We must unite against a common enemy!
Dont let (((them))) plant the seed of fear into you!
Will you hold the line and make crypto great again?

See you on the front line Soldier.

JOURNALISTS TO MESSAGE/TWEET/EMAIL(template in the next post)
>Notoriously infamous internet hacker site Veeky Forums members harass humble media people about TrumpCoin

[email protected]
[email protected]
@wear_a_helmet (Heather Dockray)
@SACrockettJr (Steven A Crocket Jnr)
[email protected] (newsweek)
[email protected]


TrumpCoin ANN thread


Twitter tipbot @magatipbot

Reddit tipbot /u/magatip

twitter.com/TrumpCoinTweets Introducing: TrumpCoin


Rog Wants You To Buy Trumpcoin!





Other urls found in this thread:



Hey ______

Was searching for the “trump coin” article that was run the other day and noticed the majority of the traffic from that input came to some sort of crypto-currency hinged on Trump and used as currency between his supporters.

Its currently worth about 40 US cents and from what I’m reading it will apparently be making an appearance at the inauguration with physical tokens. From what I can tell (I've played with crypto in the past) it seems to want to use a collaborative fund to fund pro-Trump/alt-right propaganda/messaging. Given your prior articles on the idea of a Trump Coin I thought this may be something worth addressing.

Not sure if its scamming people out of their money, sending out similarly aggressive messaging like whats suggested from the alt-right or just a new altcoin but given how often it shares sentences with the word "cuck" I assume it's being traded on Veeky Forums (I think they either were or were unable to develop a tipbot for the reddit board r_thedonald).

May be of some interest and could end up being a part of the new alt right digital infrastructure.

Making sure that the thread is comfy.



kek yobit is lowenergy

Remember: We need to infiltrate the He Will Not Divide Us campaign and get TrumpCoin there in a way that can't be ignored.

Someone is working on a stencil, right?

What's the best method of suicide?

We had our first fontas pump :)

I know what they do but not if they do it more than once.

does fontas usually pump more than twice?


That's what I wondered. With litecoin, he claims yes.

How do we know it was actually them. Anyone can post graphs and say ''yeah it was totally us''

Even if it is legit its no a bad thing. lot of new ppl introduced and committed to the coin now.

Usually not the same coin. I am sorry guys.

Yeah true. No proof other than twitter.com/Fontase/status/821157261204721664

We just need to be aware of the next hype event if volume picks up.


Oh. Well I hope you guys made some dosh from this.

Just remember on biz you can be ignored. Contact the remaining devs and involve them. They will welcome your help.

you also need to realise that they want people to see them as causing every pump and to then pay the 2btc to "be in the loop"

it's in their best interests to claim every pump is theirs

I find it strange that he didnt admit to pumping Putin. Putin was also a PnD. I know there is a group behind this, but if its Fontas....

I dont know Fontas personally, but he's been around for a long time PnDing coins. Like for years. I've seen him pumping coins back in the old days on BTC -E

I dont want to say it here but I will say it anyway. Errmm...ok fuck it i am gonna say it onceL

Coordinate with Fontas for one final pump of TC.

There I said it. Suck in your pride and just do it. I didnt buy at the top there but I know guys who did and they deserve better, they deserve to get their faith rewarded. There needs to be one final pump for this coin.

Work with him. Email him or PM and ask him to Pump TC again when there is news brewing for the coin.

And tell him that our people will be with him on this pump. Tell him that with our support we should reach new highs for Trumpcoin in a glorious final pump

Exactly my point. I have never heard of this group and they actually might even be a real thing, but that twitter account just look so scammy. Classic ''Be exclusive but first pay money''

Nah bro Fontas is the real deal hes been around for ages. Ask people in the community. He was back on BTC-E in 2013 I was there.

He would be one of the few that would have enough BTC to pump shit up millions of dollars.

The ugly truth is that TC will probably not reach that level again organically. I mean there is always a possibility but we have to be realistic for once.

I say work with him.

Oh and for those of you shaking your heads reading this, this happens all the fucking time in crypto so get off your high horse. I've defended this coin for so long and its been manipulated so much as this point.....As the old saying goes "If you can't beat them, join them."

I believe you and i agree with you, im one of the guys who bought in to tc at the start of 2016 so i wouldnt really mind doing this.

Is someone forcing the price down or are people that retarded?

Tried my hand at vectorizing the image posted last thread. Here's a link to both the Photoshop PSD file for what I got and the Illustrator file


>Let's beg Fontas to pump TC because too poor to pay 2 BTC to join his group.

5,000 sats incoming, TrumpCoiners on suicide-watch.

I feel bad for people dumping now when they should be buying

I bought when it dipped down to below 20k. I wish I could buy now too. People are missing opportunities. I've never been so sure of anything in my life, but I'm somehow 100% confident that TC will take off. I have literally 0 doubt.

I'm a huge supporter, bought my coins before v2 happened. I wish I could be as sure as you are right now. I'm still holding and willing to hope, but I admit I took out enough to cover my initial investment back at 50k just in case.

Yeah, so did I. The point is to play it safe as well, that way you don't have to lose sleep over it. Also nice dubs.

i give this one more pump left, probably get up to just under 25k before all you bagholders push it back down. if you fucked up and are still holding this id get out if it ever gets close to 30k again.

long term may be some pumps left in it but for now its down down down.

I put 30$ in june so I'm not interested in taking out my investment, but I am a bit salty over not selling at 60k. Oh well, time to wait for the next pump.

YO why the FUCK are there like 30,000 transactions a second right now


Checking in. I have shia access.






You should definitely dump everything nothing is going to happen on the 23rd, don't worry about it.

*closes copy of Trump's speech coming out in support of TC as leverage against the entire banking industry*

Oh fucking please. Trump himself is not going to come out as the god damn president of the united states of america and claim outright support for TrumpCoin, that's absurd.

Maybe his treasury will implement some pro-crypto policy stuff and comment on that they know about it and think its very interesting IF ASKED. But that sure as hell isn't happening tomorrow.

MAYBE we get news coverage since its the first weekday since the inauguration where the devs made contact with journalists and stuff.


Why would I dump? I got in last summer :^)

Yeah ignore that guy. The social media support that people want is happening on the 23rd. That's why the price has been lowered yet someone has still been buying up the coins.

Interesting. bakedalaska?

i contacted a few high level right wing types who were tweeting about TC a few months back, they all are pretending to not know what it is.

Really makes you think.

I have a very good reason to believe so and let's not forget that bitbobb made contact with the media and is still on the road till the 28th. He also said he is going to post some announcements on the trumpcoin forum @ forum.trumpcoin.com

How low will it go? I'll buy a few TC's for cheap for the next big pump maybe.

Yeah iktf its probably because they want to keep the price low until they all can accumulate enough

fug i should've waited till it drops to 10sat or something, but i went all-in at 19

So... there's still sell walls getting set up.

Granted, it's 1 btc, but right now, I don't think anyone's going to want to spend $900+ on trump right now.

Is this literally just someone crashing the fucking currency?

That would be cool. I remain skeptical though based on the past claims made here.

A "dead" coin with more than 100 BTC volume in the last 24 hours, whilst the price being completly drove into the ground by accumulating bots.

Nothing to see here boys, load off all your trumps.



Remember lads. Take your profits when you have the chance. Then after these dumps you remain comfy.

I can smell some shady shit afoot, but it doesn't matter we just need to ride the wave with them.

Is Trump Cue cards at he will not divide us happening then or what ?

Go back to yoshit chat to shill for your coins.

>.25 btc 24 hour volume

Obviously a joke nigger

Insider here.

There sure are a lot of rookies on this board... Our new president would be very disappointed with your Low Energy.

But since I'm nice guy, i'll give you all a little tip: buy now - you have a short window here but you can become very rich if you're clever.

You can thank me later kiddos.

Oh yeah. And if you go invest in slfi, you'll make 20x return! For sure!


it's those stinky libruls

they always ruin everything

Yes, this is a manufactured crash. I have a feeling its not just Fontas' pump group manipulating the currency. ALOT of black money is interested in this coin.


>50 btc wall @ 1sat becomes 70 btc in a day

I wouldnt tell him to kys just yet.

I don't think Trumpcoin is done. Remember this coin is named after the President of the United States.

Yeah man! Just wait! The wall will come down!!!

It might not be DEAD, but it sure as hell isn't something that's going to make any of us "very rich".

It's at the point where it pumped last time. Started at ~15-16k. I really, sincerely doubt that's going to happen again.

buy SLFI NOW or cry later

I think there are multiple pump groups not just Fontas behind the coin. Theres technically nothing wrong with it, its crypto and it happens all the time. Fontas didnt mention pumping Putin, but Putin was pumped anyway.

ALOT of insiders are interested in TC. It's going to be very interesting to see where its headed. I dont think it will reach those levels organically, but we might see a 4.5M marketcap or HIGHER again.

Trumpcoin is the perfect PnD coin, if you really think about it.

I mean, honestly, what were we doing other than trying to get normies to pump the coin for us, so we could dump at $1?

We just tried to do babby's first fraud and failed. We don't have the capital or the coordination.


What did you buy at?

critical theory suggests we are in for the mother of all rides tomorrow

hide yo kids hide yo wife buy trump

Okay, I just watched Shia LaBeouf lose his ever loving shit on some user screaming 1488 at the He Will Not Divide us rally art thing. Can we PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD get a Veeky Forumsnessman down there to loudly shill TrumpCoin? I'm sure the surge in value will easily cover the lawyer fees as you sue Shia LaBeouf for whatever absurdness he enacts on you.

If its so good, why can't I margin trade it on Poloniex?

I would not expect it. Theres have been so many failed "insider" posts about TC that its like...you know like the boy who cried wolf.

For those of you who bought at the top: My advice to you is to hold your coins. There is no sense in selling now. There have been times Ive sold coins out of pure misery and frustration after a dump only to find 3 months later the coin pumps again.

The great thing about crypto is that coins pump and dump all the time and price swings happen very quickly. The winds can change. So hold on to your Trumps and watch the price. If it goes to rock bottom so be it its part of the game.

I'm going to hold them until at least his third term.

ok... but it looks like brooklyn and i rly, rly dont want to go there

ever again

fuck me

I'm... not sure I can do it.

370 trumps before the first major pump, then I tried to profit the dips and ended up at 250 after the 2nd dip. when the big walls was up I thought that was the new floor so I bought another 400 trumps at 27k thinking it would rise eventually given it's history

Go down below 10 cents so I can buy in.


If one invested their running away money at the height, and they suggested putting their "eating" money in now for more trumps... would you actually put someone to death and recommend that they buy just so you can make a few more pennies?

On the other hand... maybe you're for real

god bless the buy walls

I'd believe him. For reference I was around during the first pump in July when everyone was hyped up about the Alex Jones rumor and the dump then was completely different than the one we are currently watching. This dump seems like someone is lowering the price intentionally vs the panic sell off in July where everyone cashed out

Yes. I was here in the summer as well. There was big money behind that pump.

Question is, will it come again and when?

I just dumped my last $350 in.

Look at me, I'm singlehandedly funding all of David Brock's CTR work in 2017

idgaf. Trump is all I have left. Yoshit will confirm the transfer soon.

>tfw you convinced the guy who had $900 to invest all of them in TC when it was around 45k

I am that guy.

I'd say fuck you, but I don't think you were trying to fuck me over.

>/r9k/ using all their good boy points to pump EGG

Probably sooner than we think and the devs/alt right people who know about it are keeping quiet so that the price doesn't explode prematurely aka before everyone gets a nice piece of the pie

I truly wasn't, user. I'm also invested in TC. The way things are going, we won't be getting our quick profits. I'm sorry, fampai. Looks like we're going to have to wait for months.

how much lower can it get from here? This is clearly artificial

and people have been hyping the 23rd for a bit now

Are they pushing the doors open for the whole fucken world? How slow do you have to be to be an insider and not buy your way in in a few days?

the 23rd is probably just wishful thinking.

judging by the buy support on yoshit, which is barely 8 BTC total, this thing could literally crash with no survivors

they started nuking it during the inauguration. that is coordinated

I'd say its more about greed and getting as much as you can, but to your point its possible. Lets be real here, if they actually are working with Alex Jones alone he would open the doors to a lot of people. They've hinted at other media outlets though and I'm sure people like pizzapartyben have told other alt righters. I mean if you were milo's irl best friend wouldn't you ask him to promote something like this after investing? It would be an easy way to get rich af

they're creating a new class of political technorati

ppb now claims not to know anything about crypto if you ask him

Then again, no one's going to sell at under 10sat. Most of those guys who bought at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sat have probably already dumped the coin at 60sat. I'm assuming, judging by myself, that anyone who bought at over 20k isn't going to dump no matter what. it simply isn't worth it. now all we gotta be wary of are cowards and cucks who wanna bring it down even more, though their numbers are thinning with each sale.

>trumpcoiners selling out trump at the beginning of his administration
sure is soros in here

people want it to mean something. They will hold for that reason alone. Every sale thins the ranks of the weakest. Those who stand with our President stand with the coin.

Consolidation is good. Faith is real. Donald is love.

That just confirms my suspicion then of some behind closed doors insider shit going on. I proof that he knows and I'd share but I don't want to fuck anything up

This guy claiming to know nothing? twitter.com/PizzaPartyBen/status/820533086265876480

Maybe he meant the russian silver trumpcoin

What's your name on discord? I'll add you

Straight from yoshit chat

LP1967 L2: Trump will go below 10k for sure

This is chicken.

tc1 on trumpcoin discord

Got a link?

Who is ppb, if I may ask.