>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Tharja a best and canon
Lute a Best
Azura a shit
shut up nerd
Yo we can get more of Robin and Navarre
kissless virgin (lol
Azura a best
with my toilet
Rhys is my husband!
Shut up, Mia.
>defeat Navarre lunatic with Daraen
>defeat Daraen lunatic with Navarre
>These Grand Hero Battle quest rewards
More FRobins and Navarres, huh?
Tharja is a literal turd
>had an uneven number of feathers
>waiting for the refresh to happen
>quickly tap on visiting character to get an uneven amount of feathers
>get exactly 1 to have 1270 total
Also I really fucking hate leveling this guy.
>not 5-starring all the starters
>Playing 3v4 in GHBs now. All my starters at 2-3*
I'm happy for you, Titania.
>use navarre and robin to make the killing blow on narvarre and robin
Lawd bless Jafclose and his knife of making anything die when you next tickle them
Reposting for assistance:
>Using Navarre: Scarlet Sword, defeat a level 40 or higher Navarre: Scarlet Sword
Thank fuck I've got a whole week to train up this shitter, just so he can literally kill himself
i love you
I'm going to wait for based Mkv to come up with a plan again.
>fuck Silque roughly
>her posse of Dread Fighters are watching giving you tips
Do you prefer Tharja with Libra or Stahl?
Thank you user
>Kys: The Quests
Should I even bother holy shit
Rolled 5* Hana and 5* Linde, should I reroll?
Reminder that Alm is a pansy lightweight whose own wife would outdrink him.
Wow, I sure am excited to go through ridiculously hard challenges get more copies of shitty heroes who don't even have good skills to pass on.
At least now I know I'll get two more Ursulas.
Goddammit IS, stop shilling the starter 3 already!
I hate Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. All 3 of you!
i leveled mine up to 40 thinking i might need him as an arena bonus unit and he's honestly the worst unit I've ever used, probably the hardest quest there
>killed my decently trained 4* FRobin to give Rein Blue Tomebreaker like 2 days ago
On the plus side, I now have spares so I dont feel as bad about killing her. But fuuuuuck training these 2 is gonna suck
So with 2 spare Blue Tomebreakers who gets them?
Julia? Cake? someone else? I dont have Nino.
Give their IVs.
I always pair Tharja with my MU
If they have good IVs you should be fine.
>only girl who doesn't like sweet things
>one of two that loves her alcohol
Best woman.
>unleveled Alfonse, Sharena, FemRobin, Navarre
>quests forcing me to use them
keep even with bad ivs
Linde is pretty much a god no matter what her IVs are. Hana is also good but you gotta give her some skills before she becomes great.
>Using Navarre: Scarlet Sword, defeat a level 40 or higher Navarre: Scarlet Sword.
Satania is cute! CUTE!
If Linde is -SPD reroll.
>tfw 2v4'd Robin with Cecilia and Ursula while keeping Alfonse and Navarre in the back doing nothing
git gud
>orb that i will never get
-Atk is still salvagable. -Spd is trash.
>they didn't make a Lunatic version of FRobin's map
Probably because IS is lazy, but it's still rather weird.
>Trying to kill F Robin with F Robin
>Keep accidentally killing her with everyone else
Fuck, that was harder than it should be.
I like Hana
t. newfag
>do Naverre the exact way I did it the first time
>units move differently because of FRobin
Weird as fuck
>kill lunatic navarre with frobin
Jesus fuck
So I assume it's better to just reload the lunatic training towers for navarre rather than trying to do his shitstage with navarre?
I guess on the plus side all the other GHBs are decent aside from maybe Narshen.
what is f robins map based on? i don't remember awakening too well anymore
Even if I don't have them promoted(like the two star Robin I had from way back) I leveled everyone to 40 just because, really glad I did so now.
t. person who can't read
And I was hoping they would too, so I could get easy HM with her.
>go from having one F!Robin to having four of them in a span of five minutes
If you can't figure out the IVs screen shot em and post em here.
>quest force you to kill with them to get orbs
Trust no one, not even yourself
>people complaining about unpromoted starters
It's your own damn fault for not paying attention to the better units in the game dumbasses.
what chapters in story mode had navarte and f robin? i feel like the lunatic levels are easier than ghb
Do I sacrifice this yandere bitch to Hector for some or do I actually use her?
it doesn't even matter because you still only need them for the low tier maps that get solo'd anyways
The ones that give you orbs require them dealing the last blow on Robin/Navarre
maybe it's just too late for me to think, but are you saying alphonse and sharena are some of the better units in the game
It can be the Hard version. Lunatic Navarre has to be killed by Navarre though.
>Sacrificing this qt
kys my dude
4-5, 5-1.
>Alfonse, Sharena and Anna are the better units in the game
What did he mean by this
>kill yourself quests
I'm waiting for Mkv's videos
hey sharena's pretty good
Sharena is a solid blue lance. Alphonse is shit though.
Yes, Sharena is objectively superior Lancer than Ephraim.
Why is Navarre wearing pantyhose on his arms?
They're mediocre to awful and take far more work to make good than any other unit.
t. redditors
I thought Navarre needed to kill a level 40 Navarre?
dang, i thought for sure navarre showed up again in chapter 9 and f robin in 8
Navarre isn't an unpromoted starter, and is not relevant to the conversation
Sharena and Anna aren't outright terrible to be fair.
Alfonse really is though, shitty bootleg Chrom right down to the stats.
am I about to hear some bullshit about how threaten atk 2 matters next
>Use F Robin to defeat level 40 Navarre
Oh fuck, if the story version don't count then oh fuck.
Ephraim only loses to Effie for best lancer
Why do we even have to use her? She's like Robin without the things that make Robin not complete crap.
Hone attack 2 on a weapon is objectively shit when shit like Light Breath+ exists.
>have to raise both Navarre and F Robin for orbs
Y'know what? I don't think I even give a shit. Not worth the effort. Hell I don't even care about getting another of either of them.
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
>my Kagero leaves him with 1 hp
I can do it but the fucking ninjas keep ruining it
Nothing in life is worth doing since we're all going to die anyway
So what's the strat this time? Bring my Pain staff healer to weaken the boss before I send in Frobin?
What makes male Robin not complete crap outside of countering the most irrelevant color in the game?
Speed is what drags down cuckphraim while Effie is stuck with 1 mobility. They can't do shit in defence while being really only good at one thing: dealing damage.
Is Faye the most beautiful Echoes girl?
At least Navarre, even if he's nothing special compared to other reds is okay. And comes at 4*. I'm not spending 2,000 feathers on FRobin just so she can kill something.
cymbeline is the one that boosts the relevant stat, and still both of those will sometimes have zero targets in range (targets that also won't kill you in return), which makes them not so good
>it's not enough that FRobin is iredeemable garbage as a unit
>let's lock orbs behind her too