constantly losing games edition
constantly losing games edition
first for nami
Best husbando!!!!!!
super cool!!
like me!
B-BUT YOU MUST WAIT TO 750/250!!!!!!
>play ranked
>game starts badly
>i'm having a bad day so i start flaming the shit out of my team
>somehow we're holding on despite the enemy twitch running rampant
>team won't accept my surrenders
>keep flaming my team
>this continues until 50m when we eventually win
>"never surrender wu (me), you can always win
>tfw had made the thread already, just waiting for 750
>this happens
at least it ain't lulufag
Cheerleader skin line when?
xth for Rumble
>walk into your bedroom
>see this
what do you do?
Congrats user,you are now officially a bigger faggot than a Syndra player
>that nose
fucking disugsting
sry I don't like blue
This is the play of a man who has nothing.
last thread
>Fucking play Kled almost perfectly, hard carrying my team (literally 10/1, with 2/3rds of our kills at one point)
>End game with 20/8/12 out of a 43/35 game
>Literally there for 32 of our 43 kills
>Gotta get at least an S- for it, right?
Riot, please fix the god damn algorithm to account for more shit than 25% KDA, 75% minions.
I mean, at least do SOMETHING to account for when you roam hard as a top/mid.
What happened to Senator Armstrong?
nigger who actually ever thinks "shit i better go read the last thread"
He changed names and now is a faggot ass taric main or some shit and got to masters.
>twenty kills
>one death
>no farm
>get an A
Oh, well.
Who do I play for freelo??
he changed his account to ClimbMountTargon
he posted here yesterday
according to the stats end of last season I have ~15% winrate vs Wukong. I just can't win against him.
So I go up against him top lane, and feed 3 kills over the first 10 minutes. yeah, my bad, w/e.
he leaves, I ping mia like crazy. Ping retreat on our 4 man bot lane tower diving.
enemy quadra kill
why must i be subject to this doom?
bannerot heimer mid
it's a cheese build but holy fuck is it good
Lee Sin don't try the fancy shit just gank like normal kill them and get fed.
>i fed an enemy
>hurr hurr why is my team feeding wtf?!?!
gee boss
my ip gains are so shit now that the ip boost is gone
feels bad man
Silver 3
How the fuck do I play Evelynn
I just tried her from the first time and I've only ever jungled as Warwick
I couldn't even clear the first six camps without having to burn smite twice and back once
She has no health and no sustain
ad reds as quints armor yellows as blues
fucking KITE
What does /lolg/ think of Redmercy, Pants are Dragon and Dong Huap?
Play splitpushers
>on 13 game losing streak
>pick master yi and smash face on keyboard
works every time
donghuap is based others are reddit
Nothing. Those names mean nothing to me.
>enemy tryndamere goes 26/1/9 and we can't do shit because he's permapushing top and my team won't go to stop him
what the fuck
i thought this champion was supposed to be bad? first time seeing him. damage is fucking crazy.
I enjoy him in low dose bursts. His accent is odd but soothes my autism
annoying shit, Can't stand this guy for some reason.
>Dong Huap
Literally who
post fiestas
Why did the villagers direct Nami to Ionia?
How would they even know Diana is there (IF she is there?)
And if she is in Ionia, what is she doing there?
>get bard support
>he feeds 4 kills in the first 7 minutes of the game
>liking worst noxus boy
Which champ(s) give [you] a boner?
There are very few champions in the game that are legit just "bad". Some are overspecialized, or incredibly niche, but most champions are at least good at SOMETHING. And if you don't respect that one or few things that they're good at, they will fuck you up.
The only reason people say Tryndamere is "bad" is because there's a good number of champions that do what he does, but better, or are more versatile in what they do, or are harder to shut down.
Tryndamere inherently loses most matchups before he gets vamp scepter, but later on he becomes a fucking pain in the ass unless you have a specific counter-splitpusher in your comp.
fuck you and your cancer champ
>best waveclear in the game
>low mana costs
>impossible to gank because lolrange
>shits out aoe damage
>high mobility
>can't kill her because lolshield
>just melts teams 1v5 with some ap
fucking drink bleach and die
comfy bfs~
cozy sweater~
Terrible speaker, disgusting brown person with a kids voice, and who
are u ok
all females
and ezreal
and ekko
>high mobility
I hate her too but what the fuck are you talking about. Her movement speed is barely mobility in league of dashes
Who here /examweek/?
How much league have you played to procrastinate studying?
I climbed 2 divisions
aphromoo got unbanned?
is qtpie the hashinshin of botlane? he doesn't cry like hash does, but he kinda goes all in to the point of feeding, and will continue to try and 1v1 their adc when he has 10+ deaths
>Not even smite on Ivern
Fucking hate that tree
I can't kite well enough to be able to kill the Sentinel smiteless.
Even Anivia?
rek'sai too.
>high mobility
just lost a game because the enemy nunu top took smite and was constantly taking all of our junglers's top camps so he was like 3 levels below everyone else.
what the fuck did I just experience.
kek, how based
>movement speed is barely mobility in league of dashes
sure thing
whats happening to the legacy client? did they already forced the update and I was left behind? good fucking grief i was getting tired of those fucking ads
>low mana costs
Thats why she builds Morellos every fucking game right?
>log horizon
What the fuck user
C'mon man don't give Wu players a bad name.
>shit talk our adc for being a girl all match
>she asks for them to report me for sexism and shit in end game lobby
>"only if you send us nudes lmao"
>she quits immediatly and sends me a friend request
>messages me saying shes crying and that why should i be such an asshole to her, and asks me if im just trolling or really like that
>mfw i'm really like that
alright fuck this shit
i don't see why i should go through hell and back learning how to perform a basic fucking task as evelynn when i can switch to warwick and do the same shit in a quarter of the time without smite or potions and not have to worry about accidentally aggroing a single caster minion and dying while moving between blue and red
NOXUS Husbando Tier List
3.Talon (I guess....)
4.everyone else
5. Kled (I mean, REALLY)
Are there any champions with no overpowered abilities whatsoever?
Because Evelynn fucks solo queue like no other
Literally just walk into a lane and press all your buttons, the cunt is dead. Use your stealth to invade and ward with no threat, make sure you never get counterganked and bam. Free win.
Someone please explain this to me.
What match is this? Where can I watch it all come tumbling down?
why are you trying to full clear as evelynn? you rush 3 and then spam gank from invis.
I do that. Seriously.
Usually by Ctrl+f champions I am interested in, but occasionally I browse through the whole thing.
1-4 Play League
5-9 stop drinking and go to school
0 kill myself
>decide to play some flex Q
>90% smurf accounts
Wow fun times
But I can carry just as hard as Warwick and his W passive letting him always get the kill instead of letting them back.
And I just played my first match with her before spending a while in practice tool and I didn't get to do anything, I was spending the entire match just trying to stay alive and XP relevant when I had to back every 3 minutes due to one camp taking all of my mana and potions to bring down.
evelynn doesn't work about gold user
she stop being effective when people actually start using control wards.
>lulu is overpowered guys!
>get the lulu that wont fucking use exhaust and causes me to lose a triple kill early and then starts trying to KS me the whole game
nice meme
thats cause shes a bad champ and bad players are giving you bad opinions
>all I want is to meet a nice girl to play with
>hear about user meeting one and just being a sack of shit about it
enough internet for me tonight, goodnight lads
>Play Bard
>Get 50/60 chimes
>Basically get an aoe Frozen Mallet for free
>1.8 secs stun on a 3.85 secs CD at 45% CDR
>Can lose the game on my own with a bad ult
This is just beautiful.
>a lulu player in my silver games did badly so the champion in general is bad
so, plat?
post your image support main user
1 to 9 I keep watching this you tube video.
0 I play league then an hero.
i hate girls who "play" vidya. dont look at me
a champions overall strength is determined by the players
meaning that just becase you're bronze that doesnt mean that she, with and against the highest level of players, performs vastly above almost all others in her role
Lulu is OP in high level play if played badly she's BadJanna.
>video games
hmmm this looks familiar
yeah it looks just like dota
more like plat but really the same thing i guess
Girls would hate your pathetic weak ass anyways.
>tfw I met one of the developers and he legitimately said "its better than league"
keep being mad
Holy fuck I'm stealing that I already play Nunu Top when I wanna meme top and I rush a ZZ Rot while spamming laugh the whole time.
which one
>not patiently teaching her how to play and developing a relationship on mutual encouragement to improve
>not improving yourself so that you can be the best you can for her and improving yourself so you can git gud enough to teach her
I'm 6'50 and row for NASA though
no fucking chance