Fighting Games General /fgg/
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swipe right for ultra combo
Play Elizas' games.
Still better than Mobile vs Capcom Infinite
If I was Combofiend i'd lock MVCI at 30 FPS desu
still going to die in months while MvCI will be played for years. and there is nothing you can do about it :)
>crappy backgrounds
>graphics that look like they belong on a phone
>stones dont do anything useful besides one of them having a damage buff
>auto combo, easy inputs, and moves made easier to do
>no chip again
>dlc already
MvCi is an abomination
Is that like a new combo break system? I think it's better than mega crash at least
buy exciteblue
NRS games don't die until the newest comes out and even then it keeps a playerbase but you don't play fighting games so you wouldnt know that would you
Combo breakers don't cost meter. This costs 2 bar. It's a burst.
This new color will most likely inspire some artwork.
>implying it won't outsell and outlive MvCI
But hey atleast you got esports ;)
played by a very small amount of autistic people
Auto combo? Where did you hear that?
Teleport dashes aren't useful?
It's a shame that this artist doesn't actually draw porn
ultron and strider look OP
Reminder to report every single /pol/turd post.
Keep the apes in the zoo.
>Keep the apes in the zoo.
Then why are you here?
Man, MvC:I really looks garbage visually. At least it looks more fun to play than SFV.
I did. Will you lave me alone now?
>hurtmad NRShitters in complete denial that their gimmicky casual masher will be dead in months
Who do you think is getting dropped for MvCI? Don't say X-Men.
see audio for here
>"Why does it feel so horney?"
I fucking hate anime games and everything they represent.
>keeping out people different from you
But I thought diversity was our strength. Are you against multiculturalism?
What the fuck, Crapcom
>gimmicky casual masher
Why are you describing Infinite?
>/pol/aspie 12 year old retort
ayy el mayo
Anime has become pretty much entirely for sexually repressed retards
Space gem keeps the opponent trapped in a small space where you can keep them for combos and pressure. How is that not useful?
for the kiddos that missed the gameplay leak and/or haven't downloaded it
I like that your ded partner is knocked out on the floor as you continue fighting.
Why did SNK stop doing that with their KoF games? I liked having the team in the background.
Calm down and get your eyes checked, homies, it says homey. With an M.
He says while browsing anonymous anime imageboard.
Catwoman is literally TJ Combo.
Well, /fgg/? Is MvCI turning out the way you expected it to? I'm surprised they didn't reuse the shading they had in MvC3 in conjunction with the reuse of animations (although I guess they can add that before release), but other than that, it's more or less what I thought it would be.
that's an "m", not "rn"
Would MvC3 be worse with auto combos and a changed dp motion?
Why am I still defending Infinite
is this game supposed to be this ugly?
She Hulk
Even with those I'm not certain, because they're recycling animations
I know this is bait, but does the text in a fighting game actually detract from your enjoyment of the fighting mechanics?
Gameplay looks alright.
Characters seem really unpolished and unfinished though except for Ultron.
Same with the stages.
Does Chun have a new VA? I like how she sounds in this
You're playing at a bad resolution.
For some reason, sprites don't scale right unless you have the game set to 1366x768 and then adjust your GPU to scale the screen to full.
the game has a simple mode just like mvc3
stop losing your shit over ryce misconstruing everything
While the graphics definitely needs a lot of improving, I don't get it why is it that people are shitting on the game based on the webms showing gameplay.
Seeing normal MVC gameplay but without assist spam is very refreshing to say the least, I'm looking forward to it.
Looks like an interesting mechanic to be desu
It looks like that person is running on low settings on a laptop.
Ultron only looks good because Capcom seems to have forgotten what humans look like
Pretty sure MvC3 had auto combos
I think Tron's days are numbered. She's a series staple, but at this point it would feel like they were including her just because she was in previous games.
Same goes for Felicia. Does anybody even care about her anymore?
Oh yeah, you're right. Simple mode.
Then why are people getting so worked up over Infinite's simple mode?
Why is everyone upset at MVCI when both version of mvc3 were literal ape mashing brain dead random trash? The only thing that is ok to be triggered at is the art direction imo.
They took the tag burst mechanic from Ougon?
It should be like BB Calamity Trigger. They had gatlings for ABCD and regular inputs for moves, but the easy mode had the smash bros-like right stick assigned to 4 moves - 3 special and 1 super usually. You could do abcd left on the right analogue to do a gatling into fireball for example.
Would allow casuals to play and do specials at flick of a stick, but also limits them as not all specials are mapped and only 1 of typically 3 supers were mapped in the game. They could focus on learning normals and neutral as opposed to pretzel inputs and could improve over time. The new BB easy modes are autocombo garbage taht teach nothing.
MvCI would have your gatling into special move launcher and jump into couple normals and flick stick for a special or super. Fireball, uppercut, tatsu and fireball super could be mapped for Ryu as an example.
is this normal then?
>when both version of mvc3 were literal ape mashing brain dead random trash?
Then why did the same 5 players win everything?
Ewww, 2/10, wouldnt bang
Let's speculate DLC for MvC 1
Six characters so we can assume 3 marvel and 3 Capcom
Sigma (given)
I don't play in English so I have no idea. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the voice is placeholder, Chris sounds horrible.
>tag in mixups
>tag in burst
This game is going to be fun if they don't fuck up the netcode
Because they're streamboars who don't actually play the game
only 5 people still play the game
I don't recall a single MVC game without a way for casuals to mash buttons and have special moves come out anyway, and MVC also had auto combos.
Its just the internet overreacting again. Instead of throwing a fit over a series's staple they should instead be pressuring Capcom to improve the graphics so the game doesn't look as washed out on release and Chunners won't look like a chipmunk with chicken legs and pancake hands, I'm pretty sure that making Chun-Li look bad is a federal crime, I could look it up, but I'm sure its not needed because thats common sense.
X armor also doesnt look amazing, really.
EVO 2018 roster:
>MvC Infinite
>Smash 4
>Street Fighter V
>Smash Melee
>Injustice 2
>Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
>Tekken 7
>KOF 14
Please let it have 4 players
How so
Sprites look a bit better scaled, but now the portraits look badly scaled. In case you're wondering why the game has this problem in the first place, though, I believe that all BB games still run at 720p since they're still reusing sprites from 2009
Because they were the best at mitigating the negatives sides of being a random chimp fishing for hit confirms via the aforementioned mashing and optimizing the good aspects of being a chimp?
Take out pokken and add nothing
From the old version of the game, but still relevant info
The specials don't seem to do much.
That looks bad too. What kind of toaster you on?
I like the part where you replied to my post but talked past me or somehow misunderstood me despite being explicit that the two games are shit
>SFV at EVO 2018
They fixed the price on CF on steam.
It's now properly 20% off.
Yeah, 90s were so much better, only us true anime fans remember the golden days.
That won't be even in 2017's EVO.
game is still like 6 months out
MvC3 damage scaling was all fucked up like this too. it's one of the last things they tweak
replace MvC Infinite with MvC3
What's your point? The existence of those kinds of anime back then doesn't refute the fact that anime has become almost entirely insular. Made for/by sexually repressed sadbrains
fucking finally
Probably intentional
>unironically thinking that Marvel will not use the biggest fighting game tourney of the year to shill their biggest titles for at least 3 years
>that Marvel
Then why bother showing it?
I didn't mean to reply to you but to the post immediately above yours.
But good luck ape mashing in mvc3, I'm sure doing that is going to take you far.
>unorically thinking that the Marvel franchise is a sentient conscience ready to use machiavellian tactics to shill itself
weaponized autism
Quality isnt great but i'm unironically excited for Injustice 2
probably because they want to sell their game
nevermind i forgot this was a "leak" lel.
Felicia will return you jerks
well you don't ape mash and it hasn't taken you anywhere past your bathroom to wash your face after being flustered, so the one doing wrong is you while the 'marvel pros' mash and win thousands of dollars
Anyone else getting the 20% discount? I'm only getting 10% even though I own BlazBlue CT
Why wouldn't you be excited for the most promising fighting game of 2017?