Cuddle ALL the Lulus edition!
Cuddle ALL the Lulus edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for lulu is shit
5th for dota is better
I want to swim in a sea of Lulus!
It's Lulufag thread
Is Sona self conscious about her bust?
Please spoonfeed me cute Xayah art
xth for Rumble
xth for beating Lulu's face in
did u come up with that from what i suggested in prev thread
Vlad is better looking than Lulu t b h
good feel
why keep japs over chinks? Literally why?
>inb4 anime
At least we both agree koreans are a disease on this planet and should go extinct. Fucking gooks
Why are they so perfect?
You should build redemption on her but not as first item
go Mikael's into Redemption into Ardent for best results
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
original idea
>Just had a Yasuo change my experience in my series
Lulu is my STAR!
I am fucking weird
I always play Lee full tank with mobility boots, and by full tank i mean full tank. Cinderhulk and such. I always found it weird how people go shit like full AD on him. unless you are a fucking god at him.
Did anyone try this? i Have pretty decent sucess on him in Plat III
I fap to this
Why would you do this? I see absolutely no reason to do this
Did you not see the fucking ratio on his ult?
xth for Syndra
I wanna HUG Lulu and KILL her haters!
Because full tank lee still is impossible to deal with as an AD and he doesn't get obliterated in half a second.
+ you can go cinderhulk titan like on WW
What's your IGN? You're not Meriipu are you? Meriipu was never this rude.
>there are people who don't build crit on Master Yi
Fucking why
really makes me think
Almost like % health damage on basically every auto ramps up your damage numbers or something hmmmmmm
Crit is fucking expensive
you generally go crit if youre fed
these stats dont mean shit
and championgg is shit for thats anyway
bork rageblade os objectively the superior build
also where the fuck my cosmic yi at
>tfw you miss her
Pls bring back Janna user.
Lulu is my BITCH!
I am her RAPER!
is it ok to play a lot of fizz as a low level player?
im worried he'll teach me to rely on his nimble fighter passive in laning
Why would you want that avatarfagging piece of shit back
We're in a golden age of champfags right now aside from Lulufag
avoiding decay bets
Because his ratios mean you fucking murder any squishy early in the game.
lategame full tank is better because only kick actually matters but before that AD is far better.
Yes her. She was one of my favorite posters.
She was really nice and would encourage me in game if I was doing bad.
if it's a champion you enjoy just keep playing him and don't worry. i'd be more worried about the fact that Fizz has a shit ton of mobility and can get you out of sticky situations pretty easily which might make you play like a retard
Red team win.
What do you mean? The "go through minions" thing? I'd be more worried about you becoming too used to the mobility cancer than anything else
go ask for her to be your friend outside of the gen, she was just another shitposter here
Who are you? I can do that for you buddy
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
No one shall know my IGN unless i start playing again to dunk y'all
Didn't she have her pics leaked and that's why she quit lolg because we found out she's a tranny? Anyone have her pics?
nah i also play a lot of adc so that'll teach me the importance of positioning
thanks for advice
Rakan is absolute fucking cancer a d literally lee sin with some tweaks to fit in support lane
ooo her(male(female(male)))
I want to impregnate Lulu's small body with octiplets
>do no damage all game instead of only late game
healthy diet
best genetics
I already have her added she just hasn't been online in a really long time. Do you have her Facebook or something?
it wasnt a leak, someone asked for the pics and he posted them willingly
>Unless I want to start playing again
so you are Meriipu, because he quit recently AND is EUW Lulufag, you can't hide from me!
yeah i meant the "go through minions" thing
but i play a lot of immobile champs too
It's faggots like you who don't let the support role be strong and cool.
Shouldn't you be playing Janna right now you NA massive turd?
Watch the first clip. How was there no remake after this shit?
If you dont want to watch the video, bjergsen double ulted in game 5 last night
That's too bad, because she's mine
>watching tyler1
>get into draven
>absolute shit with him
>know that I could do better spamming jhin
>he's still the most fun adc on the game
How is this possible? How's he the only champ that actually feels fun to play in bot? Explain anons
I miss him so much
this isn't a legitimate doujin.. right?
Onus was on C9 to bring staff attention to it.
Because neither team asked for one and it didn't double the damage, just spread it between two targets.
Quality Riot coding
It's one being made by Toffubear but one page a month
>first time Xayah in ranked
>playing passive supports in 2017
>being happy over mpre mobility cancer
Are you retarded? Do you think that thresh, naut, blittz and brand are weak?
Lulu is the smuggest! THE SMUGGEST!
i quit a year ago when i built myself a new PC and could finally play modern games (and my huge-ass steam backlog), there was just no point in sticking with outdated shit like League
Fuck off already
seems good, thanks for giving me something to look forward to in my life
Asking again cus new thread
Is anyone else having performance issues since last patch? 2 weeks ago I'd run at a pretty stable 110 FPS + at all times, now it hovers around 70-80 and drops as low as 30 in fights.
I haven't changed any settings and my other games run fine so I don't think it's any part of my computer fucking up
Probably didn't notice, or if they noticed they realized that it's not like it killed someone extra or something like that.
add me on steam meriipu, so I can bully your ass
how do i play against rakan as a support
Why are Sona and Ahri paired so much
Consider suicide for the first 25 minutes of the game.
My fps are slightly worse but nothing too severe.
She's pretty cute for a tranny. Iirc it was just a screencap of her posting on soc. I would smash.
> try to outplay enemy lane
> they outplay themselves before you can
Lulu skin when???
because big tits and slutty fox
worst Ekko skin
wasnt even close
how's fizz's late game
even more *splat* than zed though you can splat multiple people if you have zhonyas and shit
its about as good as you are at hitting big fish
He's cancer the whole game. I wish I vould ban him but therw's even worst cancer in this game
Grouping isn't a magic fix all.
Learn your team comp before you tell people to group like a dumbass.
He's cancer throughout the entire game. It doesn't even matter if you miss the fish because they've done a power shift from his R to his Q and W. You can flash the Q damage but you can't flash the W because it's an auto that can critically strike. Magic Damage Crits are cancer and should not exist.
The only people that ask their team to group are the retards that are in bronze, silver and low gold and they only ever usually play ARAM.
It doesn't crit the bonus damage is just what the fucking ability is.
"ACTIVE: Fizz's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage. If the target has been marked for at least 2 seconds, the damage dealt is tripled."
i thought zed had a bad late game
thanks for convincing me
Oh wow so it's even more cancerous than I thought and there is no way to reduce the damage using Randuins' Passive? Amazing balance right there.
Back to abusing fizz I go.
I've watched tournament players pull the exact same shit.
Seriously, those guys have no idea what a "team comp" is aside from "These guys have big numbers."
zed only has bad teamfighting, not bad lategame
now imagine you're zed, but with MORE mobility, and TWO zhonyas
that's fizz
Here my dude i wrote this fizz guide since fizz carried me through plat -> dia so this is my guide
how to play the fish of much avoidance and many damages
Incredible damage Mid-game and Late-game
Untargettable and can disjoint almost every skill in the game
No unit collision due to passive
Causes lots of confusion in teamfights
Small champion model and exagerated walking animation make juking enemy skillshots a bit easier
Requires both gold and levels to stay relevant
Level 1...
There are two ways to play around the first wave and it depends on your opponent.
In ranged matchups take E and wait until all 3 melees are low health, then E and get all three melees.
Before you E act like you are going in to last hit the minions so maybe your opponent will walk up into their minion wave. If you can land E on your opponent while at the same time get the 3 melee minions you have gained a large advantage.
Getting the caster minions will be very difficult unless the opponent is not harassing you, but if they do harass you they will be pushing and so just be patient. Give up caster minions if your opponent will attack and use a spell on you for just one minion kill.
In melee matchups you want to get level 2 first so start with W and start attack a minion. Two or three attacks on one minion, then last hit that minion. Attack another minion once and just do last hits from there so you aren't pushing too hard that you get stuck at the opponent's tower.