>tfw get interested in Christianity
>there's thousands of different types
how do you find your denomination, Veeky Forums?
>tfw get interested in Christianity
>there's thousands of different types
how do you find your denomination, Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>how do you find your denomination, Veeky Forums?
>implying it's even possible
There is only one form of Christianity, it's unbending, immutable and relentless. No one alive today practices it.
By looking at the one that understands the true value of Ottoman sunnism.
I was lucky enough to be born into the one that that accurately follows the teachings of Christ, the fire baptized holiness church of God of the Americas.
You don't find it, you just need to immerse yourself in the light of Christ. Follow His teachings and bring some good into the world.
If you are interested in attending masses, just go to one every Sunday - or Saturday for those... odd Seventh Day Adventists. See what each is like. If you go to an ethnic church, prepare for non-English sermons. Some Catholic churches offer Latin only sermons too. Just be aware. Have fun. Go with Christ
Some find their inspiration to join or stay with a denomination because of the culture and history it has. Art is a beautiful thing and has great history among Christianities older Churches
>Seventh Day Adventists
not this
Become Catholic. The First group is the best group. Or you could join a meme church. Thats cool too
You join the Orthodox Church because it is the strongest against degeneracy and modernity.
Anglican. The answer is Anglican.
Just keep trying new ones until you feel the presence of God. Don't settle for a social meeting that's just an orator+music. Also, until you find somewhere proper you should listen, but test what you hear.
Protestantism is banal self-flagellating cuckoldry.
Catholicism is fancy institutional pedophile-habouring cuckoldry.
The only acceptable avenue is Orthodox, whether that be Greek, Russian, or other.
>>there's thousands of different types
That's a lie, fuck off
He didn't remove 7 books, you added 7 books.
Just read Kierkegaard. You don't need a denomination, only faith.
>that image
Lel, this is actually is one of the main reasons I became a fedora. Read the apocrypha and realized the "infallible inspired" books were of no more value than the "forged". Luther wanted to remove more than 7 too.
>Luther wanted to remove more than 7 too.
He obviously changed his mind, by the fact he didn't
>Read the apocrypha and realized the "infallible inspired" books were of no more value than the "forged"
They're not forged, simply uninspired. By rejecting Christ so easily you demonstrate you never actually believed, and by failing to discern between God's word and the words of men you demonstrate you are not of his flock.
>Baptists were the first Christians
fuck off
That's so Protestant it hurts.
Since I don't think this deserves its own thread I'll just ask here, what do you think is more motivating, fear of God or love of God? I'd say love of God, I'm interested in what others think. I'm pretty sure those two distinctions make sense but I'm not sure
>wanted a traditional style of worship
>really into classical music and older hymns
>really into older architecture
>still wanted something that's accepting of everyone and open to questioning
>wanted a church with a lot of opportunities to help people
the Methodist church was made for me desu
The fear of God is the beginning of faith, love is it's fulfillment.
That sounds kind of like Stockholm syndrome.
Fear of God.
Love of God spawned Protestantism and sola fide nonsense.
enjoy hell friendo
>They're not forged, simply uninspired.
Why do you think I used quotes?
>By rejecting Christ so easily you demonstrate you never actually believed, and by failing to discern between God's word and the words of men you demonstrate you are not of his flock.
Kek, you Christcucks are pathetic. By failing to distinguish between satanic Jewish trash, the words of men (NT), and a hypothetical text that does not exist you demonstrate your cognitive dissonance and by extension the shallowness of your faith. You have to hand it to the Catholics - they didn't build their house in the sand like you did.
Enjoy hell.
Hell is extra-biblical. You are a heretic :^)
Poster here, I noticed that too. I can guess at what denomination made this but they kind of have a point. Then again, I mock anyone who argues over what ethnicity Alexander the Great was.
Not him, but really?
>fear of God or love of God?
False dichotomy. The fear and 'love' (our modern definition =/= intended definition) are the same. It is a feeling of respect, reverence, etc as one has towards their father.
sda pls
high or low church?
It is incompatible with and absent from the Old Testament:
There is no legitimate verification, description, or formulation of it in the New Testament: (ctrl+F "Gehenna")
>inb4 ad hominems
>It is incompatible with and absent from the Old Testament:
Just like Yeshua is neither a Shiach or the Son of G-d in the OT.
So you better drop him also.
Close, but I am from the smallest of the three Restorationist sects. We're about half the size of /pol/.
they already have in a way
pretty interesting desu
Not an argument.
>Son of G-d
Christadelphian teaching is that he is absolutely the Son of God.
Son =/= Father
Son =/= God
Holy Spirit =/= a person [it's literally God's presence/power, i.e. 'spirit']
Wtf is a Shiach btw?
Short for M'shiach or as you say "Messiah".
It's a old Turkic term to describe the Anointed Lord of G-d.
Misread your post.
>Just like Yeshua is neither a Shiach or the Son of G-d in the OT.
Huh, I didn't realize the Jews were rejecting Christ thousands of years before he was born.
Talmud =/= Old Testament
Thanks. Why Turkic though?
Because Turks are the kangs of we wuzism
They didn't but they still didn't accept him, as the prophecies of the great turkic Shamans Isaiah and Zechariah that are part of the OT talked about a man who would come down from the Steppes riding on a blessed donkey named Immanuel that should rule the Khanate of Ishrael (7:14 and 9:9).
And I believe without a doubt that shall be the next ruler of the new Ottoman empire whom shall unite all the great Turkic tribes of Oghuz.
I have only read a little of the NIV Bible a while back and living in the UK it's basically my only exposure to christianity, and I was wondering if anyone could redpill me on protestantism in general, I see people bashing it all the time.
Started with attending a non-denominational service and then went on to inquire more about the faith and in the modern day that means going to wikipedia. Then I went on to learn about other faiths before I settling on a denomination while keeping an open mind to other beliefs.
Inra eclessiam nulla salus
Christianity is not "practiced".
Christianity is the belief that Jesus is God, and that He rose from the dead having paid the sin debt of humanity.
One becomes a Christian by divine transformation; it's not a new way to act. They already had every possible way to act covered before Jesus rose from the dead.
16th century Catholics in Germony got tired of seeing the gold leave Germany for the Vatican to buy their people out of purgatory. A catholic friar named Martin Luther read the bible for himself and realized that salvation was by faith, given as a gift from God, and not purchased at the Vatican.
The Vatican called him and the other people who left their church "protestants".
There were Christians 300 years before there were Catholics; there were Christians as there were Catholics, and there will be Christians with Christ Jesus forever and ever, while most, and almost all, Catholics are lost.
Catholics want you to believe they are Christians; they're not. They're Babylonian pagans.
>There were Christians 300 years before there were Catholics
I know what you mean by that
Brother, you give Rome too much credit to say they existed in the 4th century. They arose later, their doctrines first appearing in the 6th and 7th centuries.
Huh, really makes ya think.
Without the threat of hell it makes all this seem like even more of a waste of time and effort.
Therein lies the whole point.
Matthew 5:18
>For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Matthew 24:24
> For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
John 5:1-21
>Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. 2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. 3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
I can keep going, but I made that image in order to avoid replies such as yours.
You have a profound ignorance of the differences between the Old and New Covenants, and you do not yet know that Jesus is YHWH.
The Law still exists; just not for the purpose you think it does. You think it exists to be followed.
False messiahs have raised up by the hundreds. However, Matthew 24 deals with our future, so nobody that has yet lived is covered by this verse.
You need to read John 5 backwards. People who believe in Jesus have already overcome the world.
Quoting bible verses out of context will never "avoid" my replies; I'm more than happy to explain them to anyone who asks.
The Holy Spirit is a person. He speaks, moves, you can blaspheme Him, lie to Him, etc. He's a person of the trinity.
>out of context
You understand this happens when YOU shift the context?
You understand ALL that reasoning you just used directly contradicts the thing you say you base your beliefs on.
I mean, it's literally telling you something which you interpreted to mean something else. That's fine, that's not Christianity at all though, and if you better repent when you die or you are going to hell.
> am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!
Like, you are a literal idiot. It tells you over and over, it's not up for interpretation - what it says you HAVE to do, like over and over and over so you get it. It's pretty dam explicit, you can interpret it to mean what ever you want. But you are simply wrong.
Aye, and Rome had zero power for 700 years.
There's an interesting theory that they ruled for 1,260 years, from being empowered in 536 when General Belisarius took Rome to Napoleon dealing them a supposed mortal head wound in 1796.
Romans 10:9-10 tells a person what they must do in order to be a Christian.
You did not leave that verse out by accident.
The books the Catholics use were written to long after for there to be any eye witnesses.
Those books needed to be removed.
It makes sense for Revelation to be written last and it was written around 90-93AD by John.
Those other books are from 300AD and no one would have still been alive who could talk to people about first hand accounts of the events that had happened.
No, you just think that Jesus taught the New Covenant.
He did not.
He taught the Law of Moses, and then added more to the Law of Moses, like actions a person would have to take to be like God (go the extra mile, turn the cheek, give the thief the cloak too, etc.)
Jesus did not teach the New Covenant because Jesus IS the New Covenant.
That says nothing past if you believe in Christ than you will be saved. That is in line with every thing else I post, of course you would INTERPRET it to say you don't have to do anything past "believing in Christ" even though it doesn't actually say that. And I mean, it would have been someone else, outside of the Gospels and Apostles who told you this (their SUBJECTIVE interpretation), i.e. heretics trying to lead you astray.
You can try harder.
Enjoy hell
I shall see you there.
I'll cite it for you. It's not unclear.
Romans 10
But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”[e] (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
1. Confess with your tongue Jesus is Lord; and
2. Believe in your heart God raised him from the dead
you WILL be saved.
>That says nothing past if you believe in Christ than you will be saved.
It says what it says. Read it. Eyes open.
those books also have extra ethical teaching which were not from Jesus Christ
Well then it comes back to the fact that you cannot call yourself a Christian, i.e. you cannot say Jesus is your lord without practicing his commandments. Like I mean yeah, you can't be saved if you don't confess Jesus as your lord, but that doesn't mean you don't have to practice his law..
It simply means you must confess him as your lord, again, that's your own interpretation. No where does it explicitly say you are exempt, as you are implying.
If you were exempt, there would be an explicit passage telling you that, there simply is not - as you are not exempt from literal practice.
I mean, really all you have said is you cannot be saved if you don't take Jesus as your lord.
>Denouncing most of the bible with one singular verse
Even if you have multiple verses, how can you even justify it? You CAN say it's in the bible so therefore it's justified, but where do you think I am pulling my qutoes from? Thin air? They are in the bible too. It's a very common question, but how can you take some and leave the rest, when the rest is the stuff which tells you you cannot do what you are doing?
kek. I did read it, it says if you believe in christ you will be saved. Now, tell me how that means you are exempt from practicing his rules? You are not.
That is simply how you interpreted it.
>implying in the time of Romans was written you could profess love of Christ and not practice without judgement
See>Even if you have multiple verses, how can you even justify it? You CAN say it's in the bible so therefore it's justified, but where do you think I am pulling my qutoes from? Thin air? They are in the bible too. It's a very common question, but how can you take some and leave the rest, when the rest is the stuff which tells you you cannot do what you are doing?
I mean seriously, you are using something in the bible to denounce other things inside the bible because they don't fit your world view. I mean you can kick and scream all you want, but I am not pulling shit out of thin air, they are in the same books you are pulling your quotes from. I can use many, you can use that singular Romans quote to explain a singular interpreted idea.
Really, take a step back now, go look at that image again, just look how many times it's telling you to be careful of interpretation, to be careful to not take others words on the gospels, and to only take the words of the gospels and apostles.
That is simply not what you are doing when you sit there for hours thinking about each verse and how you can twist its meaning to fit into your view.
You CAN do it all you want, the book tells you to do otherwise though.
>Jesus is YHWH
Plenty of early Christian denominations disagree with you on this.
You cannot be Christian unless you are Trinitarian
Plenty of early Christians disagree with you on that. The only reason you believe this is because this is the narrative enforced with force of violence by the church.
If you are right, then nobody is saved, Jesus died for nothing, and all mankind spends eternity in hell.
Luckily, you are simply mistaken.
Yes, it does expressly say that people in Christ are dead to the Law:
Romans 6:4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
Romans 7:4 Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another—to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God.
Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
None, actually. Just people claiming to be Christians.
>Plenty of early Christians disagree with you on that
They're not Christian if they disagree
>The only reason you believe this is because this is the narrative enforced with force of violence by the church.
Complete bullshit
I belive it because that's what scripture says
None, actually. Just Jews, Catholics, gnostics, pagans and other lost souls.
You seem to be of the opinion that if people disagree with each other, the truth is not the truth.
How many people believing a lie make it the truth?
How many people not believing the truth make it a lie?
My church was not, and is not, and never will be, violent.
You must be new here.
Pick one.
The truth is whatever is supported by evidence.
You didn't answer the question I pose you. It's nothing new the bible contradicts itself. Again, how can you take the 'good' and leave the 'bad'?
It only makes sense when you leave out all the stuff which doesn't fit in 2016.
Like, you simply cannot do what you are doing - do not believe in anything in the bible so I cam allowed to use any passage I feel free, I will use them all. You as someone who believes in the bible cannot simply take one passage, leave another and ignore it and not see it. I mean, it simply just expresses the retardation of it. It's simply not coherent.
But this is what you have done.
>bible says 'this'
>bible says 'that'
You picked that because this doesn't work for you. Bible still says this though, just as much as it says that.
Orthodoxy is nationalist crypto-paganism.
the commandments were for the jews and they never applied to gentiles
Nope. The truth is the truth. Your guesses depend on the evidence you have.
I absolutely did.
You are incapable of understanding the answer, as it is spiritually discerned, and you are spiritually dead.
I gave you verse after verse after verse, and you cannot understand any of them. So here's some insanity; I'll give you another verse to not understand:
Ephesians 2
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.
Christianity does not bestow upon human beings the power to follow all of God's commandments.
We are not going to heaven because we kept all of God's commandments. Such a thing is IMPOSSIBLE.
We are going to heaven because we consented to be saved; we accepted the free gift of salvation from God, paid for by the blood of Jesus.
There is only One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and that is the Orthodox Church today. It's "pre-denominational", to put it another way. All the Sacraments are followed, Baptisms, Communion, and Eucharist are as the Apostles did and set up, as per their mission from Christ Himself.
Go to the nearest Orthodox Monastery and ask the Monks there whatever questions you have on Christianity.
That is a sin, it is not. Anyone is allowed in any church. How exactly?
>supersession is in the bible
Yeah, no.
>and you are spiritually dead.
>I gave you verse after verse after verse, and you cannot understand any of them. So here's some insanity; I'll give you another verse to not understand:
Kek, you understand I too can give you many many verses which say the exact opposite.
You are literally doing the exact same thing as I am yet for some reason you think you are correct and i am wrong.
You are forgetting everything is in the bible, not just your parts.
You still are not answering the question I posed you that is justification of cutting the parts out which contradict what you are attempting to say.
I mean, you're literally delusional.
he said anglican which means having your cake and eating it too so both
Honestly, I think you should first read the entire bible, then compare how churches compare on that standard. Otherwise you could attend a perfectly godly denomination, but they fail to meet the biblical criteria.
Of course, Catheretics will shill their denomination as long as they're unchallenged. Tradition isn't defined, most of said tradition can't be trace back to the apostles, read about bishop Vigilius/bishop Boniface iii and the justinian degree-this is how the papal supremacy began.
The Orthodox devestion start with the fourth commercial council, and their Liturgy is commonly based from St.John Chrysostom. and other of their liturgies developed longer than that.
We all know about the founder reformation, so let us transverse from there.
Baptist, they even shill their beliefs in ignorance, and many Baptist will state that they originate by John the baptizer, but once you study about Roger Williams(by tony richey) you'll realize that's not the case.
So, if you want Christianity as your lifestyle, then test accordingly to the entire scriptures.
You start hardcore orthodox christian then you degenerate over time
with this method you can totally have the christian experience
also our dlc "Hardcore christian start" is on sale, you can skip the starting grind
Nice fedora
Well now I just don't know anymore.
Even if you are Trinitarian, YHWH is clearly God the Father - not God the Son.
But user, these leave out the explicit mentions of a lake of fire in revelations, and also the mentions of a furnace where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in Matthews (a state with much wailing and gnashing of teeth is mentioned other places too).
There's plenty of mentions of what we know as hell, just nothing about it actually being outright called hell, simply that it's a place of punishment or a state of agony outside of Gods love.
Though all the replies to you make me sad about the state of religious discussion here, that most haven't even read the Bible.
Actually he did
Everyone accepted them to varying degrees
Explain this loser