How respected is gender studies among the other humanities?
How respected is gender studies among the other humanities?
It isn't respected at all
What would you expect?
>gender studies
I assume you're retarded if you studied this in university. Not joking, I assume you are not intelligent enough to study anything else and so you studied the >feels degree where you didn't have to do anything other than regurgitate dogma. It's a meme. Zero respect.
It would be like having a degree in veganism.
I doubt most truly respect it unless they have also been spooked.
How low is the sky?
How shallow is the ocean?
Gender studies is social science, not a humanity
>eating meat dairy causes
>unethical killing and torture of sentiant animals
>plus climate change
>climate change kills humans
> we can conclude that non vegans kill not only animals, but humans too.
But yep, you right wing DRONES still eat meat. You are holding humanity back.
Eating meat/dairy*
There is a mountain of evidence that sexist language is harmful. What more can gender studies provide ?
Idk much about gender studies but if it is focusing on first word woman issues then it doesn't seem too important to me. Obs not denying that sexisim is a real issue tho.
So having a gender studies degree qualifies someone as a scientist?
History degree here. I don't respect gender studies majors. As a discipline it might have some worthwhile practices and content, but the individuals I've met who are interested in gender theory all rub me wrong, and it's largely because of the interest in gender theory, which tends to become a pseudoreligious overriding part of the personality of people who study this sort of thing.
> we can conclude that non vegans kill not only animals, but humans too.
>implying that's a bad thing, considering overpopulation
Trips of truth
It sends shivers down my spine thinking that somewhere people with an actual pHD in "gender studies" exist. We might as well have degrees in alchemy, magic and theology.
You would get the title BSc...
Boy I am fuckin spooked
You can get a PhD in theology
I like how vegans always slip "vegan" as the de facto and de jure ideology of not consuming meat.
No tard, most are vegetarians and don't follow your cult ideology
>people this dumb exist
>social science
>an actual science
>asking if gender studies is respected
>alchemy, magic and theology.
We do, they're called science degrees now.
The sky is limitless, the ocean is full
It's not even a pseudoscience, it's literally a course in pure regime propaganda.
>He doesn't hunt and kill his own food
this pic makes me want a swedish qt to bed. How does one go about doing this?
Nah, it's worse than that, user.
At least magic claims to be able to do something. Gender studies, even if you take all of their claims at face value, still doesn't have any real application. It's intentionally useless.
hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa ............. no
Most other humanities respect it only because the other humanities are shit too
What is real and what is meme about it, though?
I imagine the relationships between different people based on gender and gender rolls are a very expansive topic. What it means to be a dad, for instance.
same could be said about many other field of studies
why do they call it social science if it isn't science?
oh that's right, it is science, you're just butthurt
>Gender studies, even if you take all of their claims at face value, still doesn't have any real application.
It's being used to destroy the nuclear family and produce a class of workers who are just interchangeable sexless cogs in a grand body corporate. Quite useful, actually.
As an English grad student, I personally hate gender studies for bleeding into and tainting my field.
If I wanted to learn about your shitty tumblr post of a theory, I wouldn't be in this field. I came here for DANK MILTONIC PROSE, but now I have to learn this shit and hide my power level or else.
Fuck gender studies.
please go say this on Veeky Forums
the meme is that the pedagogy we look down on looks down on gender studies
Care to elaborate?
Reminder that overpopulation is a problem only in China.
>Hitler was a vegan
>vegans are annoying faggots
Thus we can conclude you are an annoying faggot who is literally Hitler.
Great bait m8
The best part about this vegan shit is how they always think that they are morally superior or clean...what a meme
Just get a tan, fly to lybia, hop in a boat and wait for half an hour for some European countries coast guard to "rescue" you and your fellow negroes, then just apply for asylum and go to Sweden, the government takes care of the rest.
The worst part is that this is all the truth
it uses the scientific method it counts
I'm a PolSci student. Occasionally, we'll learn about some feminist theory, but even the teachers dont really give a shit about it. I believe our faculty doesn't offer gender studies, but if they did i would not respect it in the slightest.
Gender studies are a meme and irrelevant where I live
we dont have "gender studies"
Its harmful if you are an overly sensitive wank stain.
Why wouldn't they though? It's like, imagine a guy who opposes slavery believing that his dislike of slavery is just his opinion and that all that matters is that his lifestyle choices don't cause more of it, but is otherwise just ok with others keeping slaves. That would be a pretty pussy way to go about it, so why shouldn't vegans be adamant about how fucked up animal cruelty is? Unless you're specifically criticizing those who only are vegans so that they can feel clean of guilt, but otherwise are unconcerned about this shit?
>That would be a pretty pussy way to go about it
Maybe he doesn't feel very strongly about the issue but doesn't like the feelings of sorrow that he encounters upon seeing human beings in chains. No need to take up arms and kill slaveowners. It's easy to call someone a kissy when you're a pussy.
Wew. Thank God this shit doesn't bleed into Micro.
I could see us getting flak for forceful cultural appropriation when we insert plasmids though.
>go on semester abroad in france
>have to pick an english course because that's the rule
>pick a literature course recommended for erasmus students
>first class
>teacher starts a PPT
>pic related
And that's why I'm reading poetry by a Jamaican woman.
The main issue with gender studies is that they co-operate with media and academia to denounce certain society elements as problematic, even the smallest most irrelevant seeming ones. Imagine stuff like "is airconditioning in office space sexist?" It seems completely bonkers but it was an actual issue within the gender study community.
I honestly feel they inflate "problematic items" just so that they have jobs in the first place.
The whole problem of overpopulation is that it kills people.
You can't like killing people because it stops people from dying.
So should I get a degree in history or philosophy?
>history or philosophy?
Wouldn't recommend it, but you'd still be miles ahead of a gender studies major
M8 I'm not getting a degree in anything but humanities. I don't want to slave away at some shitty STEM job.
Double majoring isn't that hard. I double majored in history and philosophy and it didn't require me to put in significantly more effort than my peers, since I incorporated /pol/ and Veeky Forums into my study regimen. If you're capable of serious study, completing a double major is not only simple but obligatory.
t. recent grad
I was planning on doing Mandarin too. The main point's that there's no real reason to choose one over the other, save preference?
>The main point's that there's no real reason to choose one over the other, save preference?
If I were you I'd minor in that and consume a lot of Chinese culture while studying history and philosophy, which would give you access to the theoretical and historical contexts that would make your Mandarin skills useful among Mandarin-speakers. Language skills can't be attested to by degrees anyway, if you can't read a document or hold a conversation in a language then your degree means nothing.
>The main point's that there's no real reason to choose one over the other, save preference?
Pretty much, I was completely torn between history and philosophy until I decided to go for both.
Your faith in my autodidactic capabilities is mildly unnerving. I don't think I'm going to be able to learn Mandarin by myself. So I'll just jump onto one or the other.
—Also, now that I think about it, we're probably talking about different education systems, because I'm Britbong.
You should get a degree in computer science or software engineering, and do philosophy and history as a hobby.
That is, if you want to eat for the rest of your life.
>I don't think I'm going to be able to learn Mandarin by myself.
Why do you think I suggested that you minor in it?
>—Also, now that I think about it, we're probably talking about different education systems, because I'm Britbong.
Enjoy your free college and healthcare
Literally bottom of the barrel "I am too dumb to take anything else" meme subject.
I say that as a woman.
I can think of better ways to get myself to commit suicide.
Didn't see the minor thing. I think I'm going to have to do that, assuming I know what your minor is.
>Enjoy your free college
user, I will strangle you.
It's boring as fuck, too. Why would you ever pick it? -- Probably because of social pressures.
>I will strangle you
I thought it was a religion of peace
Thankfully, I am an enlightened atheist.
Are you a member of the BNP? Or are you a cuck?
Now there's a name I haven't heard for a while.
I dunno, user. Something about asking someone else to trample all over you, tell you what to do...seems pretty cucked.
Griffin is a pretty cool name though. Not as good as Balls or Darling, but it's up there.
>Something about asking someone else to trample all over you, tell you what to do...seems pretty cucked.
I don't really know what you're talking about. Do you even know what a cuck is?
Someone who wants to have everything they hold dear be taken advantage of. You know, the kind of person who'd want to be dominated, to let others come in and ruin their stuff—and all because it's ideologically "right".
>I can think of better ways to get myself to commit suicide.
Why would you commit suicide getting educated in a field that would net you a job that is well-paid?
>The main issue with gender studies is that they co-operate with media and academia to denounce certain society elements as problematic, even the smallest most irrelevant seeming ones.
First world problems, my friend
>Imagine stuff like "is airconditioning in office space sexist?" It seems completely bonkers but it was an actual issue within the gender study community.
I really wish when people say this kind of shit, they're just being hyperbolic but honest to god they are not
>I honestly feel they inflate "problematic items" just so that they have jobs in the first place.
Jobs? What jobs could a gender studies Major possibly hope to aspire to? A privilege checker? A patriarchy smasher? A victim complex Specialist? A gender bender?
The only instances I've seen of people with gender studies doing "work" related to their major is mostly freelance stuff (Journalism, Blogging, Vlogging, speaking engagements, anything and everything could concievably be shitposting IRL). Not exactly jobs that bring home the bread
You're thought process is on the right direction. It's not a matter of them Exaggerating, lying or just making up nonsense off the top of their heads and passing it off as an urgent matter so that they may validate themselves having a Job. It's a matter of them Exaggerating, lying or just making up nonsense off the top of their heads and passing it off as an urgent matter so that they may have an excuse to continue to exist. It is that bad; There are no good reasons for the cause to even be alive so they have to fabricate them.
The only thing we are seeing here is lunatics desperately clinging to their batshit insane beliefs. They've not even evolved to a level of greed and scheming, they're just zealots and fanatics and nothing more
Because of the nature of the field and the job that is well paid.
>Someone who wants to have everything they hold dear be taken advantage of. You know, the kind of person who'd want to be dominated, to let others come in and ruin their stuff—and all because it's ideologically "right".
It's actually somebody who lets other men fuck his wife. It has nothing to do with ideology.
Aside from that, if I have a femdom fetish but also never let my girlfriend anywhere near my financial assets, keeping our deviant behavior confined to the bedroom, is that cuckolding? No, it isn't, and that's why your definition is fucking stupid.
>Jobs? What jobs could a gender studies Major possibly hope to aspire to?
Activism pays rent.
>It's actually somebody who lets other men fuck his wife. It has nothing to do with ideology.
No it isn't.
>I don't want to slave away at some shitty STEM job.
Then get into medicine or finance
if you're not going to do one of those three, don't even bother going to school. Just head straight into the work force and study the humanities on your own time. You'll have the same Job prospects as anybody who was in the humanities with none of the debt.
>Because of the nature of the field and the job that is well paid.
So you'd rather get shit pay, or be unemployed and have several tens of thousands in debt, simply to learn something fun for 4 years?
>No it isn't.
I'm going by the definition of the word. You're trying to make a point about right-wing politics. I call people cucks every day. Do you actually have much experience using the word?
STEMfags don't actually make 200k off the bat, you know.
>Then get into medicine or finance
Yeah, I'll "just get into medicine", right?
And finance is even worse m8.
I don't know what reality you come from, but here there's about fifty billion jobs that all require a good degree (though they don't care what degree it is).
Remember that STEMfags don't make much money, besides. They make moderate stable money. The real money's in law (if you can get into it; you can't), medicine (if you can get into it; you can't) or business (if you get ridiculously lucky; you won't).
No you aren't.
Did you even look this up?
>STEMfags don't actually make 200k off the bat, you know.
I didn't say that either. But what is for certain is that if you take a degree in something that is practically applicable to the capitalist market, you're going to make more money than being a history teacher at a public school.
noun: cuckold; plural noun: cuckolds
the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.
verb: cuckold; 3rd person present: cuckolds; past tense: cuckolded; past participle: cuckolded; gerund or present participle: cuckolding
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.
Nothing about ideological imperatives here.
>Yeah, I'll "just get into medicine", right?
Who says you have to aspire to be an accomplished brain surgeon? Just doing nurse work alone is about a $75,000 a year job. If you want to move up from there, you can. If you don't want to move up, get comfy where you are
>but here there's about fifty billion jobs that all require a good degree (though they don't care what degree it is).
Really? Where would that be? Do they pay any better or worse than the jobs that don't require a degree
Seriously, tell me because I want to move there
Human Resources? Teaching Gender Studies?
Thanks, Soros
>as a woman
Yes, very interesting.
>than being a history teacher at a public school.
Why didn't you say "than someone who has a history degree"? It's not because that would be wrong, is it?
Nor anything about letting other men fuck your wife. In other words, the word''s meaning is now other than that described in the dictionary, and this new meaning is very ideological.
>But what is for certain is that if you take a degree in something that is practically applicable to the capitalist market, you're going to make more money than being a history teacher at a public school.
Is that really certain? If you were good at the humanities, you'd know the answer.
>The real money's (if you get ridiculously lucky; you won't).
You are an ignoramus
>t. self-made entrepreneur
>Just doing nurse work alone is about a $75,000 a year job
Wow, that sure is impressive user.
>If you want to move up from there, you can
But you can't.
>Really? Where would that be?
UK. I know it's also the case in the US—for example, you cannot become an officer without a degree there.
t. lucky motherfucker
Unless you don't make millions a year, in which case I wasn't talking about you.
>In other words, the word''s meaning is now other than that described in the dictionary, and this new meaning is very ideological.
And this new meaning derives from cuckold fetishists. The people who use the word ideologically are actively opposed to the things these fetishists enjoy. The people who are most severely dominated by their own ideological authorities are on the Left. Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopolis are the closest things to being leaders of the contemporary Right, but nobody listens to a word they say.
I'm just not seeing it. I get it, you want to call me a cuck for some reason. It just doesn't work.
You know, I do go on /pol/. I know what people are like.
It's the ideology, in any case. The left is about taking shit for yourself; the right about having other people take shit from you.