should find a solution without getting fired. Lawsuits are a pain in the ass. Nobody cares if you're right. I wouldn't hire someone that can't problem solve or communicate with anyone and just thinks about lawsuits.
ifyou are moving past him there is no point. you'll get a reputation for being difficult and noone will want to work one on one with you.
Ball busters do not get oppurtunities.
try r9k
Wow can't believe all you people telling her not to do it. Guess these creeps will keep this shit up when everyone has this mentality... I would continue with the case, don't be scared. It would also help if you explained what happened in the sexual harassment. If it was an offhand comment, no. But if the guy did something really heinous yes. Get him out of the company.
>Should I even bother with it?
Do you have physical evidence that the definitively proves the incident even happened?
If so, then do it if it makes you feel better.
If you are just making an accusation with no proof, you will still have a 50/50 shot of getting your way, being a protected class and all, but you will have a good chance of being labeled "a problem maker" and likely screw yourself out of further advancement.
If you have boobs similar to this pic then you were obviously asking for it. Fuck off
That's the thing, I only want to do this to be a "problem maker," he fuck with me so I gonna fuck with him, but I don't really care. Whatevs. I'm gonna leave it alone. Time for bed, goodnight my neckbearded friends.
Unless they guy didn't shoved a fucking finger up your ass hole or expose his dick out on public you had absolutely no reason to fuck both of your lives specially under the current political climate
You'll probably be worst of
>he fuck with me so I gonna fuck with him, but I don't really care
Gook with the usual mental problemas detecte, you have to go back
if you can take him in a physical fight, go for it
otherwise, leave him alone
>Time for bed, goodnight my neckbearded friends.
Ah, classy. This is why I have waning respect for women
>I remember some whore who would show her tits in the kitchen at a restaurant I worked at years ago, and she called sexual harassment after a cook slapped her ass
We all know it was you greasy Pedro.
Do it for the laughs.
go to hell bitch
I would go to HR first. Then if even a single incident occurs after that, then yeah absolutely file a claim.
A small comment or awkward touch might not be a big deal, be legitimate harassment should be dealt with.
I only say this cause I've seen it firsthand, there was a guy who worked at my friends company who would regularly harass and stalk female coworkers. Fuck that guy.
This is a big problem too.
When a woman acts sexually at work she opens the door for that behavior and I have no sympathy.
Don't bother, but sabotage his kneepads
>sexual harassment
i always cringe when i hear this. it doesn't mean anything. if he did something inappropriate (which concrete example you should use talking about it) you should have called him out on that right then and set him straight. on the other hand if you only took up with his bullshit because he was your boss and you don't report him now, he will do it to the next chick and so on.
I think that this is tragic and accurate. There is a stigma against people who 'make waves.'
But self protection is the first rule.
It sounds like you're doing fine without the extra lever, honestly. I would always advise you that there are simpler and FAR more effective ways to fuck up this guy's life, and which do not put you in any exposed position. Because this puts you in an exposed position-- you talk to HR, papers happen, etc. Your name is there. He knows why he will be in that room. So do something else. People on this board have ideas, I am certain.
>I'm a chick
Stopped reading. If it's attention you want you should've tried r9k
>People on this board have ideas, I am certain.
Get the fuck outta here, dumb bitch.
see? there's an idea right there.
To be fair to her, the first time it happens they are a little shocked and don't really know how to react. And they are often surrounded by men and so don't react with indignation
found the feminist bitch
Shit like this is why I no longer hate Muslims for forcing women to stay at home and making them shut the fuck up.
Letting women in the workplace is a mistake.
>To be fair to her, the first time it happens they are a little shocked
Yeah cus their virginal hears have never heard a guy asking them for a blow job before.
Is all on the perception, if she was asked by the honk of the company she'll bend over on the port a'paty outside the building for Chad to rail he holes it doesn't matter if she has to stare at the blue sludge filled to the rim with shit for the whole ordeal as long as we gets the thunder cock, if she gets asked by the fat janitor she'll act as if the guy was trying to rap her in the expensive chairs of the lobby.
In this case this gook has the usual mental deficiencies that all gooks have and she is portably a psycho too, I am actually starting to get worried for the guy I wonder if he is safe
Are you thinking of suing him or pressing criminal charges? If you can prove that the company itself encourage that type of environment then it might be worth your time. I worked at a company where a woman was sexually harassed a few times because of a rumor going around about her. Two of the people were in management. She left her position and sued the company for 500k. I imagine it would compromise your position at the company if you pursued any type of legal case.
there is merit in any advice for playing it safe.
there are your principles and there is the money you can make. everyone has to decide how much they are willing to put up and what matters more. i'm not surprised as much that Veeky Forums advises not to pursue anything that doesn't gain you any money and potentially costs you.
>trying to be captain save-a-ho on Veeky Forums, on all places
Given that her principles are shit, it makes perfect sense for us to tell her to put her money over her principles
And its not just money either, any guy will see a sexual harassment or rape accusation as a giant red flag when it comes to relationships
>any guy will see a sexual harassment or rape accusation as a giant red flag when it comes to relationships
except for white knights
Girls dont respect thirsty beta boys tho, which is why they cheat on them with alpha guys, who coincidentally tend to have hardcore sexist views (eg all those guys who sleep around but only view virgin qts as relationship material)
And I find it interesting that feminists hate male feminists more than actual sexists, because they see male feminists as mansplainers invading their space.
TLDR: being a tumblrina rape accuser will shittify your dating pool
You guys gotta understand that there are no universal standards that women have for what men should or should not do.
They drop these standards out when the guy is unnatractive, and they can play the "this isn't acceptable" card.
If the guy is good looking then good news, they are glad he made a move.
No different than when a fat girl wants to get on your dick and you make something up like "Sorry just don't feel any chemistry". Stating the truth like "woman you're fat and I'm repulsed by you" is something most people will never do in their lives.
If he held you down and raped you, press charges.
If he was just flirting with you, or you don't like him because he's ugly, give the retard a break. Men shouldn't be punished for having sexual preferences.
Seems instinctual to distrust women.
Unironically this. And NEVER try to ruin someone's life because then you have someone with nothing to lose who hates you.
This, if a woman is not a pure virgin, I could care less if she got raped. Women are so fickle when it comes to consent and attraction that its impossible to take them seriously anymore.
Basically, women should either be chaste housewives or prostitutes. None of that "muh liberated wymyn" crap
Ironically, the best argument against gender equality is feminism
The fact that you said you won't do it since you are about to unrank him shows that you only do it from a financial motivation, thus you are a cunt and should die
Only if you have proof and not hearsay. You also want to consider what future employers might think
>This, if a woman is not a pure virgin, I could care less if she got raped. Women are so fickle when it comes to consent and attraction that its impossible to take them seriously anymore.
Sometimes I forget how scummy some posters are, but then I see a post like this...
Kill yourself you piece of shit.
Just fuck off already, the site's fucked enough as is without feminiggers like you coming to our site to shit yourselves.
now this is what i call "spilling the spaghetti"
>I'm a chick
How long has this "ima grill" shitposting been going on?