Ahri New Lore
Old: eyosongive.us
Ahri New Lore
Old: eyosongive.us
xth for Rumble
2nd for Nami x Diana new canon ship
Rengar lore: Good
Nami lore: Meh
Ahri Lore: lmao its even worse
Brand is my favorite champion.
Wukong lore: Truly we're League of Legends™ after all
>Nami lore retconned
Hey at least the whole Moonstone storyline wasnt retconned.
>the Noxus/Ionian war alreayd happened
Are you fucking retarded? She's still Marai, she still looks for Moonstone, but there's a twist that she got bamboozled and Diana is literally Moonstone, so Nami needs to find Diana.
Alright, quick rundowns for all
Abandoned as a baby with two magic gemstones, then normal Ahri Lore happens where she eats people, then she gets sad, fasts for a time in a cave, then decides to go out and explore the world for herself (still eating bits of people occasionally, y'know, for sustenance only) and find her family with them weird gemstones
Pretty much the same, only now he learned to become a hunter from some master hunter tha spared him as a child. Still wants Kha's ass for taking his eye
Again, pretty much the same. Monkey named Kong got cocky, got shut down by Yi, got trained in Wuju, became Wukong
Now, this is the interesting one.
Overall, the plan is still that she's gotta get the moonstone, but there were a few new characters introduced that could be important.
First, they apparently do a ritual and the moonstone stuff to keep down a Void Rift. The one to do it before Nami went into the void, but didn't come back. Potential Void fish monster champ, or just another case of "Kassadin's Daughter".
Second, this time she's FROM Mt. Targon, and apparently to get hte moonstone done she needs to meet "The Aspect of the Moon" that used to live in Targon but left. As in, Diana is probably gonna get an actually fleshed out Lore at some point too and now she and Nami have a tie, so get to it porn artists.
>getting a blowjob from shyvana
Could your dick even handle it without getting burned?
So Vlad already impregnated half the women? No wonder white hair is so common there.
Why do you faggots even click the lore pages? You know the more you care the more they'll create/recreate/retcon right?
The entirety of the lore has been completely rewrote thrice now I think?
Pls post about the game or post cropped (or not) porn of your waifu.
>reading comprehension
She's not from Mount Targon you dumb nigger, the Vastayan tribe lives CLOSE to Mt. Targon
Where does it say
All I need
It's literally in Jhin's lore. Also Wukong's new lore and Rakan's / Xayah's lore.
Can't believe there were some retarded anons thinking they retconned Noxian invasion.
>Blinded by his eagerness to return to his tribe, Rengar allowed this wily beast beast to get the drop on him.
Eh, it was pretty much the same. Thankfully. Now she's just vastayan, which doesn't really affect her people that much since they seem to be separated from the ionian ones.
It's not jhin lore
>Thinking they retconned the invasion
>When the fucking Ionian Boots of Lucidity are still in the game
I mean, it's one of the only actual bits of lore IN THE GAME.
>still no master yi skin
These are rewrites of lore pages that date from before the Great Summoner Genocide. I don't expect much retconning of already rewritten lore in the future now that's taken care of.
>Riot literally doing Reddit a fanservice
Fuck this, these two are hand in hand.
Leblanc says summoner and summoner over but that's been retconned. Gameplay is separate from lore now
i dont get it
Hell, the name of the game "League of Legends" isn't even canon in the game's canon
It was mentioned in lore of some recent champion release / rework and this new Vastaya lore just confirms it.
I wonder if Urgot will be still guy BTFO'd by Garen or if he was now involved in Noxian invasion.
There's been Reddit "le funny quirky post" about Urgot rework mentioning the dark and mysterious past.
This needs context I feel...
Can someone fill me in?
>"lore" having anything to do with league of Legends the video game
Only you can hear me summoner.
Add me Bizcoot
Dark and Mysterious past is a /r league meme and Rito is forcing as many ebin references into their stories.
why actually have a good writing team when you can pander with references instead
Nami is a whore
Blessed Isles event fucking when?
Blessed Kalista 1350 RP similar to Arclight theme
General Hecarim 1820 RP, human in armor riding a horse
Blessed Monk Yorick 975 RP
Blessed Mordekaiser 1350 RP
Demacia is some inclusive small country now. They don't matter in any shape way or form. Think of like Noxus as Greece and Demacia as Spartans.
worked for blizzard
WoW hasn't had actual writing since TBC
So it seemed like nobody got it last thread, so I'll reintroduce the idea in the new one. Post that ends in 3 determine the cancer champ I purchase.
Also, nice to see lore being discussed in this thread.
Ive been beating my lane as garen almost every game by alot. Out farming, and getting multiple kills. However I've also been losing alot. I've been told not to roam in low elo solo queue. Is this just the nature of top? Do good and cross your fingers for your team? Or is my itemization just bad? I'm giving my best effort to play the best macro game I possibly can. But when i'm 3/0 as garen, there's not much I can do about their 11/2 twitch. Is this the dunning Kruger effect?
I wouldnt know that if you didnt tell me
Is this a trap?
>Nice that lore is discussed
>So let me interrupt that by being an assface
Fuck you nigger, go soraka jungle. Buy with rp.
>machiavellian gank
what did he mean by this
>Due to her impulsiveness, however, the elders chose Rasha, a prudent warrior known for his level head in battle, as their Tidecaller.
>Rasha dove into the depths of the abyss. A week passed, then another. An entire month the Marai waited for their Tidecaller’s return, but there was no sign of Rasha. No Tidecaller had ever failed to return.
>Nami grabbed her mother’s bathystaff and plunged into the abyss. After several days, she returned with the pearl, the fallen Tidecaller’s staff, and a look of quiet horror in her eyes.
So do you think he just died, or do you think Riot's actually thinking of doing a void champ that's part fish Vastayan?
rolling for uninstall kill yourself, one time the actual game gets discussed and you try to fuck it up.
>That's a nice discussion you're having here how about I ruin it with completely hollow posts
It's another Kassadin's daughter, General DuCouteau, Zelos until they retcon it 3 years later
>Yorick gets a skin after all this time
>It's another shitty 975 model swap
Please no.
Whenever Yorick, Illaoi, and Sol get new skins, they HAVE to at least be the 1350 skins that get nice new particles and recall animations.
They gotta give them that at least.
Garen brings nothing to a team. He can't splitpush like. Fiora/yorick. He can't tank like nautilus/mao. He can't dive like renekton or irelia.
You SHOULD be roaming mid and getting kills or their tower after you already stomped your lane but Garen is a bad champion.
she found the previous tidecaller being shagged by fizz
I think that would make a cool reveal desu.
why would they give a character a name to just do nothing with it?
i think atleast it's being thought of and might be scrapped though
How do I master Lee Sin
I'm proud of you guys
I own her, and looks like it's not 3. I don't mean to interrupt the whole discussion. I'm just a speck of dust here.
Anyways, who do you think Riot's going to attack next for these maymay 'lore' updates?
No you got me wrong user, it's skin idea with new particles but it's cheaper because ... reasons. Think of Lightsbane Karthus or Death Blossom Kha.
Damn so many skin ideas, any site where I could post them. Wish I could draw.
Even with his Juggernaut rework Garen is still primarily a lane bully with mediocre scaling. If their ADC gets fed as fuck yes you'll lose. Take TP and look for opportunities to use your lane win to help snowball bot.
you stop picking him you bronze piece of shit feeder
I know the other two, but I don't recall Zelos. Where was he from?
Rasha is a boy fish, user.
Unless Fizz goes that way.
are you implying they wont be 750 rp meme skins to shut their playerbase up.
you've got a rude awakening coming.
Irelia's brother.
Wait, in rengar's lore I kinda thought it would be Kha-zix who he's fighting, but the ending implies he wins in the end. So Im guessing it really was just a "Razorhide"?
think outside the box and use his ward jumping as an initiation and not just a run away tool
after that you will be a le ebin insec player that still loses all his games because lee can't carry shit if his team are monkeys, but you will still get your highlights and your kda
so renekton would probably be a better idea? I also really really like rumble I play him alot but LS and anons said not to play mechanics heavy champs in low elo
(although laning is never ever my problem) My problem is mid and late game fighting with my team to take dragons instead of farming in jungle, or trying to itemize against the jungler or mid they turned into a god. But the reality is, i'm probably just bad, because I never turn into a god I just always do good.
Jesus fuck, 10/10 user
the problem is that she's far too crazy
it's not the edgy "I enjoy killing" tones and shit that are bad, it's the fact that her mindset is far too solid
in the new lore you don't even need to think twice to say that she would murder anyone that she perceives as black magic, even if that person is helping her, making the character so 1D that it's obviously shit lore to anyone over 15yo
>one joke
no fun allowed.jpg
When did Riot pander to Veeky Forums after all those years?
>Mist Walkers can proc Executioners
>Mist Walkers can proc fucking Corrupting Potion
Those little assholes are so devious, I love them.
>implying people in low elo will ever buy it
>implying top laners ever get it
This item is unknown in low elo
>Sona mid
>That CS
>That autism in chat
I assume this is a plat level player at least smurfing in bronze tier elo.
also to add, I don't think my teamfight is really all that good. I'm always struggling to decide between peeling for my team or jumping on the carry. I always choose the wrong one. When I jump on the carry I often get blasted into oblivion or when I try to peel their team is free range to wither away my team.
Garen just isn't that great of a champ. Try Darius he pretty much does the same thing as Garen but is a lot more effective. You could also try Tryndamere out as well.
>leveling a smurf
>literally every time i log in i see this
Yorick only works in low elo, no wonder why lolg likes him so much
well shit we need to go kill anthony burch
He's talking about the item you spastic retard.
Renekton is a great choice. When you learn the game he has a myriad of build and mastery choices. But for now you could build bc titanic tank every game and probably do fine. He also only has 3 bad match ups and they're all winnable.
As for your other stuff, it's hard to say without spectating your games. Record a few and post them on the discord that does free reviews, it's on reddit summonerschool.
A good thing to think about though is that a death is almost never "worth" so if you're dying, a bad decision was made that lead you there.
I really liked Wukong's and Rengar's lores, I cant be the only one right?
Nope, you are the only one. Nobody else did. You are special.
so lemme get this straight
>Nami is looking for Diana so she can conjure a moonstone but Diana has gone MIA because of sunfaggots bullying
>Rengar no longer raised by a hunter but is self raised runt of a litter with a hard on for hunting who disemboweled his own dad
>Wukong and Master Yi are best buddies who are looking for a cause worth fighting for.
>Ahri is a murderous bitch who cant help but kill people to keep herself invigorated and is addicted not to cock but to memories like the stone hag in Garens lore
wtf is going on here?
Kassadin and Fizz being relevant again so I have to see both of those faggots in all my games after not having to see either of them for ages
>55 games
here's your (you) now leave
>play vs kassadin as anyone
>shit on him early game but it doesn't matter because at 6 2 abilities do half your fucking health and you get forced out of lane
>jungler never helps so he just free farms and constantly pokes you out of lane with the only option being to feed him
>team gets mad when he starts shitting on everyone
happens every game
Sometimes I wonder how many people play this game in the endless limbo of being too toxic to get to 30 without being banned.
>gets BTFO'd
>posts smug weeb shit
>n-n-now leave
You're fucking... arghhh go kill yourself