>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Other urls found in this thread:
In before this gets deleted
good girl in the OP at least
Why are Lucina falseflaggers so sutistic?
Both ends are terrible, the falseflaggers who instigate and the Lucinafags who are too dense to ignore and hide.
This thread was made on time at bump and deserves to stay up.
Titania will protect this thread.
>page 6
Not really.
>its a falseflag guys
Thanks for reminding me that Wrys' special in Heroes is probably a reference to this amazing special for the Marth Amiibo in Code Name S.T.E.A.M.
I support this thread
Better than page 1
this thread shall live
the early fag thread will be deleted
>they are not doing it on purpose
>i swear guise
"Thats, um..."
I don't care if it's a 200 post early Family Guy thread. At least it's not Lucina
I'm talking about the previous thread. In an ideal world, new threads are made when the original one is on page 9. But the shitposters literally want to make them as soon as we reach 700 posts, it's ridiculous.
>post quality is better in this thread than the earlyfag thread
really gets the cashews crunching
>And that's how I ended up cutting your mom in half
>fun times
Keep posting, the falseflag shitters gotta be feeling the pressure
probably not; last thread was also an early one that survived after people spammed multiple OPs
throwing my hat in this ring anyway
I'd rather Lucina than the fucking nigger or Peter desu senpai.
Why don't you faggots just give up? I'm gonna lol when this thread gets deleted.
Gotta work your way up to that point gradually. Once people get acquainted with the idea of bump limits you can start teaching them new concepts like "page 10".
t. lucinigger
So this is the chosen thread.
I want to rape Joshua and cuck Natasha
>If unit initiates attack, bonuses on foes within 2 spaces of the target become penalties through their next actions.
Non-prf version of Elivagar when? Fucking sick of these +blade cavs running me down.
Which 2 of these scrubs (Besides Marth) should I take to endgame?
Not even close, I haven't even played Awakening and hate Lucina early threads. I would be bumping the other thread instead of this if I were, dense nigger. At least keep the OP FE related is what I mean.
just use panic my dude
>the city of you
good job
You were saying?
No, this isn't 2007 where people needed to manually refresh to see new posts. It's just common sense, Veeky Forums is a big cesspool, sure, but it's not only ours. We're constantly shitting up other generals with this early OP shit.
>Lucina thread nuked again
Well played gentlemen
>why don't you bring a healer into Arena
>and also suicide him/her into a buffed +blade user
Really charging my moonblade there.
>Lucina thread nuked
>post quality here goes down the shitter
really activates my almonds
literally me lmaoing @ ur life
>5 of those are mine
keking @ this general
Literally days before I just bot spam dozens.
>"morons who cant wait until page 10"
No active popular general does this.
unless you made this thread or the lucina thread you're bullshitting because i made the lyn thread
How about this?
Parity: When opponent initiates combat, ignores all buffs and skills on both sides
Cuthea Thread
Wow way to go mods. Deleting the active thread yet again. Fucking retards
Lyn's mine ;)
As well as the last 4 threads we used ;)
At least the AI is retarded enough that they don't always keep everyone together for full buffs, so you can pick things apart if you're careful. TA3 hard counters are starting to get close to essential for dealing with cavmeme bullshit though if only because their rapid movement is such a threat.
I can't exactly say this outcome wasn't deserved.
It sounds good, but it'd have to be an A slot or else it'd just change into a speed/brave weapon meta all over again.
why can't /feg/ follow the majority vote and make threads when we're at page 10?
If a general can't survive being bumped off page 10 it deserves to die or get merged
>No MRobin option
Who's is crying now
And guess which ones contain the most morons? Yep.
just takes one pisser to spoil the pot.
I made the last thread, not me :^)
I am in love with my servant.
>Miriel leading the polls
but why
why do we always get the idiots who complain about the mods actually doing their jobs whenever early threads are nuked
Marry and breed Faye
glasses Lucina
>t. angrylucinafag
A pack of hotpockets have been ordered in your name.
I like Hana
>no tripfaggots yet
i-is /feg/ saved guys?
Brainlet thots> Miriel
Faye is not that busty. Celica is bustier.
Cute siblings.
>not rtripfaggot
Are you guys really so sad that you can't move on to the active thread just because it has the face of Fire Emblem on it? Man, I just can't wait for the next gauntlet with her.
>Want to marry someone other than Anna for once
>Every support in Awakening is shit except for hers
Anna is a best and canon!
Brainlet thots< Miriel
>not a single post by Tharjacuck so far
Really activates the almonds.
Who are you quoting?
Not an argument.
You can get 5 guaranteed 5* rolls but you MUST mating press, creampie, and impregnate Nowi. Is it worth it?
thanks, more to add to the filter
Because he's the one who made the early thread obviously.
Who are you quoting my friend?
You appear to be trying to imply something but fail to provide any evidence to support your claim.