Let's say a medieval knight heads off to fight in the Crusades, survives, and returns home. How does he prove he was a crusader if someone accuses him of lying? Were there any recordbooks? Maybe Muslims would brand POWs? Could he ask any veterans around to confirm it? In fact, what was the return rate on crusaders?
Quick question
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He brought souvenirs with him.
In the medieval ages, Christian religious sites all over the Mediterranean world sell badges & other proofs to verify that you have, indeed, visited the place. It's basically the origin of modern Tourist Souvenirs. For crusaders, it was a cross badge to indicate he went a-crusading.
In addition: Eastern products like silk, dinars, n shiet,
Dang, that's pretty neat. Are there any pictures of these badges, etc.?
Also sorry for the fantasy OP pic, it looked more realistic in the thumbnail.
He challenges him to a duel
This was from around Europe tho and in the 1300s-1400s.
Going into pilgrimages is literally like pokemon.
Also I think they were monitored for counterfeits. I know the Ottomans did have a law for their Christians to police their sites since Pilgrimages brought revenue.
Also you wore them on your hat.
This is amazing. I'd never heard about this before.
This is amazing
If I remember right, these badges were also useful because people didn't like peasants leaving home to wander aimlessly.
To go on a pilgrimage, you had to ask permission, not only to your lord if you were a serf, but also to your local church. After a period of waiting and examination, you were allowed to go. But you had to come back, and prove that you went where you were supposed to go, and did not just fuck around in the wilderness to escape your annoying wife.
Holy shit this is too awesome to be true
>ywn go and visit every holy site in the middle east, defeat gym leaders and collect their badges
Fucking tourists everywhere, I swear to God...
PILIGRIMAGE GO fucking when?
nice, but they look rather expensive
>medieval pilgrims tattoos
>still operating today
This is amazing. I would love to get a tattoo there.
they got a cross tattooed to their wrist
Did they have stolen valour back then?
>Oh yeah, what were you.
I'd love to see someone running up to a recently returned veteran back during the Crusader Era holding an iPhone screaming like a child
Quite the opposite on all levels, modern and historic.
Most were made quite cheaply out of pewter and tin, and in huge quantities (though silver and even gold are not unheard of). They were made in such quantities, that many originals can be bought in good condition for $150-$300 USD, and are cornerstone pieces for many medieval antique collectors.
As for modern repros, many companies made casts of originals, and crank them out for the reenactment market for cheap. Billy & Charlie, and Fettered Cock being my go-to dealers. Badges are a great way of building character for your portrayal.
Pic is a few of my badges.
The overwhelming majority of peasants could leave whenever the fuck they wanted, user. Serfs and peasants are not the same thing.
Just so you all know this is where the the fashion phenomena of leaving stickers on your flat billed hat came from.
>>The overwhelming majority of peasants could leave whenever the fuck they wanted,
to go where fucking idiot?
Wherever they wanted to go.
Of course peasants, being of inferior intelligence and ambition, usually didn't have anything in mind. Which is why they were peasants in the first place.
Explain the difference between a peasant and a serf.
One is tied to the land. The other is either renting land, owns it, or some combination of the two, and is a free individual. Alternatively, the land maybe be tied to THEM, with the noble owning it so heavily restricted by custom and tradition that his stopped making any real money on it two generations ago.
Peasant just means farmer. Serfs are the oppressed schmucks you retards always assume peasants are.
>Wherever they wanted to go.
Could they fuck.
In Europe, you had to have permission to enter a town, they didn't just let anyone in.
The roads were not safe, and since peasants seldom traded in hard currency, its not like you could just buy food from people.
Farming required a lot of effort and time, it still does. If you wanted to feed your family, you had to stay where you are.
As for ambition and intelligence, they were clearly intelligent enough to survive in a world that required far more willpower to survive in than this one.
As soon as literacy and reading materials became even partly widespread, peasants began to educate themselves and even come up with ideas of their own, hence why you have half a million in Germany rising up against their lords in 1525.
There were many ambitious uprisings before then, all through the history of Europe, and Asia too.
>Could they fuck.
>In Europe, you had to have permission to enter a town, they didn't just let anyone in.
And they ended up letting just about everyone in. Travel in and around Europe was a common fucking thing, though overall miles covered wouldn't be amazing given the need to walk.
>The roads were not safe
Which is why the sword and buckler were rather common possessions-hence I.33 depicting commoners- as was a staff for those unable to afford them, and literally EVERYONE carried a knife of a rather reasonable size at all times.
>and since peasants seldom traded in hard currency,
Guess what they used their hard currency for? Shit they couldn't barter for. They could also simply carry food with them, you mongoloid.
>Farming required a lot of effort and time, it still does. If you wanted to feed your family, you had to stay where you are.
They literally had a shorter working year than modern people. The workload of a farmer varies heavily with the seasons.
Peasants traveling isn't some controversial new idea. It's well understood to have occurred and been utterly normal. Go read the Canterbury tales for a a bit before bed instead of sucking dicks.
Threads like these remind me that Veeky Forums wasn't a mistake.
>Which is why they were peasants in the first place.
Ah yes, they failed to take advantage of the good social mobility of the feudal times :^)
>And they ended up letting just about everyone in.
'Ended up'. There has to be something before you end up you stupid piece of shit.
>Travel in and around Europe was a common fucking thing
When? We are talking about a long period of time, and you seem to be focusing on the latter part of it.
You are basing your idea of medieval Europe on the fucking Canterbury Tales, are you aware that England was an unusually peaceful country throughout the medieval period, hence why its institutions of law and state were more central and developed entering the modern era.
>Which is why the sword and buckler were rather common possessions
Try defending yourself with a sword and buckler against five guys. Really, I insist, I will be one of those five guys. Give me a staff, five mates and the element of surprise and I will still brain you. Same goes for a knife.
> They could also simply carry food with them, you mongoloid.
Food which rots quickly, you spastic.
>They literally had a shorter working year than modern people. The workload of a farmer varies heavily with the seasons.
They had to protect their fields and whatever livestock they may have possessed all year round, the shorter working year does not account for all the other factors besides which kept peasants in the same place.
>Peasants traveling isn't some controversial new idea. It's well understood to have occurred and been utterly normal.
Where and when, faggot. If you are going to make claims like this, using the Canterbury Tales and illustrations, then I will rightly tell you to kill yourself.
>it's a "farmers have/had it easy" episode
Don't go jumping to conclusion, looks like this'll devolve into a "peasants were freer than we are" thread.
His sweet tan obviously holy shit
War scars, obviously.
A Jewish/Muslim/future Turkroach trophy wife or a few brownish looking bastards (I'm the descendant of one).
Well, something to steal for my fantasy Veeky Forums stuff. Thanks a ton.
>that helmet
Elf Magneto?
Not him but the average medieval farmer worked considerably less compared to us.
Also if you came back with crippling PTSD and ranting about the Pope is a liar who sends young boys to die for the Vatican's imperial ambitions, they'd might assume you were a legit vet, along with being a filthy heretic.
A combat vet is far more likely to be very muted or negative about reflecting on his experiences than a poser is.
Fuck that phenomena
>people went to the holy land and battled mudslime gym leaders for gym badges
They probably were, but the parts of their lives that were less free were much, much worse than ours overall
Peasants were not forbidden to leave, but they needed good reasons for it to be socially accepted.
Also, people wandering around could be arrested as vagabonds, so bishops, along with their permission, gave the pilgrims documents, the testimoniales, attesting that they are good christians on a righteous journey.
We've already been over this countless times, 1h of facebook posting in an office != 1 hour of assembly factory manual work != 1 hour of tilling the land != 1 hour of hunting or gathering
>A female peasant with a shirt showing her elbows and cleavage
Actually that woman is semi-naked for that period of time and she is standing next to a Christian fanatic warrior-monk.
But yeah bro, that helmet is not historically accurate.
If he was a knight I feel like people would know what he was up to.
He needed to have an income. Maybe he was serving with some lord in Southern France and then goes back to Normandy and talks about Crusading, but I feel like that could eventually get out.
>In Europe, you had to have permission to enter a town, they didn't just let anyone in.
Towns in the Medieval period were absolutely desperate for more people. They sucked a massive amount of people from the hinterland
Especially after the black death there was a lot of opportunity if you wanted to take it.
Wew lad, calm down. "Pope urban lied, people died' would have been as alien as an airplane to the medieval worldview. There is some debate as to whether PTSD is universal or something modern people are more prone to (modern combat is different, we eay prepackaged meat and have less violent societies).
>opportunity if you wanted to take it.
I think you're looking at an illiterate, superstitious, uneducated peasant from a literate, public schooled, internet having perspective.
I don't think you can brand 90% of the population as
>being of inferior intelligence and ambition
simply because they did what most 90% of the people at the time did and were generally born into that life.
I don't think he thought the elf'so helmet was ahistorical, just funny looking
Sure you can. An undereducated mass who thinks they are living in the role God planned for them is neither intelligent nor motivated.
I guess it's a chicken and egg kinda sjw triggering on my part...
Which is why, of course, there was never an emerging middle class of landowning farmers and increasingly wealthy merchants and tradesmen in the urban boom before the black death and in the prosperous labour market afterwards
oh, wait.
every time I see you post its always cool shit
Raiding with bros.
Belt of Saracen dicks.
[spoiler]hunting and gatherins is obviously the superior choice[/spoiler]
I don't think farming took that much sustained effort, more than half the year was spent in drunkenness and religious observance, relaxing and just hangin' out.
Weren't more than half the days in the year educated feast days? Also beer was so crucial to the English diet, I've read (don't know if the case elsewhere) that Crusader POWs starved to death at times being denied veer by Muslim horde.
Dedicated* not educated
>Educated feast days
In terms of work load, Farmers do get somewhat of a break during the winter but even then there are still things to do (especially if you own livestock). Outside of winter its a pretty tough lifestyle.
>not being a gentleman-farmer
It's like your great-to-the-nth grandfather didn't even have money.
No reason to believe they worked that hard tilling the land. They didn't mass produce for profit and compete with other peasants. Also a third of the year was religious holidays/festivals and there wasn't that much to do on winters.
It's a pretty tough lifestyle after capitalism. They didn't farm massive lands.
nah you'd just be called mad and spoken ill of in the village
My secret desire is that Veeky Forums hotshots claiming "peasants had it easy" would be forced to spend 2 or 3 years living off the land while using medieval technology and rotation practices, while also being bound by the feudal, church and local taxes and laws.
And it'd all be televised, like a sort of reality TV show I could watch while relaxing after work, prefferably being dedicatedly drunk.
bunch of them just never came back
You can still get those if you walk the Camino of Santiago in Spain.
OP here, thank you so much everyone for your information! It's fascinating stuff and great material for my work. I love learning about medieval times.
Right? I'm just happy I could provide a good topic-starter.
Pretty sure if you live in a small village, say you are going crusading leave on your horse and don't come back after 30 years it will be generally accepted by those around you that you went on a crusade.
You noticed that, but not that he is an elf.
I think peasants led a more grueling existence than we did, but I still say we should petition the government to recognize more saint's feast days as holidays.
If their existence really was grueling, suicide rates would be the telling factor.
really? because only like the first 4 replies are worth anything. half of this shit is just memes and high school tier history
Yeah, sure. Except we have descriptions of behaviors that match PTSD as old as rome, and hotspur in particular clearly fucking has it.
Oh, and South Americans are more prone to it than north Americans.
Clearly PTSD is a new thing and only the whites get it because they have cell phones, though.
It's just like how autism didn't exist until the 80s, and cancer wasn't around in 400ad.
PTSD is the result of long-term low intensity conflict. The human mind evolved to handle brief period of intense violence interspersed with calm, hence the whole "fight or flight" response. What we aren't good at is dealing with months or years of constant directionless danger, such as you encounter during a siege, during trench warfare, or during an occupation that is opposed by insurgents.
> months or years of constant directionless danger, such as you encounter during a siege, during trench warfare, or during an occupation that is opposed by insurgents.
so basically, exactly what many experienced in the crusades?
>he doesn't understand the weeks or months of skirmishing that occur before major battles
>doesn't know about the viscous slaughters that occur when foragers urn into each other
>apparently no idea who henry hotspur is or why it matters
>unaware that simply marching with an army brings with it it violence and uncertainty
>along with dead friends from disease and starvation
>totally fucking unaware that research points to simply living a rough life making you more prone to PTSD, as the homan mind doens't react well to prolonged stress, with the source being totally irrelevant
And yet, he comments anyway. Fucking Veeky Forums.
And the vast majority of wars in history.