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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Fire Emblem is gay and so are you
Report and Ignore early threads.
cina is HIV positive
Tharja a best and canon.
Camilla a best!
We like Ike!
>Game spends the first chapter wanking Ike off
>Ike and crew are too cowardly to fight without the Emblian Emblem
Wow. I don't even dislike Ike, but I can't stand all the Ike wank. Like, he was okay in PoR, then he was a Mary Sue in RD, then they jacked him off in Awakening and now here. Is IS that desperate to show Japanese kids that they are "cool Ikefans" too?
Burned a hundred orbs and all I got was a 4* Eirika. Hopefully she will work well with my other blue daughteru
Tharja a best and canon.
youre stuck here
Add me familia
+def - res ike, +hp -spd titania after 130 orbs. Just happy I have them desu.
I don't like Ike. He is a dumb, DUMB hunk.
>Report submitted! This window will close in three seconds...
Super Alfonse when?
What are some skills to give to titania?
These are your legs tonight.
FE Echoes first week sales in Japan are lower than Shadow Dragon and New Mystery according to Media Create
Whenever 6* becomes a thing.
Consider the following:
+SPD Nino
blade tome
heavy blade
savage blow
>spent all my orbs on the spring banner trying to get bunnies
>spent all my orbs again on Battling Zephiel for blues
>only have enough orbs to do one full roll
>hoping for Ike, but would settle for Soren or Titania
>see this
SON OF A BITCH. Guess the red.
It was already posted in the last thread you goddamn newfags
>1 orb left
>no ike
>leo and eirika could've been an ike
Are there really only 3 units with Draw Back in Heroes, or is the wiki just outdated.
It's kinda vital to my strategy.
Is Fire Emblem dying again?
>Remake a shit game (worst in the series)
>Use a bland, unappealing art-style
>Do so at the twilight of the 3DS' life cycle
>Doesn't sell so well
I'm still getting Echos but I hope it doesn't sell too well. I want it to sell well enough that we get more Fire Emblem games but I want it to underperform so they make Waifu Emblem 3 and pander to waifu fags like me.
That being said I do want to emulate Binding Blade, Blazing Blade, and Sacred Stones.
LITERALLY my first pull and I got Ike. how jelly r u
Should I put Hone or Fortify Calvary on Leo ?
Or should I bother with Leo at all in my Horse team
So far its Tiny Hands and Cecilia
Yes. Pretend Ike is Alm in this image.
>>Use a bland, unappealing art-style
Looks way better than anything Kozaki put out
Everything else is fair though
You must be 18+ to post here.
Rate the sword lords currently available in FE lorewise and gameplaywise
Yes Lucina counts sweetie
Announcing reports is against the rules. :)
>>Use a bland, unappealing art-style
That's your opinion, man. The art is one of the best things about the game
Damn man, you must be mad to see this. It's bad news for me too, because I already had a 5* Eirika.
>Heavy Blade
>on ranged units
>unironically wanting complete garbage because MUH WAIFUS
There are females in the older games, user. Don't know if you didn't know that, but it's true.
Ike isn't cute, so not jelly at all.
It only counts for three days though due to it's release and it topped the chart regardless.
It'll sell a modest amount overall.
I thought he meant reusing Awakening engine and assets AGAIN
So, I got a +Atk/-Res Soren.
I take it he wants Darting Blow?
>I-I-I'm just pretending to be retarded!!
Do we have the stats for the new units?
Who's announcing a report, newfag?
One's telling you to report and the other copy and pasted the text that appears when you report a post, which could have been any post.
Back to /r/fireemblem with you.
Nowi is the best girl. Say something nice about best girl Nowi!
The art isn't bad. It's just too boring. Except for Valbar's squad, no-one really stands out.
>he's not a redditor
Back to Gaia with you
>01./00. [3DS] Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia # (Nintendo) {2017.04.20} (¥4.980) - 131.668 / NEW
>[3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Black Kingdom / White Kingdom - 353.201 / NEW
Uh oh grandpas
Any suggestions for my cavalry meme team? I want to put reposition on everyone but I don't have any inherits at the moment. I have ~27000 feathers saved up for Xander because he's probably going to be better than Eldigan. And once I finish Palla's quests I'm going to give Eldigan Moonbow. I also want to give Cecelia and Olwen blade tombs but I don't have enough feathers at the moment for that.
But yeah this cavalry shit is broken. Really fun though.
Kozaki is working on the Switch game because they don't want it to bomb
Didn't hear it from me tho
Last roll living the dream
What a beautiful young woman.
It's been two months, have you been treating your Hector-killing tsun-tsun well?
Grats dude, hope they have good IVs
It would be fine even it they all had shit ivs, this was my first pull
I'm more jealous over Titania than Ike or Lobsterman
Sweetie there's no need to be so angry just because Lucina always wins. :)
Why didn't you buy Echoes /feg/?
If people play shit gacha games with horrible art like heroes, then I don't get how this is an argument. His other points are much more valid, not to mention making a faithful remake of an old game in 2017 that's not pokemon means your target audience is really small, blame today's gamers too.
jealous t b h
I spent ~$140 only rolling blues for Nowi and she never came to me. Why won't my one true waifu come to me after spending so much for her?
>tfw user told me the same thing about HB not working on ranged
>no one batted an eye
/feg/ is so gullible (lol
That dumb slut couldn't kill Hector even if she had the Hector-Killing Blade of Killing Hector
Hope you enjoy seeing her get plowed by Thundercock
Post arena scores. My loli tiki was only for hector, rest did Tinyhands and Jeorge.
Grab your robin bois, shitters will flood arena with Ike
Seems like an okay amount for three days.
It was advertised way less than Fates so nobody was expecting it to push out crazy numbers.
>implying sales = quality
nucucks are mentally ill
I got 6 Nowi rolling for Linde and thundercock
it's an abstract kind of hell
Great, we're getting waifu emblem for the next game again!
>I spent ~$140 only rolling
I fucking hate you.
My Cordy is ready
If you honestly believe sales won't decide the future of the series you definitely need to get your brain checked as soon as possible.
Not my fault you got assblasted because you thought people were reporting your precious thread, kiddo.
>"sales don't matter! if the game is good what difference does it make!"
>sales saved the series
I think sales are the priority from a business perspective which was the context of the post you replied to cuck.
I'm sure "quality games who cares about sales" saved Metroid and F-Zero too.
Titania +SPD/-RES
Ryoma +DEF/-SPD
Lmaoing @ u
+Hp -Atk huh
I got a +def -attack Linde and a Thundercock that I didn't even check the nature for. I already had a +attack -speed Rein so I just fused them for that sweet sweet plus 1 attack and hp
I'm still waiting for hunk Ike.
>be newfag
>Don't want to bother with rerollshit
>Decide to use my orbs
>see this
At least my triangle is covered, right? Which one do I start with?
Guess which one companies care about the most. Hint: it's the one that gives them the most money
Mind that they are also aren't tracking Valentia complete edition. It's probably additional 3-4k.
>Ryoma +DEF/-SPD
>Ike +RES/-SPD
>two -spd
God damn that fucking sucks
Ike is so pathetic he needs Veronica to put a defense spell on him and unlimited reinforcements.
Where were you when Ikefags are STILL BTFO?
Good C-skill for Zephiel?
>killing anything
From mechanics perspective it's pretty experimental. If everything it'll tell them that people hate FE without the triangle.
I would have been TOO lucky