Jewish-German connection

Can anybody help me understand this?

Pretty much all Jewish people have German names. Yiddish is literally German with the Hebrew alphabet.

From like 1800 to the Holocaust it seems like a ton of important Germans were Jewish. There were less Jews in Germany than there are in America, but we have Marx and Freud and Einstein and Fritz Lang and Walter Benjamin and Walter Rathenau and Mahler and Mendelson totally stealing the show.

Why were Jews so important in Germany despite small numbers? Reading Ulysses suggests everybody associated Germans and Jews with each other, and the Dreyfuss Affair suggests that just being Jewish meant Dreyfuss was believed to have German sympathies.

Other urls found in this thread: japanese internment camps ww2&biw=2144&bih=1031&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUxsSMzLLPAhXHAMAKHQrcAFAQ_AUIBigB&dpr=0.9

they couldn't own land
they had some protection in the hre after huge massacres during the crusade times
due to the jobs they were allowed to do they became a part of the urbanized merchant class so they were affected by developing ideas relatively fast and had connects in business and social circles just because of the jobs they were allowed to do such as usury

The majority of Ashkenazim lived in the Austria-Hungary region when surnames became commonplace, which is why Yiddish surnames are most often Germanic. They migrated East as conditions became less hospitable for Jews in Western Europe.

As far as the Jews in Germany proper, they became quite segregated from the Eastern European majority. The Easterners stereotyped them as pretentious and unfriendly, while the German Jews considered the Easterners superstitious boors with no class.

Jews in Western Europe tended to be much better educated than the working class ones who came from the East, particularly in England and Germany.

> the Dreyfuss Affair suggests that just being Jewish meant Dreyfuss was believed to have German sympathies.

That actually had more to do with Dreyfus being from Alsace. Dreyfus' Jewishness made him a target for accusations of espionage, but officers in his position were chosen for their knowledge of German language and culture. Alsace-Lorraine was annexed by Germany at the time Dreyfus moved to Paris, and it was only after that that he enlisted with the military.

The urban part is what's really relevant. Jews were 5-10% of the Berlin population before the war, even if they were only about 1% of the total German population.

Most Germans still lived rural lives in the early 20th century, insulated from cosmopolitan turbulence.

Citizenship was restricted to Christian natives in the >H>R>E which was why Jews didn't have much power at the time.

The Napoleonic era abolished this system, which gave Jews only slightly less rights compared to Christian citizens. In fact, France was the first country to pass laws emancipating Jews, followed by German territories over a decade later--Prussia twenty years later, and "Germany" proper not until 1871, long after Greece, Italy, Sweden, and Belgium had passed such laws.

>Yiddish is literally German with the Hebrew alphabet.

Surprise! Most people think Hebrew is some ancient language or something lol, no one knows it was made in the 19th century, as opposed to the ancient yiddish which sounds much different

No, modern hebrew is from the 19th century. The torah is in hebrew.

>There were less Jews in Germany than there are in America
Jews still only = 2% of the American population, not particularly higher than the 1% in Germany assuming has the numbers right. And I would be surprised if Jews were any more overrepresented in Germany than they are in America now. I think it merely appears that way because thinkers have had less importance since the 60s. We have pundits instead of philosophers now.

>ancient yiddish
Middle Ages isn't ancient user.

Also the 5-10% figure in pre-war Berlin is much the same as the percent in New York (8%)

>France was the first country to pass laws emancipating Jews, followed by German territories over a decade later
And they now have the most Jews outside of Burgerland and Israel. Apparently Napoleon wanted the shekels:

>better than the Germans

Prussia at least adopted a similarly pragmatic attitude toward the Jews.

> his practical yet prejudiced attitude towards Jews was similar to his father's
So this must have been the attitude for some time.

Berlin was far more important nationally than New York, being equivalent to New York and Washington and Los Angeles all as one city.

France brought liberal reforms to the Rhineland under Napoleon, overturning the old religious hierarchy and extending full citizenship rights and privileges to Jews. These laws were reversed after Napoleon's defeat.

This actually has hugely important policy implications. A young man named Herschel Marx was now able to practice law despite his Jewish faith. By 1818, the law had changed such that only Protestants could be lawyers. As such, Herschel converted to Lutheranism. His son Karl Marx was raised in the faith, well aware that a more liberated future based on the ideals of the French revolution was within grasp.

>still haven't seen /pol/ shit yet

>website called jewornotjew

It's run by Jews though

We're here.

because they won the war m8, Napoleon was right all along. Imagine if the Nazis won. All Jew names would be replaced with prominent Nazis and Italians

>Most people think Hebrew is some ancient language or something lol, no one knows it was made in the 19th century, as opposed to the ancient yiddish which sounds much different

>Made in the 19th century

>Ancient yiddish
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you typed the both of those flip flop by mistake

Hebrew is the language of Israel. It is a language of semetic origins. It has much more in common with Arabic than it does with any European language

Yiddish is bacically just german. If you are fluent in one, you are fluent in the other. Yiddish has a handful of Semetic loanwords and phrases borrow from the hebrew language but not enough to render it unintelligible to a german speaker

>His son Karl Marx was raised in the faith, well aware that a more liberated future based on the ideals of the French revolution was within grasp.
Define "within grasp"

Ya Shmuck!


Saxons are literally cousins of Ashkenaz
Isaacson = Saxon

>father's father was a Jew, but that was kept secret. Helmut Schmidt
Germany is the land of crypto-yids, isaacsons (saxons), and ashkenazis

>Boris Becker was born to Catholic parents. His mother, Elvira (Pisch), and her family, fled Czechoslovakia during the Russian invasion. Her family has Jewish relatives

Jews mixed with Germans since Roman times. Semitic features blended in.

>The Yeniche German vocabulary originates from Yiddish, Hebrew, Judeo-Latin
>Native speakers:16,000 in Germany, Swiss, Austria

>Rotwelsch - German language with significant influences from Judæo-Latin, the ancient Jewish language of the Roman Empire.

>German language, Lotegorisch, is based on Hebrew, lochne kodesch, from the Hebrew: laschon = "tongue, language", and kodesch = "holy

>Manisch, German derived from Yiddish
goths confirmed for yids!

>germans being efficient and thorough in hiding their yiddish ancestry
Heinrich Heine

>Mercedes, was not only a German, but a Jewish brand.
Emil Jellinek

Nazi Erhard Milch

Johann Strauss, his grandfather was Jewish, but converted.

Germany has rich Ashkenazi Jew heritage. From the time of the Holy Roman Empire, many of the families of nobility were Jewish.

Most people nowadays cannot fathom the impact the attempted communist revolution in 1918, which was led by Jews, had on German-Jewish relations.

Before 1918, Germany was not an anti-semitic country. In fact, German (and Austro-Hungarian) Jews were the most assimilated, best treated Jews in Europe, they were so assimilated that they felt confortable to discriminate against the Russian "Ostjuden" as inferior.

Germany was one of the most jew-tolerant places in Europe until 1933.

Russia and even France was more anti-Jewish than Germany. Jews were even ennobled in the Kaiser's court if they were in favor with Wihelm II.

Wilhelm II may have made some anti-Jewish remarks in his lifetime, but even he was horrified at Kristallnacht and the gangsterish brutality inflicted on German Jews. At his worst, the Kaiser never oppressed his people like the Nazis did.

West Jews were educated and rich. Highly assimilated and in position of power.
East(Russian) Jews wee mostly poor or extremly poor, uneducated or illiterate, mostly speaking local russian dialects. Lived in ghettos or their own settelments wih their own laws and customs.
West Jews were terrified by East Jews influx and influenced Western goverments to stop it.

The Jews native to Germany were quite assimilated. However, as a consequence of Pogroms and famines in the east, huge numbers of Russian and Galician (Austrian) Jews (Ostjuden) migrated to the West, eventually reaching Germany, France, Denmark and the U.S. Those eastern Jews unlike their western counterparts, had their own unique culture based highly upon their local cultures. Around the time Bismarck unified Germany, Jews did not face any legal persecution and as such they were not required to live in Ghettos unlike their Russian counterparts

>From the time of the Holy Roman Empire, many of the families of nobility were Jewish.

Jews were forced to wear silly hats ("Judenhut") and yellow circles in the HRE.

If you want in, just assume Ashkenaz are germanics and germanics have all been on the same team since 18,000 BC, and always were for the most part.

Many Ashkenaz were adel and uradel and in 1942 they were given back their special privileges in society along with the other german nobles. Privileges given to nobles were first taken in 1919. In 1945 when Germany lost the war, the german noble classes were disbanded and only some relics of them remain, but they no longer have any special legal privileges at all. Therefore as a descendant of german nobility and a german-jew, by order of hitler and the third reich your family is my eternal servant and because our nobility was taken by force, I am the eternal guardian of the german people until my family is reinstated and I can resign my noble status in a more official capacity.

It is confusing for many people because of the complex relationship between jews and other europeans.
the third reich recognized some Ashkenazi family as german nobility. You can recognize many of the german-jew nobility today, they often have colors in their surnames. Brown, red, green, blue, black, etc, and they are also often related to war or inanimate objects, shield, sword, stone, tree, money, house, etc. The true origin of these family names is unknown, but it is taught by scholars of judaism that many of our germanic names are over 3,000 years old and that they come from far more ancient ties between germanic people in the middle east and the hebrews. Armenia is believed to be the extent of ancient Ashkenaz and that is what Hitler wanted to reclaim, all the way to Israel, where the non-germanic jews would be relocated. The mindless genocidal nazis found around the internet are mutinous and dont carry the true ideas of Hitler.

>Many jews were adel and uradel ...

Immediately attainable?

the Jews we've come to know and hate come from eastern Europe/Eurasia, an later migrated to other parts of the world, intermarrying with other Europeans. The real semitic Jews were Aramaic, syriac, nomads from Jordan, etc.

Khazar Jews adopted the religion for personal gain. Over time their ethnicity and religion became synonymous

>And I would be surprised if Jews were any more overrepresented in Germany than they are in America now.

How are Jew overrepresented in the US? I thought that was just a Stormfag meme?

>Jewish nobility

Wait, what? Source?

Some medieval Italian families claimed Jewish origin but it was mostly a way to connect themselves to the origins of Christianity.

Members of the German Spartakusbund:

Karl Liebknecht German
Rosa Luxemburg JEW
Clara Zetkin JEW
Leo Jogiches JEW
Paul Levi JEW
Ernst Toller JEW
Eugene Levine JEW
Kurt Eisner JEW
Gustav Landauer JEW
Erich Muehsam JEW






The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW










This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/. Are you trying to say something?









So this is what /pol/ looks like huh










So much for non-shitposts.



>Juncker receives Kalergi prize 2014

>Van Rompuy receives Kalergi prize 2012

>Merkel receives Kalergi prize 2010




Trying to get an impression of the character of the yiddish people and their contribution to Germany and Western civilisation in general.

All I see is /pol/ shitposting. This is not how history works, user. If those pictures are as trustworthy as /pol/ pictures about the holocaust then they are completely worthless.

Don't reply to shitposters. It only encourages them.

If you dig far enough you'll find millions of people with jewish """"ancestry"""

I'm sure we're all related to Genghis Khan in some way, too. maybe Barbarossa. Who the fuck knows.

who gives a shit? schmidt was still one of the best Kanzler this country ever saw.

>Boris Becker
>literally a tennis player and tabloid fuckface

>completely worthless
When you ask hoaxers for evidence of a government conspiracy, pic related is the best they can come up with. Bear in mind that one murder in LA produced boxes of evidence, and they STILL couldn't pin a conviction on OJ.

Firstly, after you have got past the preparatory psy ops, these scraps are the best documentary evidence there is for the planned industrial scale murder of 6 million people, although there were far more within the reaches of the Reich. Really? That alone arouses suspicion.

>Josef Hell
Third hand hearsay of second hand hearsay from a literally who. It says, though, that Hitler intended to annihilate the jews by hanging in Marienplatz, Munich (millions of jews? really?) as soon as he got power. But as we know he didn't do anything of the sort.

>Joseph Goebbels' diaries
Discovered printed on glass plates in Soviet archives in the late 80s. Not even published till 1995 ( Enough said.

>Heinrich Himmler Posen speech
This is Heinrich Himmler's voice.

This is not Heinrich Himmler's voice.

However, assume the speech is genuine. What is it evidence for? What he says he intended to do wasn't put into practice over the course of the following three years.

>Eisatzgruppen report
We all know about the Einsatzgruppen. Jews were fighting as partisans and saboteurs, including thousands of jewish communists on the Eastern Front. Someone had to deal with them. It was a war.

Which leaves us with
>Letter sent to David Irving
So this is it? This is the evidence for the holocaust? Some jew sending a letter to David Irving third-hand reporting what Eichmann is second-hand reported to have said? Really? I wonder what else Eichmann had to say about the holocaust.

>The Holocaust in 10 seconds

>The Holocaust in 20 seconds



>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor


>Saxons are literally cousins of Ashkenaz
>Isaacson = Saxon
Wrong. The name Saxons for the Ingvaeonic confederacy of tribes derived from their main weapon, the seax or sax. This word derived from Proto-Germanic sahsą for dagger or knife, which in turn derived from PIE *sek- "to cut".
All those languages you listed are just varieties of Rotwelsch, which is medieval German thieves' cant.
>goths confirmed for yids!
Where the hell are you taking this conclusion from? What does Manisch have to do with Gothic or Goths?


Here, check out these.

Consider the story of Anne Frank.

>Anne, sister, mother, father transported to Auschwitz in September 1944 at the height of the holocaust
>live for two months together in Auschwitz
>Anne and sister both transported to Bergen Belsen
>both dead from typhus by March 1945
>mother dies from starvation in Auschwitz after a few months (she had been feeding her rations to her daughters)
>father and friends of family survive Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen to corroborate all this
>Otto Frank wrote numerous letters from Auschwitz to family in Switzerland during the war and gave numerous interviews after the war - no mention was ever made of gassings



>"I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear."

>"The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'"

>when /pol/ gets so buttblasted they dump their entire folder

Do they have some centralized database of this stuff, because it's always the exact same posts?

Shame there's no actual evidence to corroborate their claims, such as two LA's worth of human remains, or population statistics that don't contradict the claims, or any explicit documentary evidence from during the war.

>Jewish survivors describe life in Auschwitz

>swimming pool
>art classes
>forty-five thousand volume library
>special money
>six orchestras
>theatre, including children's opera and weekly Saturday review
>football field (next to the "gas chambers") with weekly games between inmates and SS
>fencing classes
>legal advice, including standing order that inmates could personally submit complaints to the commandant
>mail service
>education centre

>The last days of the big lie: Spielberg’s hoax

>american japanese internment camps ww2 japanese internment camps ww2&biw=2144&bih=1031&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUxsSMzLLPAhXHAMAKHQrcAFAQ_AUIBigB&dpr=0.9

They didn't find human skin lampshades but they did find pieces of human skin with tattoos. So yeah, there is some truth to these claims. Same with the soap.

>3. Based on the findings in paragraph 2, all three specimens are tattooed human skin.

Ok who invited the /pol/lack?

>he's pushing the completely discredited by all parties soap hoax
Thanks for doing my job for me.

>soap hoax

>implying there were commom laws in the HRE
Jews were living under the nominal protection of the king/emperor, since the emperor had most influence over free imperial cities/ Reichsstädte, it was there were most jews settled down. This led to a high urban concentration of jewish people in Germany. However this protection was far from secure, the city of Nürnberg for example razed the entire jew district as they were looking for a bigger market place inside of the town walls. Happenings like this made the jews very mobile, they were used to move away if things got unpleasant and because of that the jewish community was and is highly connected.

You should take the advice from your friends on (((wikipedia))) if you want to maintain credibility.

>But those of us working in this area have not used it as an example [of Nazi atrocity] in the last 10 to 15 years. We don't have any evidence that the Nazis actually manufactured soap with human bodies.

And try to resist the temptation to use wikipedia as a source.

>Israel, Jews, Zionists Seminar Takeover of Wikipedia Online Information to Implement Disinformation

Are you literally retarded?
>a limited quantity of the soap was produced on his order to clean autopsy rooms.
Do you even understand the difference? So yes, there is some truth to this rumor. Of course it wasn't manufactured, but there was one Nazi doctor experimenting with this.

>there is some truth to this rumor