>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Azura is shit.
Azura a best
That's, um...
Canon waifu!
Last night was the most shameful and painfully obvious display of Lucina Falseflagging ive ever seen.
This. Terrible, folks. Embarrassing. America should be ashamed.
I second this. It looks like noborhys, but I couldn't find this by him, nor anything by searching for Catria.
>implying Lucinafags aren't just that retarded
Look on pixiv.
>useless titties actually not useless for the first time in months
Imagine that.
(lol mentallyillfags
Uhh have fun with that frumpMU quests I guess
Yeah, keep trying to force your narrative, dipshit.
asked at the end of the last thread:
I have 3 Tiny Hands, none of which are +atk. If I merge them all right now for a +2 and then get a +atk one later, can I merge the +2 into the fresh one for +3? Or does it become +1?
The merges transfer. Skills also transfer fully learned so teach two of those Reinhardts skills before you merge them into the third for more SP.
He becomes +3.
Not hard to "force" it when Lucinafags act retarded on a daily basis.
Donnel x Nephenee country hick RODEO when?
Fake news. Falseflaggers have just been so prevalent that you've taken their actions as gospel and now you think all Lucina enthusiasts are retarded (an adjective that should be more reserved for Azurashits)
You have not actually legitimately interacted with a real Lucina enthusiast since 2015.
>all these people that can't beat Lunatic GHBs or GHB quests without using a dancer
Damn you sure showed him!
*tips tinfoil trilby*
I want the next pair of lords to be a bowlord whose legendary weapon is a fucking bow instead of a goddamned sword(goddamit Kaga) and a axe cav because Lex/Brighton/Titania, but I know we'll just get yet another fucking sword lord because it's the safest option.
Wow with posts like these who could think Lucinafags are retarded?
They are not the ones eating bait like mongoloids and being played by /feg/ resident shitposters, so you're somehow even more retarded.
I wouldn't mind if the next lord wielded paizuri as a weapon
Believe me, i care that you were able to.
>every single retarded Lucinafag on every community (of which there is a metric shitload of retarded Lucinafags) just happens to be a falseflagger
Why can't you just accept your waifu's fanbase is complete cancer
should i post my butt
pls resbond
Why is modern IS so retarded? Why doesn't Echoes show what support bonuses characters get?
>Lucina enthusiast
Jesus Christ kill yourself.
Lucinafags don't bait
They're actually this stupid
Just see
No. Why would you be able to do that?
When will sages get their knives back?
Case in point here:Look how easy ""people"" fall for obvious bait.
Soon because Heroes needs to add more trash to the colorless pool.
how do people get route locked weapons and skills in all files?
celica can use magic and knives
>this post
About the same time Griffon riders come back, which will be never.
Fuck that noodle arm faggot
when will the nip do a run for the GHB quests? Fucking Navarre hits like a wet noodle and ruins my whole team
Rewards from battles and visits and you can buy from stores in other peoples castles.
What was your strat?
Alright, and your 100% that that one shitposter is a Lucinafag because?
>olwen left Navarre at 8HP because she sucks
>4* Navarre does 8 damage to GHB version
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
>cleared the quest with no units
Tsundere smiles are the brightest and warmest thing ever, and they're worth more than the goldest gold!
What kind of panties does she wear?
Because why would people lie on the internet?
Sorry I only have Thundercock who oneshots Navarre because he doesn't suck like his sister
I've got a beef with hidden information in general, I fucking love SRPGs but goddamned is the genre riddled with hidden info for no reason.
I used my ninian boosted tiki to absorb his hits and wittle him down to the point that Navarre could kill him
The world would be a better place if all Lucina, Tharja, and Severafags dropped dead.
Coming back after not playing for a little bit. Inheritance makes the arena annoying as fuck.
Oh. Is that how you grind supports too?
For reference. You need 39 blue magic damage twice to drop him to 8 HP.
Robin is pretty weak so a neutral Robin with Swordbreaker could also do it.
Welp, I better add Ursula and Narcian to my 'must train' list. I missed the 4* and 3* version of them, respectively, so it'll be nice to get some revenge.
Yes. Go crazy cheatfag.
Also promotion doesn't seem to affect how much experience points you gain since my Myrmidon Saber just gained about 40 experience points from from a Level 1. Bandit. All this does is make grinding easier.
for all the shit you give the guy he's actually pretty decent for a 4 star unit
like, at least he's not sheena or whatever
>Navarre doesn't die in one round
This was easy since he could somewhat fight himself
The AI in the DS games is probably the worst in the series. They just blindly charge towards you and suicide on your units. In the older games, I've seen enemies run away to escape your attack range and use a vulnerary.
>haven't rolled a single Jagen and have been playing since day 1
how is this possible?
Zephiel is cracking me up with his dialouge
Fates AI does a decent job of attacking with 2 units, though.
I got my first Odin the other day and I've opened more blue orbs than I can remember. Easily my most opened color, I have 7 Shanna's from opening so much blue.
Only other blue tome I have is Ursula sadly. I will try to see if she doesn't oneshot him too. Thanks for the advice.
How the fuck are you supposed to beat Robin's GHB?
horse emblem
>olivia and thundershtood can two-man lunatic navarre
not surprised
I was pulling for an odin or nino since day 1. Didn't get any of either until this banner when I pulled three of the guy.
That said, Ursula or Reinhardt for Cav memes? No other 5* cav units and I'm already satisfied with my current arena team.
>reinhardt kills axe
>survives mages
>kills lance
>someone else kills Robin
>mages attack Reinhardt and die to vantage
>Came here for info and news about the series
>Stayed for the memes and stuff
>Now my main reason for staying is for laughing at the nonsense that goes on in this general
play with level 40 characters.
The sad truth is that you're going to have one character get gangraped by 3 units, one of each colour. I used young Tiki and then had her run back while mages picked off the other units from behind the walls.
Absolutely no idea how I'm going to get the final blow with FRobin to get that orb though. Probably just going to give up on it.
these quests make me want to kill myself
Both. Reinhardt has the only Goad until Camus is released.
Rein if you want it quick and easy
Ursula if you're willing to go all the way and get her a bladetome
I just sat Effie in the middle there and had a Rehabilitate healer behind her until she cleared the melee guys. It's easy from there. I do have a +res Effie though, which probably was key for it working.
Felicia's got some nice legs.
The only thing he can't survive are Physical Nukes, otherwise yes.
Only got enough feathers for 3 five star promotions. Kinda wanted to have Zephiel reach 5* to go with my Hector.
I'm willing to go all the way, a shame that I don't have Leo for full coverage+Blade Tomes.
how do I beat robin
Sheena is a great tank, I guess levelling her is the problem.
Use Kagero, (lol
Would it be smarter to just make a 4* +3 Ursula than try to 5* her? I assume the only thing she misses out on is Death Blow 3.
move vantage Hector into range and then laugh.
don't even need 3. Vantage 2 will work