fucking lol. It has a marketcap of like 15 billion you idiots. A single large company could buy out bitcoin 10 times over. What a ridiculous claim.
"Bitcoin is a good hedge, people buy it when theyre worried about the economy"
Also it will tank the second laws areade to regulate it in China. Which will happen.
buttcoin only exists for money laundering
i hope so because i sold out at $890
i might get back in the game if it bottoms out at a reasonable price.
You know that's not how that works, right? It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about by reading that, but I'm going to humor you and assume you don't know you're wrong.
If people started to buy a large amount of bitcoin, the price would skyrocket. ESPECIALLY if someone was literally fucking buying them ALLLL.
You wouldn't be looking at $1k a coin, you'd be looking at $1k for fucking 10 satoshis.
if i had about $20 billion i think i could buy all bitcoins with it at least the ones up for sale. i would do what jp morgan does to silver. short the shit out of it and buy it up slowly at a suppressed price.
The difference is, gold and silver are a lot harder to get than bitcoin.
You log in to coinbase. You put your credit card number in. You buy it. As long as he/she has access to an exchange, anyone in any country can start buying/selling btc in less than an hour.
Also I'd be interested to find an exchange where you could buy it all up that quickly. With deposit limits and the such. Along with the fact that there are people with a lot of money already heavily invested in bitcoin as it is. All that activity would be sure to throw up some red flags.
It's not anywhere near as easy as you're making it out to be.
it would take time, you would probably have to set up a lot of accounts seed them and start exchanging between them at ever suppressed prices trying to time it so that you don't get fleeced by others aside the exchange.
then of course you start buying up coins as it dips but try to buy it again at prices that suppress it further.
it might take months or years. and it would cost you a lot, but saying you can't overwhelm a market this small with will and some capital is overly optimistic.
Alright. Let's say you do that. Let's say you buy all the bitcoin in the world.
What are you going to do with it?
It's now worthless. You own ALL of it.
And then joe schmoe programmer makes Dickcoin and now nobody wants to buy your bitcoin.
All the altcoins change their exchangs to be from altcoin to bitcoin to be altcoin to dickcoin.
You now have spent over a billion dollars and years of your life on what is now worth nothing.
>It's now worthless. You own ALL of it.
indeed. it would be pointless most likely. im1 just saying you can probably do it aside from the percentage that is actually lost. my guess is at least 10-15% of all bitcoins is basically already nonexistent.
Can you write off losses with bitcoin like you can stocks?
Serious question.
If you want a serious answer, you need to specify what country you're in, as different countries have different tax laws.
Same, but I'm looking at the litecoin too.
Anyone can make a cryptocurrency.
It's value is only based on the strength of their memes and it's utility in buying that prime white on the deepweb.
It's a vehicle for untraceable transactions, almost as good as cash, but not quite. Why the Chinese elite used it to shuttle money out of the economy as a hedge against their heavily manipulated currency and heavy wage control laws.
As a fake virtual Internet money it will not replace the fake virtual fiat currencies used by the world. As a vehicle for black market transactions, sure, there is no peer.
As more coins are hoarded, the value goes up or down, you dumbfuck. That's why it's IMPOSSIBLE for someone to buy every coin at X price without accounting for an exponential growth in price.
so you are saying jp morgan can't buy all the silver on comex? they are doing fine so far.
Of course they can't. Silver would be the most valuable thing on the planet if somebody with money expressed an intention to buy all of it.
Kids today...
30mil ounces on comex
60 mil ounces jp morgan has
yeah they are totally not buying it all and suppressing the prices doing it. no nothing to see here!
>I use infowars to make biz decisions
You are a fool kid. But go ahead. Put your allowance in memes.
>big company tries to buy all bitcoin, creating huge demand
>bitcoin skyrockets and hits mainstream, without a single major dip ever because the company's order for "all bitcoin" remains outstanding for eternity
Sounds good lol.
how old are you exactly? just curious. do you have some fluff on your chin yet?
>not falling for the JP Morgan silver meme
>"hurr durr how old are you?"
>30mil ounces on comex
>60 mil ounces jp morgan has
K. Prove it. Or just point to a plausible source.
(protip, you can't)
the comex thing has charts and shit google comex silver inventory, the jp morgan exposure in silver has several sources and much discussion about in the past few years.
but it's not like you have to believe me i can sleep just fine if you don't.
you despicable cunt you called me a kid when i could probably be your father and then pretend i started it? hahahaha! omg.
>The difference is, gold and silver are a lot harder to get than bitcoin.
Buying gold/silver is exactly like buying something on Amazon.
If you can't navigate purchasing item through amazon then you're right...maybe buttcoin is best for you.
bitcoin is somewhat more complicated to buy than anything else because ebay and paypal explicitly don't support it. there is no buyer protection nothing. if you get scammed and complain you get banned too.
>there is no buyer protection nothing.
Same with cash payment or bank transfers.
Paypal has some additional "buyer protection", but that's only because it was the first of its kind back in the day, and people needed reassuring.
i sold some btc via paypal not long ago, the fucking jews skimmed it for 5%. obviously the buyer had his margin under spot too, i probably sold 9% under spot all in all. but at least i'm out. and actually made a decent profit on btc. don't get me wrong you gonna get more fucked in metals. but btc is still mighty troublesome to get or sell.
>fails to see how your meme crypto wouldn't be backed and developed by the best coders on the planet (bitcoin core dev team)
This "but muh anyone can create an altcoin" meme needs to end.
> but btc is still mighty troublesome to get or sell.
If it wasn't it would mean you are too late into the game, so be happy about the fact you even know it exists you dumb cunts. You want things in a silver plate and you want to get rich, thats why you stay poor.
>If it wasn't it would mean you are too late into the game
This very very much.
an observation completely irrelevant to the topic and the previous discussion. good job on your shitposting!