Hey Veeky Forums at this point in time I have invested in both ETH and BTC. My question is what do you guys think has more potential for profit in the future BTC or ETH?
BTC or ETH ? (Pic Unrelated)
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eth is like the retarded little kid that could have grown up to be the ceo of facebook but he fucked up and nobody will ever touch him.
btc however will always be the first and foremost.
BTC short term, but I am being careful not to miss out on eth gains. I'm daytrading BTC and holding about 30% BTC and 70% eth. Eth is the long bet that will give you big boy gainz
>Eth is the long bet that will give you big boy gainz
imo you are fucking a dead horse
Monero. BTC ship has sailed, ETH is a gamble
Ethereum is very undervalued rn, you are going to see massive gains within a couple of months and even more this year
Monero ship sailed, user coins hype are over.
BTC hasn't even left the port yet.
I thought there were going to be some more guaranteed forks with etherum and such
Eth was a good idea buto has completely lost momentum. Btc serves itso purpose well and is the future
Metropolis is coming soon with the ability to code user tokens easier (Already has a tested and working zk-snark contract) also opening the dapps floodgates with mist and casper pos will most likely be released this year
bitcoin is dial-up and ethereum is fiber optic
Are you guys expecting good things from jnug?
Invest in both. f you go 50/50 split and either one of them makes you rich than who cares if the other fails?
Bitcoin will always be the best option. Nocoiners and other cucks will try to convince you that their meme coins are superior, but they're wrong.
I think this goes to show you know jack shit about crypto. Monero is the only other crypto being used currently for purchases, the rest are just hopeful attempts at filling a niche that bitcoin doesn't solve. Literally the only thing eth, ripple, etc are good for is pumping and dumping on exchanges. They have no use.
I'm £80,000 deep in Monero and have made back my initial investment whilst retaining a larger amount of Monero than I started with. In 4-5 years Monero will dominate the anonymous crypto market and it has a name so simple that normies will remember it, as ridiculous as it sounds this is a huge issue in crypto.
They all sound ridiculous.
$50-$100 monero by the end of this year once the Chinese dump all the value out of the heavily flawed buttcoin and start investing in areas that their financial institutions can't regulate.
I keep telling this shit to people and they look at me as if I am retarded.
hope you put that 80k in before monero had its 10x+ pump, otherwise i dont know what to tell you...
Yes. Jnug looks like a solid buy for long term
I wasn't on the train from the start but I got in early enough to get back my £80k investment and currently hold around £83k worth of Monero. Once I get my shit correct with a house deposit I've put down and all the bullshit legal costs that go with that in the UK (£2000 to perform checks anyone with the fucking internet could do if they made it easier to access records) I will likely invest 70% of the reminder back into Monero, stop messing around on Exchanges (0.15-0.05% on multiple large trades adds up) and go cold storage for a few years. I truly believe this will the largest, or alongside the largest cryptocoin value in years to come.
I've seen adoption on darknet in the past few months that isn't showing signs of slowing down (I'm not talking millions of users, more in the thousands for people actually buying/selling large amounts) with more users converting daily. Truly anonymous transactions and fast transaction times, it's refreshing using it after being a slave to BTC for so many years.
The thing to remember here is it's still a baby, whilst it's has been around since 2014 and it still lacks user friendly wallets without using online services, the developers solely concentrated on creating great code and functionality in a cryptocurrency that solves many of the issues proposed by fiat, bitcoin and many of other altcoin alternatives. Now that stuff is mostly taken care of they can plough resources and time into making it usable. With the price it's currently sitting at it's hilarious that people are buying shit like Zcash, ETH, LTC, etc which actually do fuck all.
Fun times ahead.
Who is that semon demon?
Ignore it brother, keep buying over long periods of time and just hoard it like a jew. Laugh at them when you told them multiple times but they ignored, then you drop down a mortgage payment larger than their yearly salary.
You are going to lose a lot of money
zcash is making an announcement soon about removing the need for a trusted setup which would make ring signatures obsolete
looks like you got your shit together. i was in for about 10k monero since it was around 0.001-0.002 way back, but i liquidated most of it at the first bubble back into btc. still waiting for a good entry, believe theres some way to go back down with bitcoin still making movies before anything else happens.
not really concerned with the technology, given the underlying limitations of the way it works, but it will definitely fit a nice niche in the mid-long term, even if that's just a way for people to long-term mix their btc.
making moves, not movies
What limitations? I'm always looking for good arguments against monero to counter my extreme long term bullishness. My belief continues to grow that it will overtake Bitcoin.
I dunno about long term but right now monero just acts like bitcoin x-treme, whenever btc is up 5% xmr is up 10% and when btc takes a hit xmr is down like 30%
the main issue is in order to actually have any privacy, you must use your own wallet connected over some anonymization network like tor, to prevent bad nodes from being able to see your incoming transactions which has been a source of deanonymization. this is a huge pain in the ass. just look at how few people are running their own node for bitcoin, and these are the uber nerd "early" adopters. most use hosted wallets or "brokers".
the real issue though, is that you must cryptographically check each and every output to see if its addressed to your public key(s) which puts a cap on the number of transactions you can process, meaning that although basic blockchains like bitcoin are artificially limited by block size, monero is fundamentally limited by moores law and the computing power you have. it will always be more taxing to run a monero node than it will be to run a bitcoin node at equal tx volume. ive yet to see any way second layer solutions can work for monero without removing privacy or without shifting the limitations upstream.
computing power will get better, but if monero is to replace cash, it has to work on a mobile device, which just isnt feasible. so who's going to host your wallet? some provider that has full read access to your transaction history, removing all privacy. you can run your own wallet at home, and move funds to that if you want super anonymity, but monero is all about super anonymity, so why would anyone bother with a web/mobile wallet, if they didnt care about privacy?
Nexium while it's
Monero it is. I've always kept my eye on it but was always hesitate to invest in it. It does seem to have potential in the long run
I set up auto-purchase 20/week BTC and 5/week ETH for 2017. 25 bucks a week doesn't hurt me at all and it diversifies my portfolio. I own 15 ETH already so if it moons I stand to make big gainz.
I'm 100% ETH right now.
Have about 12k invested in it and will have 25k total in it before the EDCON talk next february,
I haven't completely researched others like Monero or Zcash or things like that but I do know Zcash sort of Mirrors Monero in some sort of way. And Zcash is currently in the process of making on contract in order to be built or act upon the Ethereum network as well.
With Metropolis coming, Enterprise Ethereum, Zcash, and having the best development and actively growing support, i'd 100% go ETH.
I plan to keep everything i have in ETH and only exchange it to USD when I need the paper.
Other than that I plan to hold out probably until august or so unless it keeps getting the support and growth like it is, then i'll hold onto that shit until I think ETH can't grow anymore.
>ive yet to see any way second layer solutions can work for monero without removing privacy
I expect second layer solutions would have varying levels of privacy depending on its users needs. Those who need complete privacy will use the solution that gives them complete privacy which may be just mainchain. This is a really good article by Paul Sztorc where he talks about the two different types of users, those who need privacy+permishionlessness and those who don't. Those who need it will pay the extra costs and those who don't will use cheaper second layers.
He agrees that the base layer needs to be the most private or at least fungible. He believes bitcoin can be the base layer solution but I'm not convinced bitcoin can ever be fungible.
Another reason for Monero succeeding is the dynamic blocksize. Not so every transaction can happen on mainchain, but so people can move between sidechains without massive restriction. This post says it well.
Also currently you can connect to a remote daemon from your own wallet if you want a compromise between running a full node and a web wallet. On mobile you could connect to your own daemon that you run from a PC.
Regarding needing to use tor, i2p integration is coming which should provide a fairly simple solution for all users.
Are you're referring to Eli Ben Sasson's talk? It still has other limitations: you can't audit the coinbase, it requires more computational power (joinsplit takes ~1 min with ~4GB of RAM currently with a decent CPU), multisig isn't possible from what I understand (I'm guessing it's not really "impossible" though). I think I'm missing something but those are some (arguably smaller) issues other than the current trusted setup.
I'd say it's quite far from being efficient if that's even possible. The only considerable benefit really is that the anonymity set is the entire blockchain vs a subset of it (as with ringsigs). Keep in mind that RingCT's already implemented.
That's why Kovri (I2P in C++) will be added. Your IP is only broadcasted to the first nodes to receive your tx though.
I don't think it's that big of a compromise of your privacy to use a remote node. The daemon can't know which decoys you're including in the ringsig for example. They can log some data though, at least the IP and time broadcasted.
Public address reuse is another possible issue in some cases but that'll be fixed soon.
As for second layer solutions, lightning network is definitely possible. It does require multisig which Monero doesn't have yet (it got funded a few weeks ago). Range proofs will be improved and could be pruned, they're what take up most of the tx size currently. A "treechain" has also been discussed but that's real vaporware right there.
Some links regarding on-chain scaling (yes, leddit):
I think you'll just have to resort to second layer solutions eventually anyways with Monero and Bitcoin. I'm sure better solutions will be come up with in time.