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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Azura a shit.
Azura a best
Lyn~ Lyn~
Post 'em boys
May Doma's blessings-
>Mamui can't have a child that shares his hair color
>Cucked by Hector
I love Faye!
When will we get a FE4 remake with MU so I can marry Sylvia
Sniping blues to try for Tinyhands. How disappointed will I be?
I was honestly expecting there to be a knife in her hands
hag a best
Neither did FemRobin.
This is your last fucking warning kiddo, don't push me.
Enjoy your cute dragon loli!
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Fires of Judgdral
>MU dies along with Sigurd
The reaction to this would be hilarious.
Stop this slander, Faye did nothing wrong
>Implying best girl isn't gonna be FSeliph
Also did femui families, here is femui's best possible husband and family for exampe
Letting Sylvia die to bandits!
Getting Laylea and Sharlow instead!
Robin's a lucky man.
>implying MU won't miraculously be the sole survivor and subesequently knock up all the unpaired ladies
>MU replaces Lewyn in the second part
Imagine being so autistic you have to be the one to make the next thread, even if it's incredibly early and you get pissed off if it isn't the one that gets used.
That's a lot of Merit.
>marrying your retainers
Kimochi warui
It would actually be pretty neat to kill the MU off halfway through and replace them with their kid.
No one wants to play a 40 year old MU anyway.
>Comes the 2nd gen
>Your MU's child becomes the new MU
I would be totally fine with this if the Gen 2 child has a different personality, dialogue and class depending on hia mother.
You seem a little butthurt that a Tharja thread made at 710 was able to live to the fullest without
being deleted :^)
Femui is so fertile.
I wonder how many children she will birth.
What's better?
A -Spd,+Def or a -Spd,+Res Reinhardt?
>It's foeced to be the opposite gender of your gen 1 MU
How should I build a +SPD Eirika?
>being a cuck
This artist is shit and so is their taste in characters to draw.
I wish I'd saved that picture of femui with every kid.
Rally Def/Res
Life and Death or Fury
Probably about 40, she's actually married to all of them at the same time
>drew pretty much everyone in the main cast
Well, fuck.
This art is fucking terrible. I'd say to get some standards but you're a Tikicuck
Look at these big ol' eyes. Who can say no to them?
Any chance Celica/Mae/Boey/Genny going to be top top tier?
Which is better for Est +atk/-hp or +spd/-res?
I know how that feels, user. I've been trying to get Lukas since the banner came out.
Poor attempt at deflecting. I don't care how long a thread goes. It's a matter of respecting the catalog and not spamming Veeky Forums with our garbage. It has gotten ridiculous and embarrassing.
Retard here. What do I do on this level? This is my first time playing any of the old Fire Emblems.
I can't wait to pirate all the DLC!!!
I want to be Femui and slut it up around the camp.
Look for the flashing arrow young user.
post her butt
have Eliwood end his turn on the tile the boss starts on. The boss moves, and when he moves off of the tile you'll see a blinking icon thing.
t. Tharjacuckold
Servera is shit. I don't know how someone could like such a terrible character.
Just advance and put Eliwood where the boss is
Hey /feg/. Any news on upcomming banners/events?
Is gunning for blue this focus, while rerolling really the right thing to do?
Won't you just end up with a great unit in one color and shit units in all the others?
Wouldn't it be better to get a random color 5* and some decent 4* units in the other colors?
Are there any husbands who can fix Severa?
I don't think it's possible for mages to get any better, honestly. Blade tomes are the pinnacle of power in this game. Maybe they'll have some crazy-ass skills or something, like special -sweeps. If Genny got Invoke she'd be in the running for top tier, but hahahahahaha. Boey's going to be slow as fuck and therefore useless, possibly even as bad as Henry. Celica and Mae have a chance, I guess.
+Spd -Res
She already has pretty nice Atk, +Spd lets her trade better with 30+ Spd units which are common as fuck.
Losing Res sucked a bit since that's her strong point but better than losing HP.
Is 9-1 on Lunatic the best way to do the 15 40+ fliers quest?
>Garon can have a harem
>(You) can't
Why is this allowed
this tile (forgive the Japanese, I jumped to this chapter using the debug menu from the FE7 prototype which is only in japanese)
Nice samefag, cuck.
It can't be helped, I suppose I'll have to do it...
No, because you're pretty much guaranteed a good 5* if you snipe for blue. Rolling other colors might get you a 5* Frederick or a 5* Lucius, and what good would your 4* units be then?
Check the JP Twitter hours before main banners switch. No more datamines.
Thanks. I had no idea what to do.
I like Hana
>no giant units in FE yet
May Switch give us the technology for super-sized sluts in FE16.
This reminds me of a few chapters ago where it says "Earn 3 points" and you're supposed to seize the three gates. Makes me feel like they didn't playtest before putting dumb stuff there.
Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with my pretty wife! I`ll never let anything hurt her or make her sad! Every second spent with her is perfect! I want to stroke her soft hair and give her little kisses on her cheek! We`ll have each other forever and always! I love Felicia!
I meant within the OP image.
So if you're the main character's best friend in Awakening and the latter half of the story revolves around you, and you are the main character in Fates and everything revolves around you and your decisions, what role do you think You will play in Switch?
So F!Robin and Navarre returning? I get Robin but why Navarre?
Weak updates, thanks Ninty
How do you feel about your wife's sister, Flora?
You be the MC's boyfriend
Not really because you still said the artist was shit which is a general statement
And even then I was expecting you to bantz and say "exactly" as if to imply the entire main cast is shit, as per common /feg/ consensus, just poor form overall user.
(You) will be another manakete lord like Corrin and the story will revolve around you again but there will be a generation skip halfway through like in Geneology which gives (You) a chance to romance all of your friend's children without having to age and become ugly yourself, and if course no one finds this weird because (You) are the legendary hero!
She's a good sister in law, i hope she finds happiness one day!
Xander GHB when so I can finish my Cav meme team since I can't roll Eldigan?
Fucking shit fetish.
next week or the week after that
he's released in early may
It's hard to 1up Corrin on the super special scale. I can't imagine anything going well.
Likely two weeks from now, since Zephiel's was last week.
I've failed you, I'm sorry.
Out of the way, cutest Morgan coming through.
At least you're bold enough to admit when you fuck up, that makes you better than ninety percent of the posters here
The newest FE waifu
>trying to level up Nino
>bitch keeps getting 1 shot even by reds 10 levels under her
What the fuck even, I've burnt like 40 stam having to start over because she randomly gets clapped.