anyone think theres money to be made in manufacturing tiny homes?
Tiny homes
You'll find that it is more expensive (per foot) to build a small home as opposed to a big home.
There is a market for it... its just... well... small
i founhd the cost to be about 8,000 for materials, i can manufacture them very cheap. figured there going to take the place of tow behind campers
If you are attempting to replace "caravans" then be prepared... there are ALOT of alternatives in the market already!
unless it is a very good design (hence you are an architect with a strong design background from one of the world reknown master classes), the market is oversaturated.
Yeah but since square footage is smaller it is still much cheaper. Also tiny homes will last longer and be much more efficient in terms of heating and hydro.
Would it be cheaper to buy a land and then a 'flat packed house' or just a normal brick house?
Yes, and the people buying them premade throw a $30,000 solar panel array on the roof anyway, so they can virtue signal on Facebook about how environmental they are. In their $100,000 house that's the size of a bedroom.
OP, there is a solid market for idiots wanting to pay a hundred dollars a square foot to live in something smaller than a shipping container, yes. You just have to be in delivery range of the kind of people that see a Yurt on TV and say "that's the lifestyle I want!"
So... go where the faggits are. West Coast. California, Washington, those places.
>buy land
>in the UK
This. Not as many people want these things as you think.
If anything, it'd be more sensible to just build a bunch of them on a plot of land and have people rent them.
I've seen complexes that are kinda like that; instead of apartments, it's a bunch of very small bungalows in a fenced area. It's actually a quite nice effect. You could probably do it with Tiny Homes(tm) and either operate it more like a hotel, or as housing for students or young couples.
sup quebec
no one in quebec wants a tiny house
>more efficient heating
>tiny home
literally incorrect, square cube law and all that. because you have a larger relative surface area to the volume of home you have to heat, it will be less efficient than a larger home.
This is why mice and birds are constantly eating, but bears can afford to hibernate.
The only way tiny homes are more efficient is in how little material they use, but even then, it's mostly more expensive and more robust exterior wall rather than cheap hollow interior walls, so even in terms of cost effectiveness in building materials per square foot, a smaller house is probably worse.
Again with these stupendously wrong construction estimates on biz, have you ever even paid a contractor before?
Even a 300 sqft. house will cost you AT LEAST 30k, and that's being very generous, more likely you will end up at 50k
>for materials
I think he intends to build these things himself. which would take for-fucking-ever per unit, but w/e, thats 30k in savings by DIYing it instead of paying people
I still think it would be better to do this more as an architect or landlord rather than just making what are basically just elaborate camper vans for sale tho
I looked at one mobile home manufcturer, they sold a unit called the 'thrifty' that was 377 sq ft and was priced at 20k before shipping, anchoring, hook-up ext which is ony another 4k or depending on where you live.
You can also buy metal prefab structures for about $20/sq foot including everything.
But yeah, a used RV in a muncipality that doesn't care is probably the cheapest way to go for a small house, but they need to be modified for long-term living. Most RVs are built cheap and lightweight and will rapidly fall apart if you live in them full time, especially if you cook or shower everyday.
yes thats why people get trailer homes instead, which are meant to be lived in semi-permanently and in temperate climates, as opposed to RVs that are meant for short vacations (but even then should hold up with regular maintenance)
doing this as some kind of flat pack home company is not going to work. theres only a few of these things and the market is already oversaturated because the overlap between "hipsters with too much money" and "people willing to live in a cardboard box" is rather small.
again, consider something like operating a complex of the things as apartment or hotel like rental properties, or offering your services as an architect or other designer to people who have bought land and want a custom home.
retard logic strong here.
small objects literally lose heat faster than large objects of the same shape. prove me wrong, fag
the surface area to volume ratio being a thing is why heat sinks are designed the way they are. anything with lots of surface area compared to its volume will lose heat faster than something with less surface area compared to its volume
kys yourself
what's this, a perspective view top down CAD drawing? when did they start doing this? this is a scam to make the room look bigger than it really is, isn't it
There a thing called insulation and it's cheaper to heat and cool and light a small space than a larger space.
Yes, perhaps it's more expensive to heat, cool and light ten 500 sq/ft trailers in the open than a single 5000 sq/ft mcmansion but it's still cheaper for an individual to live in a smaller space.
Use superior insulation methods then. Doesn't have to be your standard insulation. Tiny home with stone walls would be an extremely good insulator.
>floor plans are scams now
>use more expensive insulation than you would normally
>use more of that insulation than you would normally
>be less efficient than a normal sized home
just admit that you're wrong you uneducated samefagging fuck
>it's cheaper to heat and cool and light a small space than a larger space.
only by sheer volume -- your heaters still have to work proportionally harder. it is literally less efficient. you even said it yourself,
>it's more expensive to heat, cool and light ten 500 sq/ft trailers in the open than a single 5000 sq/ft mcmansion
someone looking for actually cost-effective housing is never going to pick a tiny meme home. that's not the point of these constructions. the point of them is that they're cozy little meme hutches, not that they're cheap. they're actually a fair bit more expensive than normal homes because land makes up most of the cost of housing, and these stupid shacks are cottage industry bullshit so you end up paying more for less
Friend got 2.2 acres for 20k
Why would anyone need more than 500 square feet? I live in a 400 square feet apartment and half the area is just empty space.
I have a retarded hippy second cousin who built one of these meme houses and allegedly makes a shit load of money offering it up to rent on AirBNB to other faggot hipsters
I wish I was joking
This isnt a bad idea.
>build tiny home using cheap supplies
>advertise it as green and "friendly" to faggot hipsters
>well insulated
Pick one.
Now we're getting into my area of expertise, you probably want a door and at least 6 windows on your shed and for good insulation you would want a u-value of at least 2 which, assuming standard sizes will set you back about $4,000 already.
That's not cheap to the rest of the world.