/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Purged: >A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

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>Co-Op & PvP

/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Password = /bbg/
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

Reminder not to reply to tripfags.


>inb4 vilecucks say they're redpilled

What's he looking at, /bbg/?

Vilebloods are super duper redpilled

Game dead yet?



im a pretty princess :^)
eileen and a bagman making out :^)
if by redpilled you mean cucks

I got into this game really late, did everybody else already move on?

nope :)

Annalise is my queen and yours too!

Bloodletting beast didn't seem nearly as cancer as loran darkbeast to me. Everything about the boss just made sense imo

Bear in mind I just did the story chalices

You were saying?

no user, no she isnt

We still going strong


oh hello 2nd machine you little cutiepatootie :^)
>1 second apart posts

>2 Meme Machines
Truly an Insightful experience
Annalise is the head of the bourgeoisie, keeping the working class under her thumb by way of private security enforcers. Through the joining of a close-knit group of workers, a League if you will, an cooperation with local and foreign law enforcement elements sympathetic to the cause, namely constables, the yoke may be thrown off that the means of production may be seized from the wealthy elite and returned to the hands of the common hunter.
BB is actually Marxist propaganda, this is my new joke theory.

Hello original, let's keep it synchronized.

The problem is the headless version of it on FRC, because you'll fight it a billion times trying to get a decent abyssal while it oneshots you with its australia sized hitboxes.

>when it walks up to you super fast and then stomps
>the hitbox on the elbow smash
>the vermin with its 0 startup charges

The timeline at mensis is something like

>find yharnam
>she's preggo
>get third cord
>conduct mensis ritual
>mergo comes down and sticks them all in a nightmare
>the communication results in the "stillbirth of their brains" aka the mother brain
>micolash stays there howling and being a memester
>rom hides ritual which is still ongoing
>kill Rom
>ritual keeps going since mergo is still alive
>kill mergo and everything stops

That about right?

Well, it's time to go. Purging.

i love the 2nd machine because hes always deleted his posts etc the same as me, the only difference is he uses proper grammar

>he saved it


Remember to vote

>mergo comes down and sticks them all in a nightmare
I thought they all entered the nightmare willingly since they're all dead in the same room.


You're goddamn right it's Kos you beastly idiot.

Is the boss named Orphan of Kosm?
Is the weapon named Kosm Parasite?

I don't think so.


yeah, kosM as in CosMos
>calling US beastly

youre so deep i just wanna fuck you

More like KosM as in KosMom where are my tendies because Kosmfags are all blathering autists.

This guy gets it.

ur gay

we've settled this dispute already



No, pretty sure Yharnam is my queen.

Ahh, let us speak feverishly of...new ideas of a higher plane! The cosmos! Of course!



It's kind of a cult classic at this point.
Doesn't have any new installments or content, but I still know plenty of people that are still into it and talk about game play, lore, etc.

can anyone help me with ludwig? ringing at fog door, pass is bbg

>Doesn't have any new installments or content
>Old hunters dropped nov 2015
I guess its not "new"


>Micolash said "some said Kosm" without any hostility, it's just a thing
>anons go to war about it


yeah that was crazy fast, thanks user

Yahar'gul hunters are underrated and underrepresented. My next character going to be one, mark my words.


lorefags get on it

Is 40/10 vit/end with runes enough for lv98?

getting online to procrastinate studying material science

anyone want to spelunk with me? i am weak and not gud

Deer Gook Deer?


What are the best scaling SKL weapons for a 50 SKL build with little STR investment. BoM, Cane what else?

Chikage users are transcendent ubermensch

Please explain Mensis to me I am dumb

burial blade
I think you should get a little arc as well


Chikage users are literal subhuman garbage and should be dragged out into the streets and shot.

t. Chikage user

Anyone up for some fun co ops in Research Hall? Pass is bbg

How much BLT for a chikage build?

I want to do a SKL or BLT build next, which one givrs me more variety, 50 SKL with some arcane or SKL + BLT?
Also is the Saif any good?


fetic central pthumerian labyrinth layer 3


password is bbg

Bloodtinge has dickall for variety and the Chikage has possibly the least variety of any of the bloodtinge weapons, seeing as its only good moves are the unzips. Bowblade might be boring, but at least it has a usable untricked mode. Bloodletter is crazy good though, so if you build for bloodtinge I'd advise using it.

Skill has Saif, Reiter, Church Pick, Burial Blade and a variety of other weapons of varying levels of fun, including the Saw Spear, Rakuyo and Blade of Mercy. It also has the easiest gem farm of any build, since you only need 27% gems from Watchers unless you want to get thrust adepts for Church Pick. Don't have to bother with offshapes, abyssals, secondaries, nothing. Just visceral a bunch of fatties until you're rolling in gems.

I'd advise you go for skill and splash enough bloodtinge to use the Reiter, because that thing is phenomenal, especially in conjunction with a longer reaching weapon like Church Pick or Burial Blade to compensate for its shorter range.

Just don't be a Vileblood, that's all any of us will ask of you.

You forgot to mention that all the best weapons in the game are SKL based, and when used well will dominate every other weapon in the game. So if you want 90% winrates against anyone not using the same build as you, SKL is the way to go.

you still comin?

otherwise i wanna help this guy?

tried SRRCing

Between the Saif, the Saw Spear, the Reiter and viscerals yeah, skill really does have the best shit. Bloodletter is very good as well, and you could make an argument for Kos Parasite, but it's pretty ridiculous how pushed skill is.

Are you fucking retarded? The Chikage has not only immense aesthetic and mystic beauty, but also outdamages almost every weapon in the game in a single, devastatingly fast strike, as frightening as it is elegant.
This is only due to the wondrous properties of bloodtinge, a man with fifty bloodtinge has enormous presence and powerful swordsman's aura and is capable of slaying any beast or hunter in that single, portentous stroke following the sheathing of the blade, and when his prey attempts to flee they will receive only the most inglorious and craven of deaths from the barrel of his monstrously destructive, yet beautiful Evelynn.
Don't disparage the chikage in such a repulsive fashion in my presence ever again, or I'll deliver swift and thunderous justice from the blade of my katana.

dang ive been waiting here for some time now....wonder if i should reload

um well can i go to you?

just looking to play with someone

yeah maybe, still using SRRC

It's really the only build worth playing, in both PvP and PvE.

what is SRRC?

i thought it was small resonant bell but the acronym doesnt fit

short ritual root chalice

did you share dungeon?

ah the quick co-op tomb stone

umm well i am now ringing again

fetid pthumerian central labyrinth layer 3
password is bbg

I actually love Yarhargul and the way the Yarhargul hunters look.
I think the issue is that it's hard to determine how to properly make one.
The church and choir have a lot of dedicated lore and weapons, powder kegs have awesome techno gadgets, executioners have the wheel and the glove and shit, but unfortunately Yarhargul hunters aren't mentioned much in the lore, and the weapons they seem to wield are pretty random and don't follow a concise pattern, which indicates they most likely pilfered them from other hunters. Which is neat and all, but makes it hard to determine how to go about making one that really screams 'unseen village faction rep'.

Scholars, madmen, memes.

So the Cleric Beast descends from the Cathedral Ward if you approach the closed gate on the main bridge.

But since it is optional, you can just ignore the bridge, go straight to Gascione and enter the Ward via the sewer below the Oedon Chapel. Yet, if you go to the plaza directly above the bridge where the ball and chain giant is, the beast will not turn up.

I'd explain it lorewise with the beast having been the original gate keeper. So its faint remaining sense of duty still causes it to throw a fit if someone is approaching the gate, but it does not care if you are already in the Ward.

I'd also have liked it if you could see where the gate is leading. It goes below the Ward, so there must be some sort of main building where citizens could enter the Ward proper.

We really need a BB-2

But it just ain't coming, right? From is working on other stuff

How about you run around with another user dressed as a Choir member, but only with the blindfold on, everything else naked, like a gimp.

if you want to write more, ill keep reading it.

They kept their lid shut about "Project Beast" for quite a while, and no one believed they would produce a console exclusive.

Who knows what the contract with Sony says though?

SKL definitely seems more fun. 50 SKL 25 ARC ?

>It goes below the Ward, so there must be some sort of main building where citizens could enter the Ward proper.

There is. If you go from the Oedon chapel lamp to the area with the Ball and Chain giant, there's a path to a room with tons of urns. There's a locked door there, and on the other side of that door is the Cleric Beast arena. That door is permanently locked which drives me nuts.

But I don't think they can work on 4 games at once. (They hinted at 3 games that they are working on, and it doesn't sound like any of them can be Bloodborne 2)

I am aware of that door, and it makes sense for those who want to go above the gate straight away. But where does the big gate lead to? Having such a tiny door as the main entrance to an entire district of such a big city is odd.

Then again, I don't think Yharnam is the type of town to spend much on its planning department. Probably paid them in blood.

Is the balance really that bad?

what if they just gave us DLC but it was all Old hunters tier

Hi, I just got the game on ps4 pro and i have two...questions

Is it normal that i get kinda shitty graphics and fps? Expecially in some battles i get huge fps drops. Graphics are kind of...muddy, blurry, or is it just because it's a game made too early into console life?

Is it normal that there is shitload of paths and diffirent routes i find that lead me in seemingly diffirent parts of the town and im not sure which way to go or i just have topographical cretinism? I thought that birdge boss from demo is the first boss i should fight but i somehow ended up with Gehrman first (or who's the hunter boss at the cemetary).

FPS drops are common
You skipped cleric beast, go back to the bridge
Close the thread and play it blind, just explore as much as you want

>Yharnam's planning
>There's a gate right outside Gascoigne's house
>And a 30 foot ladder all the way down next to it

I know level design >>>> realistic city planning, so I justify it in my head that everything was built super fast, feverishly but with enough devotion for beautiful details (just take a look at every ladder's carvings). The kind of devotion you get when you know for sure that Gods are fucking real.

>so I justify it in my head that everything was built super fast, feverishly but with enough devotion for beautiful details

Yeah. Like with the entrance to Old Yharnam where they put a chapel on top of the side of another chapel and sealed the stairs down with a tomb that has to be moved by a mechanism.

It's no wonder that other countries and towns consider Yharnamites to be nutty. Travel reports must be full of the respective author's astonishment and mockery.

Jesus Christ my dick

well done my dude

That's a rakuyo without the hilt blade.

what if the waking world and the nightmare and dream are just part of a much, much larger nightmare

>Who knows what the contract with Sony says though?
I know what it says, it says "keep giving us exclusives and we'll keep letting you use Japan Studio."