The "I relate to one character and like the other so I pair them together even though nothing of the sort ever happened in the anime" ship.
Are you Nico or Maki?
More like the "This ship annoys people and is hilarious so I ship it to bother people" ship.
Or alternatively the "This started as a joke ship but has become so widely shitposted with that it may as well be canon by now ship".
What's with kananyoshiko lately? Is it the sif story?
first for WE ARE SHARON
me? i'm nico - unintelligent, obnoxious and with a shitty sense of humor.
Reminder that seiyuushitters got btfo last thread and is considered off-topic shit.
Thank god. Aqours seiyuu are shit anyways.
>you will probably murder fuuko
I want to spend a whole day doing nothing but kissing cuddling and handholding riko-chan!
>you have to live your life knowing that honkniggers exist
kononshitters get the FUCK out
>you have to live your life knowing that honoka doesn't exist
goodnight fearless leader!
Chika chan will do her best to carry the torch!
>you get to live your life knowing that honoka doesn't exist
>but that means ruby doesn't exist either
cute Chikas!
quick, someone post more cutie mikans!
Not going to tier for Eli, calc says I need 10 gems for T2.
Anyone else notice that T1 gives out 3 copies of SR Eli and T2 gives 2? Neat that klab is actually giving incentives for tiering a single girl event.
Which calc? Is it part of the team builder?
Event points calculator, it's in the OP.
>instead of trying to learn how to draw noses artist just covers that part of the face with random shit
i fucking hate this guy so much
>you get to live your life knowing that ruby vs honk infighting will never end
I wasn't really planning on tiering just because I wanted to save gems, but here I am in T2, so I may aswell keep going.
this was based on a pic of Anchan holding the Shiitake pouch in the same pose though. it was posted last thread
Goodnight Honoka. May you dream of singing, lives and Umi
>18 different girls to choose from
>he picked honkers
Are you stupid? Anime noses are frequently just a dot. At best they are a short line.
Honoka is my wife! I love her!
I love Yohane-sama! I want to marry Yohane-sama!
At least it isn't rin boy (haha)
Look at this face. The face of a pure leader so of course Honks my favorite.
honkniggers get the FUCK out
I didn't choose Honoka, she drew me in.
>tfw you will probably never murder Fuuko
In the JP event, which songs have the most notes for each color?
rubypedos are the worst
this is undisputed
Reminding /llsifg/ that late night snacks go straight to your waistline.
Same bro
I wanted Nico, but Honoka is too alluring
riko-chan is my raison d'être
Honk single
Kohaku Biyori Desu
Beating Angel
I've long accepted I can't be friends with everyone.
[デジャブ]私はちょうど前にこの場所にいた。 通りに行くほど高い。 そして私はそれが私の時間であることを知っています。
So be it. I love Honoka, but I am not Honoka. Someone else will have to unify our anons.
So I heard Europeans have th we cute little ass sinks called Bidets? I wish we had those here in America, they sound useful.
>Nozotoddlers already ruining this thread with their falseflagging
>tfw I want to be the only nicopedo in this general but I cant
Do mnot falter. We all have a small amount of Honoka within us, brother.
she was fuckin delicious
Marry You
Kill Chika
Wape Wooby
I love RIn. I;m gonna marrry Rin
Your implications are concerning, user.
You can't keep her to yourself fag
What are you looking at user?
I'm looking for your parents. Are you lost, kiddo?
don't worry wooby, i'll make sure to eat enough snacks for the both of us then, so you can maintain your cute figure!
Why do you have Nico written on your shirt? Are you stupid?
Use a fucking coaster, someone had to wax and shine that fine wood to perfection.
This is the happiest day of my life!
I love you Nico, my beautiful cinnamon roll
That's nice to know, Maki.
Give me your name so I can find Nico and take her as MY wife.