Born a millennial

>born a millennial
>my life is already screwed if i dont doctor, software, or entrepreneur

A.I will take over those jobs too.

Some doctors are already being replaced by software that can make a diagnosis off an image of a slide and tests results.

define screwed tho, because you don't need more than $40,000 usd a year to live comfortably

and youre probably not a genius not whatever, despite what youve been told

psh by time that happens ill be retired and or dead

that's true of every generation, not just you.

man up. if you need to be rich do what you need to do. It's no secret how to get there.

I doubt AI would have the creativity to replace an entrepreneur tho.

Dentists and certain medical professions will still be around, if only because people trust other people over robots over intimate medical care.

But yeah, 99% of us are going to get cucked within the next two decades. Its gonna be some real cyberpunk shit

Most jobs giving 40k a year are going to get cucked by AI. Driverless cars will obsolete at least 4 million jobs, if not more, in the US alone.

We will be lucky if minimum wage retailcuckery jobs are left for us after the next wave automation takes its course.

And people wonder why people join religious fundamentalist movements like ISIS

pretty sure prev generations had lower entry requirements for most jobs and less college debt

>Dentists and certain medical professions will still be around, if only because people trust other people over robots over intimate medical care.

They're eventually going to start trusting the robots more because the robots are going to have a near perfect error rate.

Doctors would simply serve more as counselors.

Normies say that automation will mean new jobs replace old ones, but good luck getting a job servicing and designing AI equipment without a STEM degree.

And driverless cars will destroy what few non-wagecuck jobs left, like taxi drivers and truck drivers.

you mean just engineering prob like EE

Just steal like every rich person does but has to fat a head to admit.

Just go into engineering. I'm sure automation won't take that over for some time now.

Sex work probably has a bit of time left in it too. Maybe a bit longer if they try to legislate against it.

low entry jobs will die not because of automation but because of globalization and capitalism.
contractors and entrepreneurs will be a thing of the past since they pay majority of taxes and don't get any benefits.
any worker who isn't part of a union or a company gets fucked.
workers oversees will make same quality products like they do in the US for half the price (indonesia & japan in particular) and in the future you will be required to know at least 3 professions to get a stable job because the market is flooded with workers

>>born a millennial

"Well... we're fucked..."

>"Well... we're fucked..."

Today, we're paying taxes to support all the aging boomers & gen x ers.

Tomorrow, we're paying taxes to pay off all the debt from the boomers & gen x ers.

OP you forgot finance but basically yeah.

Start raking in neet bux, everything not spent on rent or food you put half of into a savings account and the other half into stock. It won't be a lot, but over enough time it might be.

Fucking entitled boomer hippie scum, man. Thinking the world was their own special little playground.

>Fucking entitled boomer hippie scum, man

We did elect Obama though who doubled our national debt... so it's not all boomers.

Bro I was 11 years old the first time Obama got elected, I only liked him because my dad kept telling me I was supposed to because he's a black man.

Your dad is a faggot coal-burner.

Medicine and law will always be good professions because they're extremely protectionist. There will be fewer doctors and lawyers in the future, but they will still be rich.

Recently, yes, but not throughout history. The 19th and 20th centuries were a Golden Age for the lower classes driven by massive need for labor. I think we're currently witnessing a return to a sort of feudalism. The success and luxury enjoyed by recent generations has been an abnormality. Basic subsistence and luxury through patronage has been the norm for regular people in civilization for thousands of years.

AI replacing doctors won't happen for a while. What you will see first is the jump from technology extending the "hands and senses" of the doctors to giving input. We are behind that stage right now. Once it reaches that, the ability to diagnose everything and perform as needed and such will come in waves. Like being able to diagnose basic mechanical problems like a broken bone and giving a cast to the person and then performing a basic surgery without ever needing to interact with a doctor. Maybe it will be like a medical center kiosk?

It will take some time to reach all of this though, so I think at least for a generation or two, doctors are a safe profession. We will see a pretty nice boom in medicine being more accessible as the reach of doctors become larger due to better, cheaper integrated technology. A doctor will be able to service more people. As that starts pushing a maximum due to human working constraints, then we will get that boom to where basic medical services are given to machines and from there things start replacing medical professions. This isn't playing Chess or Go, this is the human body. It will be a more complicated to figure out and with that takes time. Don't forget policy, lobbying, and philosophy thrown around as this starts happening too. Even though I personally am trying to get into the field myself, nonetheless believe this will be in our future, eventually. When, who knows?

Maybe not robots but certainly pajeets that will have more IQ than you and will work for half the salary.

It most likely isn't his real dad.


This if there is no permanent income per person.

This also.

You are limited to $2000 in assets with SSI. Fail.

Why dont we just get rid of social security

Kill all boomers

Heard this ai and robot talk for 20 years and still nothing. Even with the advancements nothing has been implemented.

This is great, I do software and am also an entrepreneur. I will go find some doctors to pitch it to, to complete OP's post.