What happened in that box called maritime for the past 800 years or so?
I know a shitload of people live there but that is about it.
What happened in that box called maritime for the past 800 years or so?
I know a shitload of people live there but that is about it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>rice farming
>warring sea empires
>gold decorations everywhere
Aren't the Indonesians muslims?
Indonesia and Borneo had a bunch of Hindu and then Muslim Empires. Well, Indonesia has had two Hindu ones, then it broke up into tiny Muslim states. 1200s is the century of Major Islamic conversions.
Then the next big Maritime power was the Bruneian Empire (yes, that tiny Microstate today), which ran a sultanate that occupied the whole of Borneo and some subjects in the Philippines.
The Philippines was largely Greek City States/Vikings/Celtic Barbarians in that no single power ever held rule over there. The land was divided into local hegemons of tribal kingdoms of either pagan or muslim faith, in addition to semi-nomads, Chinese/Japanese pirates hanging in between them. Which is why it was first colonized as Spics basically set up shop in empty land and dabbled in local hegemonic/penis measuring contests with the local power brokers.
What ships did they use and how did they fight?
Now they are
1. They were Hindu Buddhist Kingomds
2. They are all related as Malay ethno cultural group
3. From 1500 on words they got Arabized and Spanishnized
4.Bali is the only place in the entire region that retains ancient culture, traditions, and beliefs. They even have a non-Latin alphabet :)
I'm pretty ignorant of the region myself, but I can say that you should check out wayang puppets. Indonesia has a proud traditional of kind of creepy shadow puppetry.
It's a relatively recent thing, historically speaking.
Read the first part of Beyond Belief by Naipaul if you're interested on islam in Indonesia (it's not an history book tho).
the srivijayans most likely used pic related. they dominated trade around the strait of mallaca and even had colonies as far as vietnam and madagascar
Thats like asking what kind of boats Eurobenises had. Of course there's shitloads of types.
The largest ship types probably can be found in the Borobodur reliefs in Indonesia, which shows cunts getting around in two masted galleys. But the traditional boats of most Maritime SEAsians are longboats with/without stilts, often with a single masted sail,
Pic related, an Iranun war party. Iranuns were a bunch of seafaring nomad-pirate race that ranged from Indonesia to Southern Philippines.
indon here
>srivijayan empire
>majapahit empire
>bunch of javanese kingdom
>bunch of eastern spice island kingdom
>bunch of muslim kingdom later on
which one do you want to know op
That one looks pretty badass.
How did say Indonesia look when the Dutch encountered it compared to how it looked when those empires were around?
Why didn't they get that strip along the coast on what I believe is Sumatra?
mountains senpai
west indonesia was split between buddhist vs hindu rivalry, like indochina was
brunei is not even big by any standard, they're just mid tier at best compared to other empires in java and sumatra
for one thing was that the major ports and sumatran/javanese were all muslims by that point with some exception and that we really didnt know much about how life goes during the srivijaya/majapahit era as they mostly built with woods with stone reserved for building temples and monument
east indonesia was improved and christianised since they're mostly tribals
west indonesia got rekt and most cities and kingdoms are destroyed / converted to european colony
bali is literal meme, not even relevant outside their island
>They even have a non-Latin alphabet
almost every other island had those
Why havent you Indons killed these things yet?
Do you happen to have it with dates or at least something similar?
Since most SEAsian "Empires" are pretty much hegemonic thalassocracies, i consider Brunei big since not only did they have Borneo, their tendrils extended to the philippines via hegemonic power.
Manila after all was founded because Brunei was butthurt about Tondo, a state that was leeching off Chinese trade off of Bruneian hegemonies in the Luzon island.
Wasn't manila founded by Spain?
the srivijayans starts from 500 to 1377
Yeah we kinda do everything to get our hands on nasi goreng.
>And we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling westerners
Manila was a thing. Spics just built a western city on top of it.
Basically it was a vassal puppet state of Brunei until Brunei declined, and they hoofed it on their own as an independent Kingdom and a rather powerful local hegemon. It was quite powerful that Spain's initial attacks on it failed. Only in 1570s - this time, with Christianized native subjects and allies- did Spain managed to subjugate Manila.
brunei is not even relevant prior to islamisation in 1500s, even after they don't even have large real cities like in other islands
they're maritime trader / pirate state tier at best, not as worst as tribals, but not as good as other former hindu/buddhist states
>Joyoboyo is remembered for a prophecy that Indonesia would be ruled by a white race for a long time, then a yellow race for a short time, then be independent. His reign was also a golden age of Old Javanese literature.
Please don't call us Spics, thank you.
time for nap time instead of working, spic
old photos could be really helpful to predict what the architecture looks like, since most remains still survive well after 19th century, and the architecture doesn't really change after islamisation
My aunt is Javanese so our family has a bunch of these
i would guess that the layout and plan of medieval cities in java and sumatra are pretty similar, and could be seen in cities like yogya, solo, palembang i.e. based around alun-alun style square
the architecture would be less dutch influenced, of course. major cities are surrounded by walls, most are dismantled in 18-19th century
ordinary dwellings would be mostly build out of wood and bamboo, with houses built on stilt typology, each ethnic have their own specific style
though they become muslim, many retain and mix it with local animism, hindu-buddhist guardian statues are still commonly used in many houses and buildings until islamic reformism in 1920s
We can.
From the 1500s-1700s most Spanish people in the Philippines were losers from the Americas who couldnt get land/position there, and so settled in what is essentially a dangerous, undesirable posting, since the Spaniards in the Philippines did not hold many advantages versus the natives and local powers like Japan or China.
the architecture style is influenced by hindu-indians and later by china, since the place is where these two culture meet for spice trade
mosques are built in style closer to hindu-buddhist temple than to ME style domed mosque, after islamic reformism and arabism, the practice is stopped and some of the mosque even converted to arabic style architecture
I post old pictures because basically, almost none of these structures are left or not in ruin, indonesia really suck at preserving history aside from the touristbucks classical hindu-buddhist temples
some buillding have completely dissapear only record of it are left
>islamic reformism
Sounds more like arabic culture cucking then a theological reform.
Is there some backlash against this now or did you never went through a phase of national romanticism?
Those "things" are the foundation of Island Southeast Asian and Oceanian maritime culture.
Spice Islands is the basis of it all.
there's some backlash but people never knew value to lean back to, since indonesia is multicultural, historical romanticism would basically mean balkanisation, so its taboo even
never went through, we did have nationalistic phase in the 50s but even that is civic and communistic in nature, think mao style nationalism but less harsher
i think thailand has that phase, and is the best at preserving culture in SEA
It is more Arabization than Islamization. Why would they need Islamization if they're already a Muslim.
Nowadays, Nusantara culture (Malaysia/Indonesia/Brunei/Singapore/Southern Pinoy) is in declining because there is a rise of Islamic fundamentalist teaching during the 80's and it persists to today. Basically following the Arabic model and thought anything culturally tied to their land is haram. So their culture is slowly losing significance because they claim that it's syirik or something.
As of now, no. Nobody has the guts to revive something they consider national pride. Indonesia did and to be fair, it persists. It's still common to do old Hindu/Buddhist symbolism there. But fundamentalism persist and they want every Muslims to follow Arabic culture, which is a bad thing because Arabic culture is shit.
Bali is one of the few places where they actually still use it
It's Christmas bastards like you that have been runining SE Asia for centuries. Thankfully they're usually tribalfags that no one cares about
how do they get destroyed? demolished for urbanization? or destroyed by moslems or dutch invaders?
or just fell apart?
what are you even saying? tribes have preserved the most culture. Balinese music is grand.
Kill yourself Abos and their cousins in Indonesia are wild animals.
various reasons, some are destroyed by dutch and brits, some are replaced/renovated into western style building, few left but are badly neglected like
most of buildings i posted are from 16-19th century, build by muslims, muslims here are (traditionally) more tolerant, they're not iconoclast, and don't view hindu/buddhism hostilely, early islamic preacher mix islam with local god worship for example
why on stilts?
Most traditional Indonesian house is on stilts, only javanese & balinese don't use stilt house.
The space under usually used for live stocks.
We keep them for the diversity cred and as a balancing force against the more Islamic western parts of the country. If not for them we'd be turning to a caliphate just like Malaysia right now.
t. Indon
i think its reminiscent of early tribal jungle houses, when people began to build house, they do it in the middle of forrest, so they need to make it very high to protect from various animals and diseases
as people began to build cities, the stilt got lower like in and become more of an architectural vocabulary than a functional necessity, used thorough SEA
some speculated that the form was brought by prehistoric austroasian and austronesian settler from east asia, which explain its similarity with stilt architecture of japan and korea
They bring indonesia down
I rather we be constituonal monarchy like malaysia