Tea party edition!
Tea party edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
>TSM just following the script to make it less of a whitewash
>iF shitty unkillable assassin tanks aren't meta Unkillable actual tanks are meta
Top lane is cancer
>the NA LCS
reverse sweep fucking scripted confirm.
I was hoping for a poppy edition
poppy is THICC
Please ban Camille. Please ban Camille. Please ban Camille. FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK. BAN CAMILLE NEXT GAME
can i join the tea party?
I miss Irelia
> tfw you try to outplay your laner but they outplay themselves before you can
I don't bitch is cancer
Stop this. Poppy is not for your disgusting sexual desires.
>all this cam discussion makes me want to dust her off and play her again
Thanks lolg
How could I improve my build?
>tfw Tear items still exists
I can only P R A Y that Urgot's rework either gets
rid of the need for it, or make it so that I can press
my lead even if i do buy a 750g mana pot
Is Jensen OUR GUY?
>Tries too hard to make plays
>Tilts easily
and Veeky Forums isnt for namefagging
yet here you are
The healthiest yordle
>mfw we get le ebin tsm win in game 5
ruby sightstone for the item CDR
stop being gay
Zekes gives you a lot of crit chance, so you should sell zekes and buy an IE to use all of that crit chance to crit with the multiplier
>any team but SKT
Better than the Camille/Fizz/Fiora trifecta of aids going on right now.
fuck I totally forgot about this
How the fuck do i play new LeBlanc?I simply fail to kill anybody waiting 1.5 seconds is fucking awful.
then don't play her
gimme some stuff to masturbate to
>it's disgusting to be driven by biology to want to breed an unequivocally fertile, strong, sexually receptive partner
No it's just as bad. Her true damage bullshit combined with dealing a fuckton of damage with only TF was bullshit.
I was plat in season 5 and took a long break, came back today and can't win a single match against bronze and silvers
I guess I should just uninstall
Please. Compared to the bullshit of so many other top laners? And she doesn't even scale that well, she falls off super hard in the late game.
I'm a disenchanted irelia main, I literally can't play her anymore because she's in such a shitty spot right now.
The fact that I was 3/0 and a level up on a fiora and she still beat me just made me put her down until she gets reworked. The fact that a darius can kill me when I'm ahead of him, the fact that a camille can have more impact in a game, the fact that malphite can just press r and cuck my team. Whatever I had a good run with irelia, hopefully her rework makes her decent but not overplayed cancer.
is this a boy?
how big is his penis?
It's a girl(male)
I want to see TSM in the dumpster
>this entire shitshow
>that fucking pidgeon
clearly a woman faggot
Leblanc main here. I feel your pain.
Her true damage is flat though unlike garbage like Fiora and Camille. Literally build HP.
The ass looks very masculine.
>A bare nipple
rip user.
No man it's not just look at it
Source me my man
>be an old school jax and irelia main
>tfw power-creeped shit like fiora and camille invalidates you
just fuck my champion pool up senpai
leblanc was bullshit though when she was strong, though I will say she got overly gutted
irelia when she's strong still has tons of counters
no it isn't, look at the hips
i said masturbate
not PUKE
Stop that.
Back to neogaf for you
>just build HP
and what happens when she gets AS and psuedo scales it? if you think HP stacking beats a Fiora whos core item usually includes BORK or Rageblade depending on the matchup you are dumb boi
That smug look on her face gets me diamonds every time.
very nice
Uhm.But i want to as Azir is dead.
it's assbro
Camille's true damage is flat too
>Baron throws
>1v1 death wherewhere
>solo invades with no vision
>picked off with baron b4 u get to seige
First time watching lcs cus I live in korea is this series just bad or is this really the top level of play in NA?
Take the other two but leave her alone.
fuck off gook don't you have a draft to apply for faggot
>be velkoz/sion main
Fuck all of you whores.
I play my bois no matter the cost.
ur mum is flat
Who the fuck builds Rageblade on Fiora? Unless you mean Irelia in which the questions till remains who the FUCK builds Rageblade on Irelia?
Irelia is in a shit spot right now because Fiora/Fizz/Camille all do what she does even better. She also pretty much lost her passive after they gutted it.
I love this.
Yeah, it's always this bad.
my mom is dead asshole
>the casters are SO fucking biased that "tsm won the third game they just threw it"
fucking lol
how much do riot pay these shills
thats a cute lb but that hand is horrifying.
>Malzahar silences everyone just as kennen goes is
>No one on G2 can flash out
so she's even flatter now
Still better than EU lol
how much does bandlebitch pays you to shill her sketches?
Vel is immune to nerfs because nobody plays him
>people unironically think AD is better than AP
Did anyone mention how C9 were winning but threw it first?
more like this pls
Does tenacity reduce knock up
who /reversesweep/ here?
since when do ""we"" hate bandlebro?
casters get 50-60k a year so basically nothing