Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Victory for the Gnomes Edition

What's new?

>D.Va Hero Announced; Twilight's Hammer Mass Suicide

>Heroes of the Storm 2.0; launching April 25th
>Megabundles Announced; All players will be able to unlock up to 20 heroes for FREE
>Promotion ends May 22nd, 2017

>Genji Hero Announced; Releases on April 25th
>Hamamura Battleground Announced; Releases on April 25th

>Veterans get some good loot when 2.0 drops

>For new players:
>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Latest Patch Notes
>2.0 Beta Patch Notes

>Hero Rankings, Various Statistics, Talent Calculator, & Wiki

>Current Tier List

>Where can I find you weaboos?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat


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Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Mfw someone unironically thinks that genji is 'illidan but worse' when genji can initiate on you from like 8x the distance and disengage even faster
Not even mentioning how crazy strong both his ults are compared to illidan

where the FUCK are Terokk and Kilrogg

First for Jaina!

>couldn't care less about Announcers
who else

There's no good announcers yet.


Tychus is probably my favorite that I have personally

Maybe you should focus on having fun instead of being a pussy ass bitch.


Anub'arak announcing is absed

>tfw rerolling last reroll of vet box ended up with a fucking BW announcer
And it was giving me legendary horse, a fucking gay unicorn and 10k gold heroes.

Heroes 3.0 when?

am i retarded

how do i customise my hero's skin/mount in 2.0

2.0 seems like a move of desperation
just giving everyone lots of free stuff is not going to keep em playing

I'm honestly confused about how the loot crates work for returning players. My account was calculated to be level 162, and thus I received 16 Epic Chests and 1 Veteran Chest, which checks out. However, I received also about 40 something Normal Chests.

Weren't you supposed to get one per level which didn't award a Rare or Epic instead? Did I miss something on the patch notes I'm not understanding clearly?

Im actually unironically looking forward to playing D.Va if she isnt super shit

I am level 301, got 5 normal crates, 30 epic ones and 3 veterans

mfw Dragoon D.Va skin

How do I not suck at this game
What's the strategy? Just focus on the map minigame, make sure someone is soaking XP in each lane?

after the people realize that they are on a ruse cruise. Give it about 5 month. Maybe later if Blizzard actually "confuses"/releases Maiev/Kel.


So i finished opening all of my loot and decided to buy 10 yuros worth of gems because i played this game for 2 years now and never got anything.

With the combinations of loot chests, shards and gems i managed to get every single item i wanted except shadowpaw lili

Not bad at all

Macro gameplay.

Learn where to go and when and why.

>tfw no alarak announcer

I am too

I got like 36 epic and 3 veteran but only 5 commons if it helps
2 of my commons gave legendarys

I'm really enjoying all these resurrect Auriels

when your 4 retards are involved in some kind of fight, be there and use your abilities on cooldown
with this forgotten knowledge you will manage to reach at least diamond mmr


>Mfw the enemy team gets 5man stunned as I set my mech to self destruct in the middle of them
Is this easy mode?

There are better ways she can ride a horse

If you know what I'm saying
>Not a good announcers
I will find you and I will wreck you

Illidan can engage from 20x Genji's range with the Hunt though.

>tfw it'll probably never come because Blizzard is a struggling indie dev that can't afford to get John De Lancie back in the studio

Damn user I took your advice and I absolutely dominated on Hanamura, of all maps


Why the fuck are respawn times so long in this game?

They're shorter than in the other MOBAs

How do I into Probius? I've never felt so useless in match before, this little shit just isn't clicking with me. Any general tips or maybe guides?

>Illidan can 1v5 with meta
>Illidan can end the game at any time with the hunt onto the core
>Illidan has a stun
How can Genji even compete?

construct additional pylons

when the enemy is in range auto attack them
use your abilities
go back when you are out of mana or very low on health
don't wander off into the jungle alone without a good reason
ping things when its a good idea to do them but if your team ignores you DONT DO IT
focus objectives
if you team isnt focusing objectives, suck it up and take the loss. theoretically if you play enough games your mmr will be based on your own skill instead of the retarded matchmaking

they used to be shorter, changed it so you can actually capitalize on early teamwipes

I can't be the only one who makes ridiculous groaning noises when I'm about to land Chromie spells right?


So this was uploaded the other day

i guess this answers how they would design Fenix for HOTS

But he doesn't have an ult to use after it, and it doesnt reset on a kill.
Very unlikely in almost all cases
Possibly but the fort has to be down first and he cant 1v1 them as easily.
On a ult cooldown though.

>I get two specialists and low damage team
>they get two healers and high damage/cc team
alright maybe it's time to start playing ranked

I used to main Artanis, but i feel like they nerfed him somehow

also, how to soak XP from lanes alone as a abathur?

havent played in 2 years, got the warrior bundle

who do i play as that is OP?

Did 9/11 happen in the HOTS universe?

he's just like a shitty murky

>when your 4 retards are involved in some kind of fight, be there and use your abilities on cooldown

Yeah, we'll try to steal the boss of artanis and 2 supports that are 3 levels up while sylvanas and li ming push our keeps.

Looks too complex for HotS

You're a slut for big numbers user, its nothing to be ashamed of.
Dont do it. Ranked is worse than Qm.

how do i deal with varian being 24/7 immortal

Genji sure is overtuned
It is Lucio all over again


Artanis is hard to go wrong with
Go W build with pylon ult
drop a lot of Ws, its cooldown is short and it slows enemies
drop two Ws then fire your q to clear a wave almost instantly
place pylons defensively then agressively if they survives

>wait time 64s
>64 seconds

wew lad

jesus christ what a fucking resolution

>Genji sure is overtuned
Just shrink him
Just stun him
Just walk away from him
Just outheal his pathetic damage
Just ignore him and win 5v4
Just kill him when he dives like a retard

Shrink would work but not every support or team has it
Stun is only so effective
his damage isnt pathetic at all, 300 damage per slash of the dragonblade at 10 is a huge deal.

I thought Q build was better since anyone with a brain never stands in your Ws

uther announcer when?

They dont need to stand in it user
you just dont give them a choice
You can place a new W like every 3-4 seconds, Its easy to make it work

Well Met voice line when?

>Hero that can 1v1 overextending noob squishy ranged assassin players is released
>suddenly endless bitching about said hero being OP starts to flood /hotsg/

Which supports are top tier?

>literally any hero in any game ever
Just CC him bro xD

>abathur exists
Conclusion illogical

Good point. Butcher confirmed to be the best hero in the game.

I won't get the chance to play for a couple of days, what exactly are the voice lines?


>get a chest every time you level up a hero from 1 to 2
>at level 99, will get an epic chest for a level up
>level up a fucker
>level up, both hero and player
>only get the epic chest

Anyone else's BNet "app" fucking up? Refuses to update let alone start, would love to hear if anyone else has had this problem, fresh installs don't do a damn thing

The epic and rare chests replace the common chest, you just get one chest for a level

Anyone on EU want to do this shit?

>"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat
And ask there

Most of the are pretty uninspiring.
Alot are just lines the hero says anyways.
They are basically just filler trash for loot boxes, same as emojis and most sprays

Im more salty about dying every teamfight as a support because genji jumps on me and pushes R and starts outdpsing anything I can do

Oh, right.

>final veteran chest
>only shitty legendary horses before
>palms are sweaty
>knees are heavy

god had finally answered

>meme announcers
lmao ok bud

How do I stop sucking?


Play Azmodan

Just archon
Just spam brew
Just divine shield
Just stun him
Just iceblock
Just silence him before hand
Just root him
Just poly him
Just shrink him
Just rollerblade away
Just shield your team
Just kill him
Just stop playing Morales

Is there any worse feeling than having a QM Vikings on your team?

How do i use the voice line? How do i trigger the mastery taunt? I thought it was X and taunt so i tried it on my 32 lvl nova in the test arena and it did nothing

whats a qm


Do you think that the brawl reward should be an ebin chest? Regular lootchest is literally worthless trash
I wish i could just delete them from my loot inventory because they aren't even worth opening



Bought the asspack.

Who to play and who to avoid?

everyone else dies
Cant outheal his normal damage why would it outheal his ult
One guy
Probably works, limited supports though
Just you everyone else dies because you cant heal
Might work I guess but its a damn waste of a malf ult
Shouldnt work but probably would on most
>Playing bw
Limited access
Same issues with not outhealing and leaving your team
Probably works, I forget who this is though
Nice joke
only hero who can actualy outheal him tho

>Opened 3 veteran chests and tons of epics
>Rerolled everything that wasn't Azmodunk
>Still didn't get him

Now I'm short 40k gold
Azmodunk featured when?

I got the best announcer until they add waifu announcers (murky)

Time to play for 2 weeks then drop it again

>Reroll Brightwing anouncer
>Get Murky anouncer
t- thanks