Why were the Soviets able to build better rockets than the United States, even today with all of the SpaceX rockets blowing up?
Why were the Soviets able to build better rockets than the United States...
Other urls found in this thread:
>better rockets
>literally blew up the head of their rocket program
>the largest ever artificial non-nuclear explosion was the result of Soviets trying to copy the Saturn V
>SpaceX proves Capitalism can't make a rocket
>first man in space
>the first satellite was the result of Soviet science
>the Germans were the first people to put human artifacts in space
>Communism has landed a rocket
I'd like to see the Soviet glorified bottle rockets try this.
T....that's not a person is it?
either a dog or a monkey
Sweet jesus this never stops being impressive
Its the remains of Vladimir Koranov, his capsule failed to deploy its parachute on reentry and smashed into the ground
Komarov sorry
>implying that technology was possible in those days
keep tipping that fedora, retard
>mfw capital-cucks have to compare soviet technology to technology not possible in those days to be even slightly impressive
>implying the space race ever ended
Von Braun was a safety NAZI. Which kept the American space program behind the Soviets.
>Why were the Soviets able to build better rockets than the United States, even today with all of the SpaceX rockets blowing up?
>even today with all the SpaceX rockets blowing up?
You commies were the ones comparing.
you made a typo there, instead of stolen german science you said soviet science
There's a documentary about this a friend mentioned to me the other day. Can't remember the name. But the gist was that the Soviets got really damn good at failed rocket forensics and fixing past mistakes, and thus were able to essentially brute-force their way into better rockets.
It's the difference in civilizations.
Americans announce that in x months they're gonna launch whatever mission, they give all info and then on the day they have live broadcast. If anything goes wrong everyone sees it.
Russians announce "Yesterday we had a successful laugh and a guy totally went into space you guys". We never hear about their failures.
>>first man in space
Do you have any proofs Gagarin actually went into space?
Do you have any proofs that the moon landing happened?
In fact, do you have any proof of literally anything which you read on Wikipedia or watch on youtube or tv being real?
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I remember reading that the American use of fewer very large engines rather than banks of smaller ones made Saturn more reliable, can anybody with more interest and depth of knowledge in the topic second this?
wikipedia does second this
about "'Russian superiority"
The key to a successful space program are reliable rockets. The most important part are rocket engines. The key to reliability is testing, testing, testing, learning from failures and improving your design. Russians started early, Americans needed time to catch up. What Russians use today is still based on the original Sputnik rocket. They had decades to iron out every bug. So now failures are extremely rare.
USA can't into space
>about "'Russian superiority"
Soviet superiority. The SU and the RF are night and day, very different.
But you're right about them building reliable stuff. Even the Afghans are saying shit like, the infrastructure build by the soviets still stands, mean while american made infrastructure is already falling apart. Even the soviet toilet paper was built to last, you could've launder that shit.
Back to your containment board larping sovietboo neckbeard
>all this projecting
I'm just talking about facts retard.
Soviets took in smarter German scientists after WW2
Watch the documentary Cosmodrome on Netflix. It'll answer your question.
Also watch The Engines that Came In From the Cold
>Do you have any proofs that the moon landing happened?
Yes, they brought stones and shit from the Moon and they installed a big ass mirror which you can see with a telescope.
>the moon landing
>Yes, they brought stones and shit from the Moon
>>Yes, they brought stones and shit from the Moon
Ebin use of a misleading URL there, congrats on being a dishonest cunt I suppose.
>German scientists
like Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Sergei Korolev, Valentin Glushko, Mstislav Keldysh
kek. pocahontas couldnt into space without german help, which obviously means no one couldve