Thank god, fuck that lulunigger
I approve of this thread
what is that autism in your pic holy shit
im a fag
a cringey attempt for a funny picture
they're the dev team behind the god fist lee sin skin
when does graves spike? warrior?
fluffy tails
xth or druaönküposting in fun sorry for posting in wrong threasdf
Warlords or Fervor on Cait?
Feel like Warlords makes her really slippery and powers her kiting
Fervor seems like overkill since she already has the headshot passive
as soon as you don't ban him
but yes, warrior already puts him a lot further into the game
Am I the only one UTTERLY disappointed in that skin? Holy shit the animations are choppy and the texture is meh, have you seen the model in game? God damn
first response gets Xayah or Rakan for NA
tf is my husbando
comfy bfs~
i dont want either. hahaaa
Spy Kids 3D
Honestly just copy what top tier gooks do. The ones i've seen usually go fervor
>post yfw you realize cuck mods will delete this thread instead of the shitty one
>this many people to make a skin
don't get baited dummies
real thread:
either is fine, but fervor is better since all her power is in her auto attacks
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
why would I ban my own pick tho :^)
yeah, it was a very underwhelming skin
however the animations are miles better than lee sin's base animations, and his skills and auto attacks feel like they have actual impact to them.
kill yourself.
xth for Syndra
>lulu thread
nah, fuck off. not every op needs to be a lulu one every single time
are you upset?
>Post that was made before Image/Post limit
Neck yourself Lulufag, the fact this was made after yet has double the post should tell you how sick the board's posters are tired of your bullshit
You can post lulu in this thread too so I don't care
>starting thread wars
>when you were the one that made a thread before post limit
halt right there with your misinformation fuckboy
>open Hextech chest on smurf
>get something I've been wanting on my main
Close enough, I guess.
kys you arse elf my manjust like SG udyr, it's a visual update under a skin pretense.
>the enemy tries to step on my plants when I'm around
>q before they can step on it and then proc my thunderlord's
i'm not starting them, but i'm finishing them
Post 'em
is Camille god?
>As time wore on and the vastayan bloodline spread throughout Runeterra, an interesting genetic aberration occurred: certain humans with very small amounts of vastayan heritage gained the ability to shapeshift. From the frozen Freljord to the darkest jungles of Runeterra, these shapeshifters can't maintain their animalistic forms for long, yet are still capable of harnessing some of their ancestral magic and change their shape
So Nidalee and Elise are going to be Vastaya? Well maybe not elise since the probably won't change vilemaw lore
Xth for the 2x4
>be tempted to load up cash for 10 chests and keys
>remember that i only get champion shards anyway
i wonder how much money riot is making off this shit from what is supposed to be a "free" system. waiting 1 week for 1 chest is ridiculous
not really, meme fist at least has a new concept behind it. SG Udyr is just lore udyr but this time with some quality behind it.
>particle effects
what if gnar is just a PAWG whos stuck in her primal shapeshift form
I thought that was already self-implied that any half human half animal champion in league is vastaya or has some vastaya blood in them.
Swain is vastaya too
nigga fuck you
no one cares about how much you love a 2d character
get some treatment because you're the worst excuse of a human being i've ever seen
you're literal bottom of the barrel trash that needs to be removed from existence
>lulufags blown the fuck out this hard
almost feel bad
Nah, she sucks
You do realize that this derail here will get pruned?
>Swain is vastaya too
Bullshit, he's possessed by a bird-shaped demon.
>vlad and ez
youre either a gay pretty boy or enjoy them
>come back from a little break
>remember I only need one more key fragment
>win an ARAM
>crack open the chest
>Tryndamere champion shard
>Lulufag thread BTFO.
Lulufag is going to come up with some Venezuelan juju magic whenever this years worlds sticky is made.
Although, Lissfag swiftly got btfo, so we might be ok.
Check birbfu interaction with him
haha goodbye trash
>Lissfag swiftly got btfo
I like champs with high sustain and I don't like adc so I just play a caster in the adc role.
go back
>lulu thread got removed
based hot pockets
At least you're not flooded with ez upon ez skins and amumu champion shards holy shit. At one point I had, without lie, 4 different ez skins from chests, 3 of which I got one after another after another.
Lulutrash deleted, Good.
BR server down?
Eu não estou logado, mas o site oficial da Riot diz que o server está online.
Have you seen Rakan's animations?
no YOU kys my man God Fist Lee Sin is not worth it's price at all but it's not an awful skin.
qt on the left
It's on but shitting itself.
I would this bird
Last year, /lolg/ was given the ability to sticky our worlds threads. After like 800/1000 post we would make another.
At the time, Lissfag's behavior was kinda like how Lulufag is today. When Lissfag
made his thread before anyone else, so it could get stickied, we migrated to an even newer thread, and the Lissthread got nuked.
It was funny
>Xayah already has a 48% winrate only a week after her release with a massive playrate.
>Meanwhile Rakan is in the dumpster at 43%
Funny how we all expected it to be the exact opposite
Is Malz mid still a thing that works, especially with the nerfed voidlings?
I keep trying to take him mid and I either wind up going even KDA or get stomped hard.
Hey guys just a quick heads up that TSM are our guys and they'll rape g2 and every other team aside from SKT because gooks are autistic
they're literally the 2nd best team in the wordl
the damage on Xayah's E is fucking ridiculous
I don't think anybody was ready for how much damage she unloads on her autos with W and feathers with her passive+R and then she presses E to literally one-shot your carries if they position badly. Even if they are aware of the feathers it still controls an area way better than taliyah ever could.
>forgetting about RNG
I play rakan, his animations are fluid and feel on point. Godfisted Lee feels choppy and unpolished sometimes.
no, TSM is the 4-5th best team in the world, after a couple of other gook teams
What is Rakan's playrate. Kids dont like to play support, so most of them are on the new champ hype, and feeding their asses off.
>"Xayah's gonna be garbage cause she's got no attack range for an ADC!"
>Her fucking double feather shot is massive
>Her passive's peircing lets her just set up a wall of "come on, walk into this, I dare you"
22.5%. Literally only Thresh has a higher playrate.
>tfw accidentalynn bought an envy iconand no refunds fleft
thisI'm pretty sure Xayah will get some minor nerfs all across her kit and Rakan will get some juicy buffs
Unpopular opinion:rakan is more broken than xayah
I max E>W>Q on xayah
i can't see anything that xayah does in a team fight, all of her skills are too sleek to stand out
seriously, half the time I find myself getting stunned by her but no idea how because I can't see shit
yea RNG aybe. Uzi is very good and TSM botlane is hot garbage
nah the gooks are weak aside from SkT. KT is mediocre at best with an inconsistent midlaner. TSM has the 2nggbd best midalner in the owrlds and i'd actually argue that Spergsen is betterin alane than fAKER
Redpill me on Kled
Is he OP? Or is he just oppressive in lane and a strong teamfighter?
>tfw i only ever get enjoyment playing happy clappy dinosaur man
RNG without Mata and Looper getting his hand held by Mata is not the same.
Biofrost will thankfully not have nightmares of Mata's Alistar before the tournament sho I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm not looking forward facing Bang/Wolf though
Somebody in game thought I was a girl again :/
>Zyra at like 5% playrate
More freelo for me
kled has no lane counter and good early presence because of his ultimate and the ability to de-aggro himself with dismount to disrupt teamfights somewhat. deceptive dueling power, and great initiating tools.
he's fairly OP but relies on a team being able to back him up after early game.
thanks for telling us c:
try not picking support then you bitch ass faggot