BF1 campaign protags

-British pilot
-British tank crew
-Bedouin woman who fights for Britain
-Harlem Hellfighter

People love to complain about the amount of blacks in that game, but what bother me the most is the overwhelming focus on Brits.
I mean, okay for the tank crew, but France had the best allied air force in that war and the best allied aces.
Why put another fucking Brit there?

It should have been
-French pilot
-British tank crew
-Russian soldier
-German messenger (Adolf H)

Other urls found in this thread:

Posting any more threads about this shitty game should be an insta-perma ban.

>No, don't post threads about a mass media product related to an important historical event on Veeky Forums!!!!

Harlem Hell Fighter
Ottomam Captain
German Cavalary Soldier
French Soldier.

>don't post threads about a mass media product

Exactly. Take your plebshit somewhere else.

The thing about greentext strawmanning is that you have to exaggerate and contort the position into something unreasonable, it's not enough to just tack a geap of exclamation marks on the end.

Why is a Harlem Hellfighter even in there?

Look, I'm American and I love reading my country's history and all, but we were barely in WWI. We didn't want to get involved, we only joined in politically like 19 months before it ended, and we didn't even have significant numbers of troops in theater until just a bit before it was over.

Just why make a protagonist an American? And a black American of all choices, a minority of a minority of combatants.

I'd rather play as a French veteran or something.

>giving a fuck about battleshit 1 when civilization vi releases the exact same day

A French Algerian if they wanted to keep with the whole black thing

Algerians arent black
Btw, France only used like 170,000 blacks during the war on a total of 8.6 millions of troops
But I'd guess a black French soldier would still be better than a fucking African-American...


>playing games on release day


Some Algerians, or rather, people that live in Algeria, are quite "black"

Algerians are mostly arabs with some berbers
Even the south doesnt have sub-saharans


>those fucking biceps

Holy shit


>bedouin woman who fights for britain.

Lawrence of Arabia's incredibly white Arab girlfriend

The Brits, albeit already overrepresented on the Western front and in the sky by the game, also get to have another theater about them with the Bedouins.
There could have been one British campaign, one French campaign and one German campaign, but nope, it had to be three British campaigns

Will Hitler be a playable character

the story of the hellfighters works well for a videogame

You must be French

This, the Bedouin were despised by the Turks and British

I'm German actually
I just hate how anglos try to rewrite history with Brits as our main foe in WW1 when it was actually the French.
The symbolic battle of that war for us was Verdun

>inb4 butthurt because we lost/dresden/brexit/whatever
Not even
Merely expressing facts


>swedes are "anglos" now
Is everyone that posts on /int/ a single-digit IQ subhuman, or just the ones that crosspost on Veeky Forums?

hello me too




Swedes have been so cucked by the combination "US dominated media + no dubbing" that they're basically anglos now
English is more spoken than Swedish on Swedish national TV

But anyway it's EA that's really behinf this game

that is good for that is indeed my name

>EA makes a game that is targeted at burgerlanders.
>it features relatable protagonists.
>this is somehow the fault of SWEDEN YES

>giving a fuck about civilization 6


DICE produces american videogames, from sweden.

I'm old enough to remember when feminists complained about ahistorical female characters being included for no reason but being eye candy. Including women when it makes absolutely no sense predates SJWism. Men actually like some female presence in their video games. The difference is that now you don't have a bikini clad female Bedouin warrior.

He said it was EA's fault though

So it's Anglo-Americans advancing a pro-British agenda through "basically anglo" Sweden?
You have to go back.

Americans overestimating British in history really isnt anything new
Just like when they try to make the British """"empire"""" of the 18th century a "global superpower", when they try to make redcoats pass for "elite troops" or when they try to make England appear as the main european nation in the crusades.

History has been more than once butchering in favor of Brits since the US cultural hegemony has started
During the interwar, no one would have dared to claim that Britain rather than France was the main allied nation of WW1, but nowdays, after countless of American films on WW1 depicting the Brits, a lot of people believe that

>Just like when they try to make the British """"empire"""" of the 18th century a "global superpower", when they try to make redcoats pass for "elite troops"
Both of these might be overstated by nationalist narratives,
>or when they try to make England appear as the main european nation in the crusades.
but your wording here implies some sort of agenda in choosing English speaking film protagonists, which is pretty fucking crazy.

>after countless of American films on WW1 depicting the Brits
Such as?


Because believe it or not, the story of Laurence of Arabia is far more interesting for a video game than a bunch of Frogs and Krauts getting shredded to fucking pieces in a muddy bog for months on end.

If you want MUH HISTORICAL ACCURACY then buy Verdun.

SPOILER ALERT!!! It's shit.

I can't wait for this game to be released and blow the fuck out of Kaiserboos.

I hope the Krauts are shown to be the aggressive bastards that they were instead of going down the meme route and saying "there was no good or bad side in WW1 :)".

Hopefully plenty of scenes involving them breaking convention and using gas or shooting civilians in Belgian villages.

An added bonus would be taking control of a British tank commander and driving over a bunch of them in a fucking tank.

You're not even real Girugabiceps


Because the Anglos control the media, brainwashing young minds to boost tea sales

What's a good general/introductory history of WW1?

>it's another American cultural product that praises Britain and fucks over Germany and France

We should have remained at peace with the Soviets and destroyed your filthy anglos ass instead

Because France is DLC my good goys
Now let's move on

Hew Strachans WW1 book.

Well, I am willing to bet actual money this will not happen at all, and that they will indeed go the ":)" route.

>We should have remained at peace with the Soviets

But that would have been a sensible strategy. The Eternal Kraut doesn't do sensible, they prefer the "ruin Europe until we get blown the fuck out" approach.


The fact they made one hesitate to kill a nigger at the end tell you that
A kraut could indeed have hesitated killing a fellow white, but a nogN
This game is full of 21st century people LARPing as WW1 soldiers

>Why is a Harlem Hellfighter even in there?

because a Swedish cornuto read a graphic novel about the Harlem Hell fighters that came out around the same time the decision to make this game was made.

It's actually
-British pilot
-British tank crew
-Arab women fighting for the Brits
-Italian Arditi trooper
-ANZAC messenger


>ANZAC messenger

Really unecessary, especially when France and Russia arent there
Couldnt they make the Eastern front instead of Gallipoli bullshit?

New Zealand lost like 10% of their population in the war, they sent a ridiculous amount of men for their population size at the time.

t. pepe the frog

>Gallipoli bullshit
How do you know it's Gallipoli, instead of other campaigns across the Middle Eastern theatre?

Don't forget the human tank wielding a 70+ kilo MG.

Britain would've lost the war without America.

Erma gawd da realizm. Call of poopy is done for rite guiz.

That's with the tripod.

Serbia lost 35% of their population, Bulgaria mobilised 1/4 of their entire population to fight for the second time in 3 years, yet there is nothing out there.

>Just like when they try to make the British """"empire"""" of the 18th century a "global superpower"
Because ending French hopes of controlling India and North America as well as becoming the preeminent naval power means nothing. Jesus Christ why don't you pick up a fucking history book instead of spouting your uneducated bullshit on Veeky Forums.

>when they try to make redcoats pass for "elite troops"
What on Earth are you talking about? Who tries to pass that off?

>when they try to make England appear as the main european nation in the crusades.
Again, what the fuck are you talking about

>after countless of American films on WW1 depicting the Brits
You must have shit for brains thinking that everything is actually American propaganda pushing a pro-British agenda, which wouldn't make any fucking sense in the first place.

Fuck off you eternal anglo. You've already lost this argument just shut up.

So instead of trying to back up your claims with some facts and examples you're going to resort to memes? I'd say it's pretty obvious who's the idiot here.

>Because ending French hopes of controlling India and North America as well as becoming the preeminent naval power means nothing.
France barely ever had any hold in India, there was like 3 battles between them and Brits in India
And no, fighting all over the world doesnt make you a "global superpower".
Americans try to make it seem like Britain already had a massive empire during the US Revolution, while actually the British Empire was mostly built by machne gunning backward people in Africa and Asia between 1860 and 1890
Pic related, in orange is the British "Empire" during the US Revolution

>What on Earth are you talking about? Who tries to pass that off?
American media often make the redcoats they fought pass for "elite warriors from the most powerful country on earth"
It's related with the misconception I described above btw

>Again, what the fuck are you talking about
US media often wrongly depict England as the main actor of the Crusades
It may be because of the fact the Modern English flag is similar to the Templar cross

>You must have shit for brains thinking that everything is actually American propaganda pushing a pro-British agenda, which wouldn't make any fucking sense in the first place.
It does make sense
For the overrating of 18th century Britain, it's purely egoistical of them (it siounds better to have beaten a global superpower than the military laughing stock of Europe).
For the rest, it's mostly because they see the UK as a father nation and can relate to them.
Just look at all the unecessary Brits among the heroes of the CoD Modern Warfare trilogy
Even in fiction they try to depict Brits as top notch


Because Brits are English speaking and English speakers are the primary market for this game.

If if were The Great War: Truck Simulator it would probably focus on the Germans and Austrians.

>France barely ever had any hold in India, there was like 3 battles between them and Brits in India

Wrong, there was 3 wars and a large number of battles

Not reading the rest when the first sentence is utter bullshit


Click on the battles and look at the numbers
Even fucking US Revolution skirmishes look like Stalingrad compared to those

Not an argument

Regardless of how much you try to control damage, you bullshitted and got called out. How about you learn from this and stop being an /int/poster?

Great, you found one of the 3 big battles that happened in these "wars"
Meanwhile the rest..

Believing that having fought some skirmishes numbering dozens of men over India made 18th century Britain a "global superpower" is what's retarded.
Britain didnt even manage to take all of India from locals until the mid 19th century

Remember you also had """memequotes""" around "empire", which they certainly were by any accepted definition of the word.
You have to go back.

btw it being "worse than ww1" was never an argument. Nice damage control

Britain kicked other European rivals out of Indian which lead to them ruling India. Also the locals were allowed to "govern" parts but they were also ruled by the British empire.

Also if you're so interested in Britain being a super power just read this

Still waiting for these "countless American films on WW1 depicting the Brits" BTW.

300 French, 200 Brits
750 Brits, 50 French (lmao)

Rolf, even when you try to list the few big battles, half are a joke

>battles may as well have been on the far side of the moon by 18th century standards
>just getting troops there to fight was an achievement in itself
>hurr why were the battles so small?
Butthurt frog pls go.

>m-muh damage control

France was shit at colonial wars, which is why they could never expand besides deserts in Africa which had no resources, lost all their relevant colonies to the UK and ended up losing the rivalry.

>French Indo-China

>Just why make a protagonist an American? And a black American of all choices, a minority of a minority of combatants.
Why not?
Why make a movie about New Zealanders part in the war?
Why make a movie about a Jew in the Astro-Hungarian army?
Why make a movie about the a Woman in the Imperial Russian army?
Why make a Video game series about one German pilot?

>I'd rather play as a French veteran or something.
Play Verdun

Not denying that (I'm not even French btw)
My point is that fighting tiny skirmishes in India didnt make Britain (or France) a global superpower

The requirement for the battles to be big was your own goalpost shifting, but even then you still had to dishonestly doctor the combatants by removing sepoys.

It definitely lead to it as it allowed the UK to control India which gave them a large amount of money, resources, trade influence and manpower. I doubt the UK would have became a superpower if they lost India to France

At the end of the Seven Years War Britain was the strongest colonial power in the world, they didn't have a huge empire, but the foundations for one were there, why do you think Britain's then wartime Prime Minister was dubbed the 'Father of the British Empire'? Britain's main rival for global dominance during the 18th century was France, who was beaten by 1763 (although they still posed a significant threat to British hegemony).

And again, where are the examples of the American media making redcoats out to be some kind of elite soldiers? Or for that matter, the evidence of the media depicting England as the main actor of the Crusades? Please stop repeating yourself and actually cite me some films or games or tv series or anything for that matter.

At the start of the American War of Independence Britain was not the military laughing stock of Europe, that was a perception that took hold after they were badly beaten, not before. Despite that, by 1789 Britain had the strongest economy in Europe if not the best army.

Ended up losing it to Vietnamese rice farmers. Seriously tho the French were a bit silly allowing themselves to get surrounded in a poorly fortified base by a forces that massively outnumbers them

The main difference between the French and the US wars in Vietnam were the helicopters
Because of them, Americans could move their troops quickly and bring their wounded to a hospital within an hour.

Meanwhile the French mostly moved on foot, so they kept falling in ambushes and getting wounded in the jungle meant you wouldnt receive a proper care before weeks (thus horrificly increasing the death rate)

>hmm lets just put a fortification in the middle of this mountain pass which is the only easily traversal route through this mountain range that serves as a natural barrier to be able to easily control the flow of traffic this cant be a bad idea