Cutest carry cutest champion edition
Cutest carry cutest champion edition
I love kpop a lot and I have to hold back from posting it every thread
remember boys Guardian Angel now builds out of the comfy bfs(word)~
>7 straight games where my team doesn't even give me a fucking chance to try and carry
why the fuck do I even play this fucking game anymore, literally no one can go 5 minutes without feeding as many kills
Holy shit lulufags/jannafags on suicide watch. How does it feel to be a bitch? Why is sona both the perfect waifu and support bros?
xth for best fish carrying me to diamond
Sion wtf
fun fact
as of CJ x Ever 8
Jayce has been competitively played in every single role from top lane to bot lane
Sion's wr there isn't really reliable look at the play rate that's barely any games analyzed
He supports by dealing a fuckton of damage early game and being an unkillable engager and peelbot late game.
Support too?
>msi 2017 is in brazil
kek I hope all the players don't return home smelling like shit or get raped or anything
>bronze 3
this is very sad
Mata played it during one of the Demacia cups, i believe
peanut and sneaky should be protected at all times, they are prime boipussies just waiting to be sullied by greasy brown men
>When you get instakilled at full HP
Elementalist Lux, every few days. She's perfection.
>ywn have her irl
this fucking place
How do I ekko?
In honor of the late Jensen
Sounds like the usual poster here desu.
Rakan is made for breeding me.
I mean it's true, you need to study the game and have good reflexes/quick decision making to reliably carry yourself to gold and higher. You have to realize not everyone is that intelligent or willing to learn the game from the bottom up.
I feel sorry for him, he probably tries very hard but he doesn't know how to play the game because he's either stupid or he was never taught how the game was supposed to be played.
Good morning /lolg/ which marksman should I play today?
>cant get out of bronze with the weight of your mothers death pushing you towards greatness
hes a sob story ready to be spoken as hes interviewed for his victory over skt
too bad he has no talent
Move to real thread
This one was made after we had one already made, which is against rules
>already thinking about becoming an lcs player
Woah slow down there fella
If any fucking degenerate could become lcs player then lcs would be called platinum
I cheese the fuck on my shitty gold games with Sion sup.
Pick rate is really low to,but his high Q or e damage in lane ( if you have runes for e on spam) makes him dangerous, at lvl 6 you can get kills easily.
eyoson directs here, this is the real thread
>lulufag being salty
Fuck off.
I actually agree with you I just know nobody here will move
I'm just following where eyoson leads me
Lulufags are for Jews.
>which is against rules
Fuck off.
You guys seriously use eyoson and don't just type lolg into the catalog?
>CJ dropped off LCK by Jayce jungle
>used to play sion support
>start using E to set up Q
>every squishy now burns flash
Christ, I hate it when I felt I'm not playing my main properly
Why should we give a shit about eyoson anyway? Why do we let it have so much needless power over us?
Alright, it took me 125 long games but I finally got to platinum. Now what? I don't think I have the talent to get to diamond.
Fuck off lulufag
>there are people who consider Sonafags as bad as lulufags
>most damage done is jayce
How the fuck do you fail so hard that the enemy jungler does more than the adc
I max Q for sion top except hard matchups.
I max E as sion sup with hybrids runes,after 3 e's they have to go back to base or die.
100 reports aswell, this is now intentional spamming
Diamond isn't even good.
At least low diamond.
At least I don't think it is.
I should be there soon
Wish me luck.
now you're underestimating yourself right there
>pls i was a good goy i spent this much on the game
>i understand that my punishment was deserved but pls dont ban me tho
every time
Hey what ever happened with the user that was going around with the "what are the memes associated with " for every champion a few weeks back, what was his purpose with those posts?
I feel really bad because people are told they'll get better but the majority of people will never get better no matter how much they try. There is a thing called talent, and it is genetic
Guess the champion
lets get this up on the real thread
>punishment deserved
If they're playing as a 5 man team and he's just typing in-game instead of voice chat and his mates reported him as a joke over a "penta steal" then it's hardly deserved
Don't be a Jew.
im still here, I was using them to make a compilation of memes for each champ that got hits but I got demotivated by all the hate
maybe one day ill finish it
I still max E on top when I know I'm better off being defensive or I'm lane with a riven/fiora/yas
>tfw yas players gets a brainfart and tries to windwall my Q
I swear I'm confused how yas players managed to play top lane without learning this shit
Really though, why? Don't even think of calling me a fucking Lulufag, I couldn't give two shits about them.
nami is really fun to play.
>muh lane bully
>muh skill cap
>muh bubble
>muh ult in team fights
>muh ardent procc
>muh tide calls
You probably only think that because you have the ability to get there. Good luck user!
I don't get the whole "diamonds are bad" thing. That's like saying the 5000th richest man in the world isn't rich because he doesn't have as much as Gates.
its a community effort, YOU dont except it because you dont belong here lulucunt
go to plebbit or somewhere that doesnt need organization
kog'maw for the freelo
it will really surprise you
Same if its a really good darius,shit face can fuck you up in couple of seconds.
Maxing E allows you yo farm from a safe distance with a doran's
m-muh dick
Go fuck yourself.
So, the server I'm in hasn't yet introduced the new client outside the PBE (from what I know) until 7.9 hits live and as far as I'm concerned, the only thing I like about it is the practice tool being available and what I dislike about it is that they haven't yet implemented items sets. Everything else I don't really care.
For those who are using the new client (or has some infos about it), when will Riot implement item sets again? Are they trying to place it within this year or when they just feel like it? What are some things I should know about the new client?
>gank top
>get top a kill
>"hey mid has no f, can u come before 6" (ahri vs kassadin)
>clearing krugs almost got tia
>see the opportunity to get a double kill bot
>mid dies in an all in
> see her die to 2 extremely obvious ganks, and flashing away and ulting away from me when Im coming to help
>take blue because mid is feeding and im fed
>spam pings on me
>rumble stealing my next blue, who somehow lost lane even after multiple ganks that resulted in kills
why are people this fucking retarded?
Im not even in a complete thrash elo these people were plat
why do you need item sets?
the recommended build will have the majority of items you'd usually buy outside of stuff like on-hit kennen, but you should be able to use the shop quickly anyway.
and if you can't, time to learn.
Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do.
just put in the hours and you'll get there
They're going to first roll out the client to all servers, kill the old client, then move forward.
>the server I'm in hasn't introduced the new client yet
What? what server? by now it should be out at least as a beta option for all servers
What's the point of being in an elo if it took you 800 games to get there? Master players get diamond in like 30-40 games, if I barely hit plat after 125 then I don't deserve it.
>machiavellian gank
>lots of kills and gold, but lots of deaths, and least assists among all others
Draven, don't need need to look up
Next time make your intention known because I just reported all your posts for spam
I think next time you could just go slower and also yeah just be clearer
I just find it to be handy to make an item order so that I won't be able too much time browsing the store. I'm planning on practicing shopping without using it though.
I'm in the Garena servers, Philippines. I checked the settings option and all that and couldn't find the option for it.
>63 cs per game
I'm retarded sorry
I cheated by looking up and wouldn't have guessed it indeed
>be caitlyn
>shit on bot relentlessly
>doesn't matter because we had a xayah jungle who fed eve for 15 straight minute and she just got to the point where she was one shotting our darius
lol how do you guys deal with this garbage
I queue upas the Positioner but main none of these "likely champion" (never play them, actually)
the "see 10 seconds in the future" is all me though
Someone post the na vs korea culture pic
i would say just practice on using the regular shop.
it's also better in the long run for you, as if you need to buy an item that isn't in your item set, you'd be slower to look it up and get it compared to if you hadn't been using the item sets.
and you end up just making loads of item sets for different things, have to change them when items get changed etc
>be Sion against Fizz top
>Amumu's our jungler
>enemy Vi and Fizz try to invade on his red when he gets there
>go to try to help, he abandons me to the 2v1 and Fizz gets a kill
>Fizz is now somehow able to 100-0 me under my own tower while Amumu aimlessly fucks around bot being generally useless while Fizz gets a bigger and bigger lead
>get flamed for feeding
Should I have just left him to die? I seriously don't know what I can do in that type of situation and it's getting more and more frequent. If I try to help them if they're getting counterjungled, they just run away and do nothing, if I don't, they ping spam and complain that I didn't help.
>8 straight losses
>every game had a rakan or xayah in it on my team
Aatrox top
I looked it up today
Fizz is a pretty hard matchup for sion,just a kill ahead and he can dominate you easily.
Shouldn't bother to help him on his invade.
Am I the only one still building Titty Hydra for him?
Titty, Steraks and GA makes you unkillable
I dodge troll picks
I actually build him bruiser, still
devourer -> mercs or tabis -> tit -> sterak/BC/randuin in the appropriate order
I still 100-0 people before they can so something about it, while being an unkillable sack of shit
well I didnt get banned for it or anything, it just stopped being fun when the replies werent helping my cause
No BotRK?
BC is a great item for him and I should buy it more often
Yeah, I really need to start using the regular shop. I guess you can say that one of my weakness in the game is being too dependent on guides to know what to build.
Master players get diamond fast because they're already at master level. You are not. Do you think that they reached diamond in 40 games in their first account with no previous experience?
It's fine if you don't want to put in the effort to get better and rise in a virtual ladder, but don't kid yourself thinking that you're not there because of some talent bullshit.
And by the way, the elo system is only supposed to start being a bit accurate after 100 games, if your winrate hasn't tanked yet you're likely not at your elo yet
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
ayy xth for Rumble
Let the z's reclaim them!
i really want to suck soraka's horn.
>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri
>cait does less damage than blitzcrank
>its my fault as ryze because of that one early gank where i pinged away because i do damage and then they forced it anyway and then complained because i do no damage
So I'm buying Tier 3 runes, I have full tier 3 armor seals and magic resist glyphs, should I buy attack speed or attack damage marks? I play Warwick and Yi a lot so I was thinking about going full AS with nothing but attack speed marks and attack speed quints
Is Super Galaxy Rumble going on sale anytime soon?