Challenged ahri edition
League of legends general /lolg/
1st for our guy metroid
More like mentally challenged Ahri.
Owowowowowd scarce here vSauces here my name is peewwwwwwdiepie!!!! Favorite champion is destruction woman
>stomp madbads with best husbando
>still lose because 1 v 9
Kill Me, Pete
low cs
>Messages Available: 1/5
Who's the madbad?
I can tel who's the maddie.
>didn't upgrade to mejai
League is down now, what the fuck
What am I supposed to do to procrastinate studying??
>Entire enemy team dead
hows the banning these days? do riot ban toxic people and trolls or are they patient with them?
>be ganking jungler
>be autistic and don't gank lanes who insult or spam ping me
>all laners do that
>brain goes blue screen
I've inted and been salty a few times, and no punishments.
You only get in trouble if you spam "nigger" or you get 9 people to report you
not trolls unless its 100% obvious
thats why you "troll" to get people to be "toxic" and they get instabanned
>there are people who literally cant play without their "duo"
garbage players
i like playing with my support because it's fun you faggot
l'm tired of autofilled supports also l have more fun playing with a friend than some random bitch that passive aggresive flames you. What's your problem?
comfy bfs~
I can only play solo.
it will be up in about an hour
>Game gives you the option to block pings and chat
>can get reported for not communicating.
>he doesn't play adc
>Game gives you the option to block pings
even if you mute them they're still visible and you can't mute particular players
>you can't mute particular players
but that's wrong
get gud
yeah so? get gud
xth for Rumble
>adc player
>git gud
They already play the hardest role, so...
>Say it's fun
>"get gud xd"
Get some friends you sad little person
banned for not communicating means you have to be a real fuckin contrarian about it
not communicating by muting is perfectly ok
>not playing normal blinds exclusively
Still unranked, still unbanned, still having loads of fun.
there was a time I would simply run it down a lane every few games, nothing happened to me
>in a competitive environment
dont tell me you thought he was referring to anything but ranked
if/that you do rely on a duo to actually win means you're shit
Does /lolg/ care about the lore changes?
I don't particularly enjoy stacked games and yasuo vs yasuo every time
>tank meta
rip my nigga maokai
Only for the champions that I play.
>supp main
>"hey user, mind if my friend supports? We're duo. :)"
>they feed out the ass
>blame everyone else for not ganking them
>they get salty and if they don't outright troll, they flame the entire time
Every single duo botlane is one of these scenarios without fail. Xayah/Rakan release might be the single worst day in league history for Support mains.
>he doesn't compete for fun
sad person
>queue fill for ranked
>get support
>mid says "hey can i get support?"
>"i can only play lulu or zyra can i sup?" says top
>"i wanna braum" says jungle
wew lads
Man I just took a nasty fucking shit and my stomach hurts, the entire house smells like my rancid ass
Ask me anything about Nunu
only if it affects the quality of the drawn porn
you're so full of shit. Main reason to play a game is to have fun. Are you getting payed for playing solo? Secondly league is a teamwork game if you usually play with the same person you develop a syngergy and go for more plays specially if you're in voice chat
Same here, for a couple months or so I would queue up with a friend and troll the fuck out of everyone, call bot premade and follow the jungler wherever he goes, sit in top brush for minutes to steal xp from our top laner, shit like that. Never got banned once, maybe it's because I'm not flaming 24/7 which apparently is a much more grave offense.
I'm somewhat miffed that they removed all references to JttW from wukong's lore, made him an ordinary monkey, threw in a line about "turning to stone when dying" just so they didn't have to redo his death animation despite retconning his origin, and removed his illusion spawning (and most likely cloud-riding) powers. I mean, they actually changed his decoys to be straw dummies. Worst is that they are most likely changing his title from "Monkey king" to "wuju disciple"
>queue for jungle/top
>get autofilled to supp
>mid asks for supp
>jungle says he's fill primary
somethings suspicious
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
What would Nunu's shits smell like?
Not only you're a sad lonely person but also retarded. Congratulations!
That's why you play Yi and farm harder than anybody in the game and when you go to gank, you take all the farm and leave them to die to the enemy laner and go back in to the jungle.
You should finish farming by 20 minutes.
>I'm shit at the game so I'll just deny my lack of skill and say its for fun
I don't really care about the lore but it's nice to see characters having a direction instead of being randoms.
I can play solo but why risk it when I know with my duo we have guaranteed win.
>not playing till gold for a free skin then never touching ranked
of course you would play blind when youre too stupid to get fucking GOLD
and you ain't got shit to say about it either
Your jungler's blue buff
I want to look EXACTLY like Shyvana!
league of legends
>wake up early to play ranked before I do anything
>leagues down
>literally kms
>not embracing the yasuo vs yasuo meme
>not bullying your teammate saying shit like "we always get the bad yasuo" making him int whilst trying to prove himself
Tilting literal 12 year olds is half the fun in playing lol.
where's my invite
at least I'm not a dirty foreigner
>This power... I cannot control
It's being ruined.
I don't want to see my Noxian Niggas ruined.
I thought the Zyra ult was a Gangplank ult for a second.
If you're not playing with a premade 5 then you have literally no excuse to not play draft post-30
u wot?
You're dirty foreigner TO ME!
Wrong. To you, I'm a clean and advanced foreigner, and you're a dirty local
No you are dirty.
Is support becoming more popular? What's the least wanted role now?
>"My life is so shit I have to play competitive games for the sole reason of pretending I'm actually good at something!"
Go back to your dying general.
I'm up against goldies all the time and they're pretty much the same as bronze or silver. Anyone with an okay game knowledge and half-decent mechanics can reach gold, don't act like it's high elo or anything. The best part is when they look me up on their little lol apps, see that I'm unranked and get cocky thinking I'm a pushover or something, they always get cucked hard (it helps that nobody below plat knows how powerful fiddlesticks can be).
Plat players are generally better than me though, so I'm sure I'm not on that level yet. Gold, however, is trash, I would legitimately feel ashamed if I had a gold frame. That just means you're pointlessly being a tryhard, playing ranked when you can't even go above shit-eater elo like gold.
I think it's ADC after the #adc2017 meme. Anyway ADC is also extremely frustrating to play, chances are support is more popular.
hey shyvfag how often are you on for norms?
I could use a consistent cutie to play with
Is shyvana good?
>tfw i want to fuck judy hopps
user, the very nature of the game is to play to win, if you're not being the best you can even at a shitty hobby, just what are you doing
using a crutch like a duo or OTP may lead to more wins, but in a situation where that's not available you either give up and not play, or lose
wrong you still get much more support than adc if you pick fill
>I win normal games against gold tier players fucking around but still cant beat plat players when theyre fucking around
youre at silver level kid dont fucking kid yourself, every diamond plays like a silver in vg vs vg and you fucking think you NORMALS mmr means shit?
>they ban your champion
>tryhards counterpicking and firstpicking like they're in lcs or some shit
>spend more time drafting and queuing than actually playing the game
>call a lane
>realize some other guy called your lane first
>flame some in the lobby for a minute and a half
>you're good to go
isnt he talking about pings? can u mute specific player ping?
Has anyone here tried Haste?
Or is it just more botnet?
who latin south america here?
Why Shen so damn fun
>calling lanes
When I land the spear as nidalee do I mash my face on the keyboard or try to reset my autos to maximize dps on my target ? can you even do that on her?
Gripex gets 3k viewers
Crown gets 600
explain lolbabs
>used to main adc
>got sick of autofilled supports
>became a support main
>#adc2017 happened
>no regrets
Well I guess I'm silver then, big fucking whoop, I'm playing to have fun not to waddle my e-peen on other 12 year old online.
>b-but im just fuckin around bruh!
Says the salty lvl7 riven goldie after he gets madcucked by silvers and unrankeds. It's always funny seing low-mmr kiddos trying to prove themselves in blind pick against silver and bronze retards. At least plats are generally chill and it's obvious that they are actually fucking around.
always, i dont do ranked alot
l play both solo and duoq and you're fucking retarded stop embarrassing yourself more and more with each post
playing with a duo doesn't make you play worse solo if anything it makes you play better by improving your teamwork
>inb4 "m-my original post was only meant to those who only play duo"
you're contradicting yourself, you say you only play to win but acknowledge playing duoq with someone you usually play with increases your chances of winning
>watching other people play the game