Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Put Bulleta in MvCI!
Leave SFV to me!
ramlethal-chan I need you..
kys weeb
mvci is a copy/paste job
is birdie a good character for a beginner?
FT 2 will change to 1 if a few people join
Password 1900
ALL WELCOME Unless you main Akuma
sniff playblue
Tripon was right. Ryce doesn't know shit.
Talk to me about Tekken
>Doubting Ryce
Someone buy me CF for PC
Ryce has been proved right every time.
you got btfo hater just like broski got btfo
who else is going to play blazblue??
Can't wait for it
Street Fighter V
>ALL WELCOME Unless you main Akuma
thx for hosting this user, but I can't force you to play my 3rd world interweb
>/fgg/ talks shit about bbcf until it's released on pc
Really makes me think
honest turret lady of 6k jabs
thread is gay as hell
I need you Asuka.
no your gay!! HOMO!!
why is rage still a thing and why is it dumber than tekken 6
I definitely curious about it since I've never played BB before but I do worry about population and netcode.
Let's face it user, anime games do not have lively player bases on PC. The shit dies quick and I can't help but worry if I'd be wasting $40
BBCPE has more players on pc than xrd rev has on psn.
That's a shame.
Is the connection okay on your end user in the lounge?
can anyone explain me why chris
not that i hate him, but with new RE out and all the other chars they can put in (Leon for example) why him. is he so popular? or is it because the moves are already animated
The fact that you have to ask other people if their end has lag is fucking ridiculous.
There's also a sale going on though, or there was one.
I couldn't help but notice it had more players than marvel too and they were both on sale
even though im garbage at fighting games ive been having the hugest urge to give king of fighters a chance.
is choosing the most recent game a thing i should do here or should i start with one of the past games?
asked this last thread.
Chirs is the Ryu of Resident Evil.
what are your hopes for p5u?
>Is the connection okay on your end
Wouldn't know bc I didn't join. Like I said, my interb is an absolute shitfest that I will only force on unknowing strangers in ranked.
Pretty sure KoF14 is going to be more beginner friendly and more active
>Is the connection okay on your end user in the lounge?
It's good for me, how about you?
How did we go from this
Get rid of shadow characters.
14 is the easiest but 98/02 are free on pc and are also pretty simple
Already have it on PS4 but PC will be the best version. I main Izayoi and sub Nine. It's ok, I don't mind not having friends
if you want to compete at tourneys, play 14 or even 13.
if you want to just try it, download fightcade and the kof roms for free. it even has online.
I don't care about anime trash
>tfw trying to fix sleep schedule by staying up all night
>feel too shitty to play anything
Sorry, that part was meant for Yeah, fine on my end.
BB is kinda popular with casuals, Xrd is all actual fighting game players.
how do i use izayoi
>a little over a month for Asuka's game
Oh god june cant come soon enough
>"MvCi will save fighting games!"
>MvCi kills all kusoge (like gg) and becomes the only game the fgc plays
more best boy
Akuma being in Tekken 7 makes it that much easier to drop SFV.
Pretty funny how much better he looks too. I'm glad they didn't collaborate with dimps.
you been making this post every thread for a while, Im starting to get depressed no one says anything, heres a (You) buddy, I hope your day is alright, please dont kill yourself
The only game MvCI even can kill is SFV, because Capcom players would flood to it. The rest of the scenes have no reason to move over to it rather than just play them side by side.
thats sad
What if its real fucking good and literally everyone loves it.
What then bitch
1, SFV wasn't made with Dimps. That contract was cancelled due to Capcom being broke.
2, Tekken 7 is being downgraded to hell and beyond. Let's not pretend Tekken 7 is going to look much better when every time we see it it looks so much worse than last time.
Everyone could love it and that still wouldn't make 3D players or anime players suddenly drop their game to flock to it.
Make characters with air dashing and other prominent features from animu
3D players dont matter
The prominent features of animu that they like are looking like a Japanese cartoon. The mechanics don't matter as much.
Zone them if you can with fireballs, slashes and normals. If you can't zone them then play a midrange game and make use of slash cancels for pressure (it's not Johnny tier but it's something). If you can't do either then round start OD (your OD auto builds stocks for you lol). Once you have 6 stocks minimum (get more if you can), go into drive mode; your weapon will turn green and you will have an I-no dash. Once you land a hit mix them up with the hover dashes. Mix them high>low, high>high>low, empty low, high>high>dash over cross up high, etc. Stocks are used to actually deal damage in your combos (regular Izayoi has garbage damage). They can also be spent to use your D teleport or D fireball. Don't overuse the specials that use up stock but remember that they are there. Don't just mash j.C because they will just jab it, you need to make them respect you or take risks. That's a very simplified version of Izayoi. If you can do her combos and are ok at the game you should be able to meme people at low level very efficiently. It's quite difficult to be a legitimately good Izayoi player though.
1) who gives a shit who was involved on their end, you're missing the point
2) unsubstantiated nonsense and I'm not getting it on console so that isn't an issue for me.
We've seen dozens of console event builds that look great but because the last tournament had some slowdown issues, that weren't present with the same exact build a week earlier, you act like there's been downgrades?
i've played gg since AC and never had any interest in mvc because of the multiple characters mechanic
skullgirls was pretty interesting because you could scale stats with only one, but turns out it wasn't really viable most of the matchups
i guess mvci "dumbing down" to only 2 could make it simpler and not seem like it is a main part of the game anymore
>8 hour maintenance to power cycle their servers
this is our jive
Yeah there wasn't just slowdowns. The lightning and models have been dialed back considerably. Now everything looks grey whereas the arcade build looks vivid and colorful due to strong lightning.
T7 won't look like pic related. The lightning from that stage has been completely dialed down. There's a reason why we have yet to get to play the console build despite living in the age of online betas and demos.
I actually made a few posts some months ago about Izayoi, this image is more in depth. I'm not good at BB, I don't play it enough but all the information here will definitely put you on the right track.
he looks so cool
Just let me know when I can say CANCELLEDFAGS BTFO alright guys?
Possibly later this week.
How can people still bother with this turd? How can Capcom, 30 years making games, be this utterly incompetent at the basics of server management?
All of SFV is a mistake. Burn it down.
When is the big SFV update coming? The one that fixes netplay? I stopped playing about a month ago.
Why would they cancel MvC3? They already made the game, just apply some new colors and palettes here and there and call it Infinite and sell it for $60.
Right after the Sagat update
prove that broski was wrongq
Why do you say this?
Once again, unsubstantiated. Like I said, we've seen a dozen console event builds at this point without any performance issues, builds that many people have had he opportunity to play.
You're literally the only person I've seem claim anything had been toned back. Sorry your game turned out to be shit, that doesn't mean Tekken is going to follow suit.
Show me one instance or proof of there's downgrades. I'm waiting.
Does anyone unironically care? Its a party mash aids fest played by thug chimps
the game being canceled might be a better fate at this point
theres been like 3 new characters revealed so far lmao
the game looks like a dumbed down version of sfxt
it's going to be trash my guy
Last number of my post is how many days BBCF will be alive on steam after launch
Probably some internal company problems, no dev WANTS to make a bad game, but sometimes issues with management, workers or CEOs make you shit out a awful product cause you didn't want to lose your job
Fuck. DoA
shut the fuck up goober
broski was one of the retards saying mvc4 wasnt going to be revealed at psx
he got BTFO by ryce
And 9 is really that much better?
Which capeshit will sell better? MvC or IJ2?
Why don't you just play on PC?
Tekken 7 on PC recommends a GPU twice as fast as SFV on PC. GTX1060 vs GTX960. Very high chance that the graphics on the PS4 will be vastly dialed down.
>people itt are defenders of marvel infinite even though it's already confirmed to be dumbed down and developed by capcom
lmao when will you ppl learn
Whens the maintance, how many bongs from now?
t. i dont understand timezones
Is Akuma Jab into Light tatsu the most inconsistent thing ever?
And in another note, man I hate the shoto ranges in this game. I feel like my wins come off of setups and that's no fun.
I already said I'm not getting it on console.
just play until the server kicks you off