Is it possible to write an algorithm that predicts lottery numbers?
Is it possible to write an algorithm that predicts lottery numbers?
are you retarded?
Possible? Yeah. The level of autism required to write such an algo is unfathomable though.
Op is asking if there is a pattern in something random. It's not a stupid question and it's been asked before (I.e. Chaos theory). Theoretically it is possible but it would be such a complex algorithm that it would be nearly impossible for a human to do so.
Sorry mate, you're the retard here. Ironically.
Not OP, but I see on youtube news segments on guys who play and win the lottery consistently, so there has to be a method
For physical lottery machines, it is possible to calculate the probability of a number or a set of numbers showing up over some time. Unfortunately it would give you only a tiny edge, the edge itself comes from imperfections in the physical drum rotating the ball. Basically its not completely random.
yea, it's called making a deal with the lotto company so they let you "win" while they keep most of the money
People can use past data to predict future random events with stocks, why not lottery?
Are you talking like Powerball big jackpots? Because that shit is drawn from fuckin' ping pong balls with a leaf blower attached.
Any lottery system
Stocks are in no way random. lottery is as random as possible
Lotto is run by the government.
They pull a number by random and it's closely supervised, or they pull a ball with a number out of it from a dome with a leaf-blower blowing into it.
It's totally random and basically impossible to corrupt. I'm sorry this is a dumb thread and OP should
>Stocks are in no way random.
Otherwise you'd be able to predict how are stock will perform in the future with absolute certainty. You'd be a trillionaire if there was no randomness in stocks
You don't know enough math to talk about randomness.
It is theoretically possible. Build a simulation based on very specific features of the system, i.e. size, elasticity, weight, order of balls being dumped in, container shape & materials, power of blowing system being used, etc. Then should be able to predict using physics
You don't know enough about either to be participating in this thread
if you don't think there's at least some randomness involved in stocks then you must not believe there is anything random outside of a theoretical context
just get a fucking job, you lazy dumb slob.
Degrees of randomness is a real thing. There is serious mathematics behind random number generation and not using predictable RNG to do things like encryption and having no bias in the generated numbers.
How about you go fuck yourself?
now get a fucking job!
make me bitch
If we are talking about stocks then consider the following:
someone is thinking about buying stock A or stock B, to decide they flip a coin. I'm sure this type of thing happens or has happened at least once. if the event is random then there must be some randomness involved in the stock market.
There's always a degree of luck in the stock market, you fucking moron. You're talking about making an informed decision about stocks A or B.
Okay, what made you narrow it down from stocks A, B, C, D, ...., Z?
You're choosing between A and B because you believe that these two stocks are the most likely to give you a good return.
If you get a fucking D20 and just invest in one of 20 random stocks, you're not going to get anywhere. If everyone did it, then it's literally just like a fucking lottery.
I'm super fucking tired right now, but you could actually get a pretty decent estimate on how likely you would be to come out on top after N iterations of such a stock buying strategy, considering M buyers and a limited stockpile of cash for each buyer m in the set of buyers M.
It gets a little more complicated if you start adding in how you expect people to start "betting" their cash after each successive round of loss or victory, but you can get the gist of it.
Do you want to read up the chain of replies before you sperg out you retarded fuck? the initial argument was that there is no randomness involved in the stock market. I'm not reading past the first line of your baby tier intelligent investor rant
This has been argued to death by academics for years. Neither of you are right because you are both arguing in absolutes
>build a simulation
You're literally an autist
t. dropout
Imagine lining up empty beer bottles, stretching from New York City across the country to Los Angles. One bottle out of the millions is full, and you have one chance to pick it up. This is the basic concept of statistics concerning the lottery.
Stocks work in a much more linear way with more varying degrees of risk.
The algorithm would determine the combination of statistics, not the physics of the fucking drawing process.
Your mother should have went through with that abortion twelve years ago and done us all a favor.
pea brain false equivalency analogy followed by stupidly vague statement
The point is to predict which balls come out of the hole and in which order they do. If you know some properties of the system then you can use some collision equations and some equations from fluid dynamics to predict with certainty how the air will interact with the balls and which ones will come out first. Theoretically possible.
>combination of statistics
you need to go back to school if you thing that phrase means anything
As long as there are no quantum effects in play, as best as we can tell everything that happens in the world is deterministic. It's just such a complex system with so many variables that it *seems* random to us and is probably beyond our current capability of measuring and simulating. But it's definitely in the realm of possibility.
People have already build small devices that measure a roulette ball and wheel with hand-held lasers and can predict which number it'll land on in time to still place bets. A lotto system is just larger and proves to be more complicated to measure and gather all the necessary data. You may not be able to practially profit off of your prediction (since they usually won't let you bet on numbers while they are already drawn), but it should still be possible to accuretly predict the result some time before it is announced.
Nice obv samefag
OPs question has nothing to do with your forced sudo-physics bullshit. You're just pissed you wasted a fortune on a useless degree.
>collision equations
>equations for fluid dynamics
Kek using animation program terminology to determine a combination of numbers through statistics? How do function daily?
>People have already build small devices that measure a roulette ball and wheel with hand-held lasers and can predict which number it'll land on in time to still place bets.
Please die.
Jesus Christ, I'm getting old. I thought this happened more recently...
In 2004 a trio cashed out 1.3 million pounds at the Ritz in London and was subsequently investigated by Scotland Yard for 9 months because they used a laser measuring device, a mobile phone and a portable computer to predict the sectors of the wheel (not the actual slot) most likely to come up once the ball started rolling. They were cleared by police since they didn't influence the outcome and watching and predicting is the whole point of the game.
Since that was in 2004, way before smartphones and such - yup, I'm pretty sure that today they have devices that figure out the precise slot.
>Nice obv samefag
Don't embarrass yourself, we're on a board with IDs.
OP asked whether you could come up with a theoretical model to predict the outcome of a lottery drawing - how is this not exactly what we're answering?
Please stop samefagging you pathetic loser
heisenburg's uncertainty principle renders it physically impossible unless the lotto uses a computer
Sure you can write a program in only a few minutes that can predict lottery numbers. The only problem is that it'll be wrong a large majority of the time
Hell, Chinese fortune cookies have lottery numbers on the back, it can't be that hard
This made me laugh more than it should have
that roulette thing happened even earlier than that.
the same guy that independently came up with an options pricing formula before block/scholes (and never publicly shared it).
he also published the first book on card counting for blackjack. devised a system of betting to make money baccarat side bets. and the roulette thing. in the 80s i believe. just read market wizards. there are genius level IQs in the world. and they're making money instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums.
also everyone ignored this fucking post. read more about the stats of how she accomplished that. very clever. most certainly had cooperation from the shop owner too.
there's another guy that figured out how to beat scratch tickets. he's also a phd statistician. and then he went and crunched the numbers on scratch redemptions and realized there must be a whole bunch of other people also beating the system.
well anyways, have fun pretending to be smart behind smug ignorance. i know i'm not genius level. but i can see almost everybody ITT has a far higher opinion of themselves than is warranted.
He's saying to predict it using a physical model you fucking cretin.
Maybe this is a retard question but, this have relation with p=np?