>What's new?
>Heroes of the Storm 2.0; launching April 25th
>Megabundles Announced; All players will be able to unlock up to 20 heroes for FREE
>Promotion ends May 22nd, 2017
>Genji Hero Announced; Releases on April 25th
>Hamamura Battleground Announced; Releases on April 25th
>Veterans get some good loot when 2.0 drops
>For new players:
>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.
>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Latest Patch Notes
>2.0 Beta Patch Notes
>Hero Rankings, Various Statistics, Talent Calculator, & Wiki
>Current Tier List
>Where can I find you TRAITORS?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat
Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/
Wont be deathwing
deathwing pls
Li Ming's butt.
I'm going to marry Auriel
>not dawn of the first day edition
Post your reaction to tomorrow's reveal
Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats:
They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!
Honestly, I could see if being Alex. Claw marks add up, embers add up, and the "heroine" thing adds up as well. "It's a very popular character!" also fits, people love the dragon aspects.
>when they don't announce any gameplay changes
Free cosmetics are nice, though, I guess.
Its easier to get on 3 lane maps because you get a little bit of wiggleroom on mindless farming
2l ane maps will almost always have somebody trying to poke you out of lane or gank you
Maps were you might have to do fight over obj for long amounts of time braxis,junction,battlefied of eternity mainly can have you starved of stacks if your team cant close out teamfights or focus the obj
New hero is Fire Leo
Get hype
what, no way
I'm actually hyped for this one
>Clawmark over SIBLING dragons
Onyxia/Nefarian confirmed.
Should I buy him and wreck shit tomorrow?
>that one guy who is opening less than a hundred boxes tomorrow
>he is actually going to waste money on the gambling chests
>UGH! what the HELL is that smell? Is that still me?
Sylvanas waifu fags BTFO
She is literally, LITERALLY rotting.
get gud tbqh famlafam
that's weird, it's not like she is a corpse
>"Zul'jin, let me suck the bad juju out of ju. Just lay back and let me do my voodoo."
Friendly reminder that:
>chromie is a cutie
>/ourlittlesister/ Li Li is not meant for lewd
>prime diabro is now yung bae
>anub'arak was faithful til the end
No way, it's frost tiger
>he isn't getting 70 free chests and then grinding the last 30 at sanic speed with maximum exp boosts
If it was Deathwing Hanamura would be up in fucking flames, not just have some scratches on the gate.
Stop using my reaction pics user
Who says it won't be?
I want Zul'jin to impregnate Garona so that Me'dan has a bro
Cute troll girl when?
She is literally a ghost possessing her own corpse.
I want to impregnate a Troll girl. How do I make this possible?
Stacks are love, stacks are life
They are rebalancing Heroes, that changes the gameplay :^)
>Tfw your teams nazeebo doesnt have 175 stacks before 20 when its literally the easiest thing ever and can be done without sacrificing anything
>general is actually alive
2.0 is actually saving this game? I quit this trash like a year ago and didn't look back until now
Weird. It's not like the 2.0 suddenly turns the game good, just makes it less Jewy.
>implying Trolls are filthy race mixers
Joo want axe?
I hear fire crackling in the background of the teaser so apparently I'm just retarded. Maybe it is him.
The game has been sleeper good for a while now.
Being less jew-y is a huge appeal that turned people off originally.
Also, the game has come a long way in 2 years. It's a different game than it was at launch.
Give me the sauce on that troll, user. Please.
>just makes it less Jewy
Dunno. The more i figured out the game recently the more fun ive been having but the same goes for other mobas
>zul'jin will never give you his axe
it's always been alive
Ja mon, I dunno where it come from.
It literally does.
Things that were previously unattainable without money are now attainable without money.
Even if the update only made it so that 5 skins in the game were unlockable through loot chests, it would still be less jewy than it was before.
I'm sorry, user. It's my first time playing Nazeebo.
Deathwing would be cool. Nefarian would be cool. Onyxia would be okay. Unless it's somehow a fucking Overwatch hero this should be good.
Is Zul'jin any good? I love the idea of him and his model/voice but he doesn't feel strong without special support, being at low health in this game is just asking to get deleted. Guillotine build is silly but overall feels less effective than AA.
Your points are valid, but they switched to this model just because it can earn them more money.
Source: (Me)
>me (tracer) and dehaka have our first death together after hitting level 20
>dominating the entire match until then
>team falls apart and losses the match before we can even respawn
Sad that the other 3 were retarded enough to go boss and get wiped to let the other team have it and then plow their way through two keeps.
Your words hurt me, user, but I'll find a way to survive.
It's more jewy overall, but if you don't spend any money either way it is better for you. For those who do spend money it's basically trying to trick them into gambling.
I don't spend any money on this game so I don't mind (except the gold being removed from brawl, that sucks dick) but their motives are far from pure. I feel bad for the people who get sucked into this gambling shit.
post your favorite hero
>tfw you heal for half of your maximum health once every 8 seconds
>tfw you pick Haymaker because you're not a pussy bitch
Good night friends.
Tomorrow we will see a new age of HoTS upon us.
I wish you all a restful sleep,
May the RNG gods bless your boxes,
And remember, have fun!
Fair enough.
I hear they do make ridiculous amount of money from Overwatch loot boxes and this is clearly similar.
I can only hope this means we get new skins as often as Overwatch does.
I thought this game was a casual moba for retards until a friend convinced me to play it back in late 2015.
Now it's the main game I play, and realize that this is easily Blizzard's best game since Warcraft 3.
>Saving this game
No, just trying to usher in a new and wider audience. Tell me when that has ever been a pro and not a con. Look at us now, we've got some smalltime animefags, a week or so ago some really obnoxious teenagers came through spamming the thread with entirely non-related shit for a bit, etc.
>Less Jewy
Not quite. It's a switch over to a mobile app type game shop wherein they try to push you into spending money on gambling boxes, and the game will now revolve around that. They'll also be dictating when YOU get to spend your money on something, as evident by now only being able to buy things that are new or in the Featured tab, which not only controls how you spend your money, but also attempts to nudge you into coughing up the dough for these things when they're brand new, as you won't be able to get them with real money for god knows how much longer. Not to mention the conversion from direct money payments into the "Money -> Gem -> Purchase" system, which assuredly makes you spend a bit more than you need to in the long run, since you can only buy $5 worth of Gems at a time.
That is the ugliest skin in the game
so is it worth it to level up my level1 mans to 5 for that gold or will that be better after the patch
Go this build for EZ stacks
1: thing from the deep (can throw your stuff from far away)
4: blood ritual (infinite sustain, spam every ability because you no longer need to back for mana)
7: zombie uproot: easier to hit those stacks+spread vile infection
10: garg
13: superstition: broken talent, especially when you are far away with level 1 talent
16: spiders: cuz more spiders
20: vile infection: congrats, you win the game
How do you find decent co-players? I play with one decent friend which helps a lot, we usually do very well for ourselves but it isn't always enough to win the game. Is the Veeky Forums channel actually decent? I'm not expecting professionals, just not total retard butchers.
You do realize you still get the gold after the patch AND you get lootboxes right?
>not just picking every spider talent and taking off 30-75% of a players health pool every time its up
Swann when?
I know Anub'arak is good now, but does he do decent damage? I had a ton of fun with him over a year ago playing him as a bruiser.
Spider build is good, especially on 2 lane maps
I just gave the Vile Infection EZ stack build
I hope it is Krasus.
I want to see him steal the show most people think Deathwing will get.
I really fail to see the appeal in Hexed Crawlers. It feels like absolutely nothing.
>smalltime animefags
Don't forget about catfag, tripfag, valeera spammers thinking they're good, and repeated questions about the same topics over and over again. Although I guess that can be attributed to Bliz's lack of direct clarity on the subjects.
BUUTTT talking about the meta of a general kills communities. So the best way to let the bad die out is to stop talking about it.
Gib female orc hero tomorrow pls.
How many chests do I get with hero level 401?
So will I lose my gold when 2.0 hits? What should I spend it on?
Gosh, time sure flies. The Hots 2.0 announcement feels like just last week now that it's the final night.
Hope I'm as lucky as I was on the beta.
Probably not.
You don't lose anything. Gold works the same.
I don't know. Do feel like bringing justice down on lightless bastards?
I just really want to fuck over all the new Genji players.
So what do we do boys with all this remaining time left?
I feel like I never bought any skins or anything for a reason. But I'm going to be super tempted by all those chests I have the chance to open.. but then I know there's the possibility that cool stuff is going to come out in the future. Should I open all my presents like a kid of Christmas morning and hope for duplicates to buy stuff later or wait until something I like comes out and gamble on it then?
It's actually great now. Hop in
I wouldn't really know. I don't pay much attention to my damage. I play him pretty much exclusively to be a huge nuisance to the enemy.
>disrespecting based genji mains