>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Will mods delete this one too?
Berkut is cute!
Soren better not get in the way of me and Titania.
I'm sad that Miciaiah basically wrote Mist out of the whole story.
Azura a best
Why are Amiibo CPU-controlled in Echoes?
Minerva is cute
Mist a cutie
Soren has cute feet.
not really
I like Ike
Titania better not get in the way of me and Soren.
>no SJW lord edition
Based mods.
Then your opinions are objectively wrong
Because Echoes is a bad game rushed out to fill the gap until FE16.
Which girl from this series looks the best pregnant?
We have been having bad games since Shadow Dragon, I sure hope this fabled FE16 is good enough to live up to the hype.
I want to FUCK Mist in the ASS
Minerva > Titania
Minerva is the better redheaded axe woman
Especially with her hair down.
Same with Lissa.
2 daily log in orbs
3 new paralogue quests
5 new story quests
that totals up to 26 orbs tomorrow.
inb4 autism
she is but my proper file got corrupted so have this
>venomroy characters reddit
>navarre counter heroes already
What does his manly musk smell like?
>lol gay soren
Top kek
>gay soren
>worse lords long cock
>ryoma canon big
>Zephiel Hero
As it should be.
>ike gay soren
>no dick
>Only have 9 orbs
What should I do bros?
Minerva and Titania are both top tier women don't start shit faggot
I like Hana
I want Shareena to describe how wonderful her latest black lover is to me!
Are you sure the story quest isn't the substitute for the paralouge this week?
Also, they usually have new banner quests, so add two to that regardless.
>titaniacuck buttmad
lmao did i strike a nerve, sweetie?
>dick quests
>shitty cunt
>bitch reason
>double retard
>gay soren
Can we go back to Rukina threads please?
Do like me and save for the better Tellius lord
A cuck and someone who can't hold a country together.
Not very top tier one has to say.
What this place's general consensus towards the Deliverance units (Clive, Clair, Mathilda, Lukas, Forsyth, Python, Fernand)?
Ike is best boy
spend them now
Can you fuck off?
No, it's reddit hour right now. Let the Telliusbabbies have their time.
I don't think so sweetie
>will only have 208 orbs after tomorrows quests
still not enough for a +atk ike and maybe a soren. what do i do bros?
All shit
Just Solo with Alm until Zeke and Mycen join.
Neither of them are particularly attractive, which is because they weren't meant to be. Compare to someone like Cherche who is. That's also someone who has fans for parts of her personality, instead of just because she's got a hyper-conservative design.
Did they really think we wouldn't want to control the characters?!
>zephiel hero
>reddit emblem
>implying leveling problem
>long cock banner
>marth true woman
What is not considered reddit to /feg/?
Buy 200 more orbs.
If you fail to get them with those spend the rest of your orbs,
You are practically 100% likely to get them both!
You just might have autism.
Evidently so.
Marth is a prettier girl than Lucina.
What if Ike actually had an absurdly good stat distribution like Lucina, with speed as the highest since it's the best stat, atk still being very high, and then a focus on HP over defenses since HP is better than defenses?
what games do pegasus knights not have to be babied
ike's spd growth was his second highest after hp in por at 55%
He's thinkin about railing Soren later
Eventually they have to make a hero who has the exact same colour and stats as another so who knows.
Python, Lukas and Forsyth are good. Mathilda is alright and I can't judge Clair properly since mine gained Str every single level up.
Only bad one is Clive.
Me on the right
If he hits 34+ base speed so much shit is going to get fucked by him
Chrom has equal speed and strength growths so that doesn't equate to how it will all play out.
the good kind?
I've always found Cherche ugly.
Not complaining that Ike and some of the Greil mercs are here, but was honestly hoping for Micaiah instead...
When is a good time to recruit children in fates? Is it too early if the parents don't have the first talent from their promotion yet?
Is Mist rollable just for her Spur skill.
Will we get this hybrid for Hone skills as well.
Hone Def/Res would be nice.
minerva is trash
Are Alm and Roy the strongest FE lords since they can actually kill gods?
What do you mean?
>Heavy Sword 3
Holy fuck that's broken, I guess I have to use Alfonse, Chrom and Effie now.
ike is, and they say this multiple times in heroes and awakening
Who is the gayest red sword user?
Then he tears the meta a new asshole. 33 or 34 speed at neutral will let him assrape with threaten speed+buff. As Aether would make him nigh immortal, since it would one-shot a ton of people and give Ike HUGE HP back.
I'm expecting him to have God tier stats.
Alm and Roy lost to Alphonse and Anna, who didn't even bat an eye.
Ike on the other hand has them shaking in their boots.
Also just the title 'god' doesn't mean shit unless it's literally a Judeo-Christian omnipotent being, which Duma most certainly is not.
*teleports behind Clive*
Whew dude, get some taste, seriously.
I guess I know what he meant know
Fernand > them all