/civ4xg/ - Strategy/4X General

This thread is for all strategy games that do not have their own thread, focusing on 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate).
tags: /cbg/ /rtsg/ /wgg/

- (Future FAQ Pastebin goes here. If you want to contribute, reply to the OP with ideas or excerpts to use!)
- WIP Ship Design Guide for 1.5.1 pastebin.com/2QWUPKSh
- Another Ship Design Guide for 1.5 reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/61nolh/ship_equipment_load_out_for_141_15/
- Wiki stellariswiki.com/Stellaris_Wiki

>Endless Legend
- Manual cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
- Wiki endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

- Fix for Civ IV BTS XML errors: dropbox.com/sh/ljdms8ygix2btcs/AACC_IGIy7zAkomwA6S4DJp3a?dl=0
- Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE) well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
- Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot - multiplayerrobot.com
- District Cheat Sheet hydra-media.cursecdn.com/civ6.gamepedia.com/2/29/District_Cheat_Sheet.png?version=07510f0f43d7188e00e7046c90360dba

>Alpha Centauri
- Essential improvements pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
- Official short stories mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

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Fuck spiders

First for my wife angel

What would living in a habitat be like?

Would it be comfy as fuck, or would it actually be hellish?

I remember in flavortext for Voidborne they talk about people who are born and live out their entire lives without ever setting foot on a planet

Have you ever played space station 13? It's like that

>tfw you really want to play stellaris but can't because it doesn't accurately represent reality at all by having every planet be spherical rather than flat

I'd imagine it to be like the Orbital colonies from Gundam.

But the Blorg probably are like ss13

are ring worlds/dyson spheres worth it or should i stick with habs?

also, is full science hab spam the way to go still or how do you set yours up?

I usually make my first 2 devoted to energy, they then sustain the rest of the habitats I build for quite a while. Plus you can just trade the energy for minerals if you cap out.

Noob question (Stellaris)

For producing my fleet, I basically have 4 core planets, each one having an Assembly Yard (One for Corvettes, another for Destroyers, another for Cruisers, and other for Battlememes). I also have Fleet Academies on all four of these. However I don't have the mineral income to be pumping out ships all the time.

Does this mean I'm fucking up bigly with my mineral income? Are you often able in your games to just keep pumping out ships with your income?

Also, do you do the same thing I do with one planet with each shipyard and pumping them out slowly like that, or do you build ships across many more planets than just 4?

I'm just a tad confused about fleet logistics and was wondering what you guys do, because I'm new.

Pls advice.

1st for IM the bad guy? woooow.

>Plus you can just trade the energy for minerals if you cap out
I wish I could, but my Trader Enclave got blown up by some unknown motherfucker

>is so triggered by spiderbro that he feels obligated to shit on them even when the OP doesn't have one

>when you trick the xenophobes into purging themselves

Habitats are the only megastructure that is useful for more than showing off your huge space dick
>Dyson spheres are worse than habitats for energy production and take forever to build
>Already have all tech and tons of research points by the time you finish the science nexus
>Already have terraforming, tons of habitats, synths and habitability buffs by the time you finish a ringworld
>Spy thing is neat but you're already able to rape everything by the time it's built

Ringworlds cool but take too long and Dyson Spheres are worse.
Build the sensor array.

>Skyborn War

what? are those from mods?

t. spider

>wow this furry giant worm thing is beloved by workers on your ring world - do you exterminate it?
>it turns out they were eating people

>two ethics
Why are you playing an old version?

I usually have 5 shipyards with all the assembly yards and a fleet academy. I usually produce in bursts, just before I go to war, and with 5 shipyards those ships come out FAST.

Is hyperlane FTL only fun?

No, it's vanilla (or Leviathans DLC). Active study of primitives results in events. Most of them are bad but if the aliens are xenophobes then they'll never like you anyway so there aren't any consequences for fucking with them.

Depends on what part of the game you're in.

If you're only 4 planets in there's hardly any need to constantly produce ships from 4 stations.

I'm mid/late game, I control 40 planets (but just 12 directly)

>Is hyperlane fun?



Are you aware of the economic principle that if you spend money at a higher rate than you gain money, your total money will decrease over time?

OK, I will just use warp then.

What I'm asking is if, at that stage of the game, I'm supposed to be able to have an income that can sustain constant production of ships, and I'm also asking from how many planets you usually produce said ships by mid to late game - it's been my first game so I think I've been fucking something up, as I only have +300 mineral income per month

>9 drone slots per section
>2 sections per carrier
>27 carriers
and back to slowest we go

Cry me a fucking river.

You're doing pretty mediocre on your mineral production, but it's not catastrophically bad.

There comes a point where your limit on ship production is energy rather than minerals. You just might take a little longer to hit it.


I'm energy capped and I'm the same guy who has been asking if there's any way to get the Trader Enclave back because it got blown up by a Wraith early on


>auto upgrade mod

Where have you been all my life

Is there any 4x game that let me play an empire straight out of Orion's Arm?


on-topic post

I wasn't even using hyperlanes.



also, what should be my mineral income goal by year 2350 (that's when I'm at)? Just to have something to shoot for.

right now I'm at +343 energy, +300 minerals, +125 food, +7 influence

also +349 Unity, +439 Physics, +341 Bio, +346 Engi

Worms can't be jewish, they don't have hands to rub.

>it's almost May
>Copyright on page is still 2016
when was the last update on that?

You should be at +1K minerals on large maps, +800 on medium and below.

It's a medium, so, alright I'll try to get it higher

There must be more enclaves

Is that the new Space Station Manager? I loved that shit.

Your research sucks balls and your energy tells me why. Build more labs and mines. All the labs and mines. Also scrap most of those farms, excess food production is pure waste.

There was a terrible incident involving some book about "equality", and "proletariat".

Nope, at least no Traders. Already surveyed everything

You are like a little xeno baby
watch this

>follow horizon chain
>blah blah, changed my species
>used to be spiritualistic moth people
>now is militaristic beetles
>gained intelligent trait, for some reason
>didnt lose weak despite text saying it was a stronger subspecies

now, my government is egalitarian/fanatic spiritualist, but everyone is militaristic, can I change gov ethics?

rate my civ meme

ebbik :DDD

Yeah, but that's with Hyperlanes. In , I wasn't even using these.

Speaking of Hyperlane Debauchery, in 1.3 iirc, I used to be able to close my science ship in a pocket of space where it couldn't move to any system via hyperlane
That allowed me to "Survey" any body at any distance in 1 day

Was that eventually fixed?

Only if you set it to hyperlane only so everybody has to use it, otherwise shit/10

that pic genuinely activates my almonds

How's the 22% Debuff to Unity and Research working out for you, cuck?

Habitats are the true symbol of a cucked empire. Just colonize planets you fags, unless of course you don't have access to any and you can't genocide other empires to get access...cucks.

why does everyone only talk about shillaris in here

Because despite its flaws, it's a genuinely fun game and has a pretty good modding scene.

Because it got an expansion recently
It's not that hard to figure out

Nothing is stopping you from talking about any other 4X/RTS you want

Oh, excuse us, let's talk about the new Civ 6 DLC with Macedon and Persia. Isn't it fun to have large expansion packs replaced with DLC that adds virtually nothing interesting?


I love how the answer that makes more contextual sense is the one that's wrong.

Paradox doesnt even test this shit do they?

the indians they hired to code probably don't speak much english

You gotta remember they're all Swedish and don't speak any English to begin with.

New Expansion

when civ6 gets it's expansion, it'll be the talked about game instead

I assume it's a mod doing it, but it might be vanilla for all I know.


god i wish that were me


When'd South Africa become the new meme country?

Nothing keeps you from crossdressing.

That's pretty spicy my dude

Someone made a mod that let them genocide all the african pops in their grosssudafriciums in about a month and this triggered steamcordplaza.


When it decided to become Zimbabwe 2.0

>but that's just a racist lie!

Whatever helps you sleep alone at night.

Ending apartheid was a mistake

Apartheid was a mistake. Should have just killed all the nigger instead.

Hey what would be the best strategy going against an empire fleet that fields plasma, disruptors and torpedo corvettes? Practically every ship type is carrying disruptors so I'm thinking just ditching shields entirely and banking on armor, plus point defense on large ships against those torpedoes? Their ships have an even mix of shields and armor. I can arm with either lasers, plasma, gauss, missiles and torpedoes.

Speaking of which, what happened to zimbawe?
Last updated collage I've seen was at the point they were selling wildlife for food

It's still anti-white, still socialist, and still asking for foreign aid.

Nothing changes, really.

Wait, the Stellaris soundtrack sounds very fucking familiar to me.

Did they re-use the East vs West soundtrack?

Too bad the kangz weren't as vulnerable to smallpox as the injuns. Just imagine what whites could do to Africa in a few generations without the natives fucking everything up. Australia went from desert hellhole to first world country in a couple centuries and that was with the white man's rejects running things.

I never thought I'd grow to dislike Waltzing Matilda. Not because I like it or anything, just because I never hear it unless it's a sporting match and the good guys need to sing it to drown out the bad guys singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, or one of the other sporting songs. Now, thanks to Civ, it's really starting to get on my nerves.

Thanks. Had to get that off my chest.

Well in my previous play, when I was at ~10 colonies I also had about +350 mineral income and constantly capping a 20K storage max. When I lost my entire 9K strength fleet in a action I was able to rebuild it in one go by churning out new ships nonstop, then take out fleets of both enemy empires that had managed to recover only to about half of their original strength.

>first world

>fanatic purifier
>terror of the galaxy for nearly 200 years
>everyone's power ranks from inferior to pathetic
>declare war on FE
>winning but its back and forth
>suddenly a loose collection of minors declare war on me
>couple years later another alliance declares war
>and another
>I defeat the FE
>suddenly my 100k doomstack vs the petty fleets roaming my vast empire

This is probably what it would have felt like if Germany had knocked out the Soviet Union.

>smug anime girl
But that ain't a smug anime girl, user. That is a sad looking cat!

The they ran out of animals in zoos and wild animals to poach a couple years ago, they turned to rats and birds which they ran out of last year. After that there was articles about how there was nothing left in the country to sell for food, going so far as interviewees saying there was nothing left to steal. Recently they've begun receiving foreign food aid from botswana which is having record food crops thanks to all the white farmers who migrated there. It's a weird country where every time news comes out it raises the question of how could it possibly get any worse, but they always find a way.

Obviously Zimbabwe's plight is the white man's fault.

I thought you were fucking around when I read this:
>The they ran out of animals in zoos and wild animals to poach a couple years ago, they turned to rats and birds which they ran out of last year. After that there was articles about how there was nothing left in the country to sell for food, going so far as interviewees saying there was nothing left to steal.

But then I read the rest, and I realized that you actually believed it.

It's all true. The same thing is happening in Venezuela right now.

It's almost as if there's... some connection... between the two country's economic systems...

>sector lands its colony ship on top of a betharian stone

The part you couldn't understand is botswana? Really?

>sectors in general

If a civ has closed borders how do I scout out their planets for armies and fleets?

>Letting sectors colonize