Are atheists real?
Are atheists real?
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>hate god
Do those other concepts control anyone's whole lifestyles though? Although I have known girls who were super into fairy lore and all that. It does get genuinely creepy at a certain point.
I hate unicorns, they are gay and too hyped for a just horse with fucking horn. Moose can have two horns and where is his fans?
If the belief in leprechauns and fairies affected my life directly you better be sure I'd be pissed off about it.
>Ray Cumfart
Nothing to see itt, please move on.
Do you believe in Allah (pbuh), if no than your more or less a an atheist
He is such a bad apologist. It's still funny to see him corner guys like Thunderf00t though.
If god does exist, why shouldn't Leprechauns, Unicorns and Fairies exist?
Why does the existence of god necessitate the existence of leprechauns, unicorns, and fairies?
When the belief in a higher power affects others negatively, then we're allowed to have an opinion of an imaginary figure. Millions have died from this caricature, so we're allowed to be pissed about it.
Because both are absurd, unproveable claims. If one can exist, why can't the other? However, if you deny the existence of these mythical creatures because they lack of evidence of existence then you must also dismiss the existence of God.
God seems pretty cool, I just hate Christians 2bh.
>You can only hate real things
>Atheists hate god
>therefore god is real
checkmate, atheists.
Both are only subjectively absurd to you. I could say that airplanes are absurd and because you believe they exist you must also believe there are invisible alien ships currently flying around the planet. I don't believe in unicorns because there is no good reason to believe they exist but I believe in god because there are good reasons to believe he exists. God is the best explanation for the existence of the universe, the apparent fine-tuning, and the existence of moral truths. That's the difference.
It's an interesting question. There are indications that if you put an "atheist" on a polygraph and he denies he believes there is a God, that response is deceptive.
He's lying.
> God is the best explanation for the existence of the universe, the apparent fine-tuning, and the existence of moral truths
>God is the best explanation for the existence of the universe, the apparent fine-tuning, and the existence of moral truths. That's the difference.
Well you are wrong, God is just a simplistic extrapolation of anthropological bias, in fact it's one of the weakest explanations for anything. You shouldn't accuse others of being subjective if you yourself rely entirely on Lack of Imagination fallacy.
Do your own research. I don't talk about that stuff with people that aren't already familiar with the argument because things get very stupid very quickly. It's a guarantee that as soon as I start explaining the cosmological argument somebody will start arguing in favor of the steady state universe or something equally stupid.
The sentence literally speaks for itself. Read it many, many times until it sinks in.
God is a title; that title belongs to the one who made the universe. That title belongs to Elohim, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
And there's the tricky part.
Whether you believe it or not.
>God is a title; that title belongs to the one who made the universe
So Jews worship the big bang?
Your mom worships my big bang
Are you advocating for rote litany of assertions as a valid way to determine truth?
Are you a scientologist?
I fucking hate this board. Why does it attract so many braindead Christfags? What moral truths? What fine-tuning? Because if you actually took a moment to understand basic biology you would understand that most creatures, including humans are extremely flawed and have many components and processes that are sometimes even detrimental to our own existence. That doesn't sound like fine-tuning to me. Especially for creatures that are supposed to be made in His image.
God literally explains nothing.
> fine-tuning
Maybe it is cosmological fine tuning?
>including humans are extremely flawed and have many components and processes that are sometimes even detrimental to our own existence. That doesn't sound like fine-tuning to me
It shouldn't sound like fine-tuning because that's not what fine-tuning is. This is precisely why I don't discuss them with random people on the internet. Nobody wants to put in the work to understand it.
> the one
Universe was made by thousands of Gods working together, if you really want to know the truth.
Most Jews don't worship anyone; the ones who think they do are kidding themselves.
But yes, the God of the Jews, YHWH, is Elohim, the Creator.
He explains how the universe was created; he created it.
He explains how; he spoke it into existence.
He explains from where he created it; the third heaven.
He explains why; for us to live and get to know him.
God explains everything; you don't know anything because you're not reading what God told his people is true. You're living like an animal, by your five senses.
>I can't actually logically explain my argument so I'm going to call you too stupid or lazy to understand it
All I'll ask you for is one concrete example. What am I supposed to be looking for Enlightened One?
The cosmological constant cannot vary more than 1 part in 10^120 or there is no life.
That's a little more than "fine tuning".
Your opinion differs from God's.
>fine tuning
>99% of species just on this planet have become extinct
>trillions of utterly uninhabitable planets in the universe
God is clearly either an awful designer, or a capricious monster if he exists.
If God created the Universe than who created the God?
What a self serving paradigm you got there. How dare others inquire about thy royal opinions without first having the courtesy of reading your mind and agreeing with you.
Really harkens back to the ol Divine Mystery Revelation gimick.
Why bring it up if you are going to act coy about it.
You motherfuckers are embarrassing.
I confirmed with God via prayer and he told me via divine revelation that I'm right and you are wrong.
Sorry bucko.
You don't need to agree with me, you just to demonstrate some level of understanding.
Who told you God was a created being?
Materialists on suicide watch.
Also, I guarantee consciousness and atheism are inversely proportional so in that sense no, atheists aren't real. There's no reason to believe that we're all equally conscious, not even Buddhists believe that. So when an atheist says he's just a conglomeration of atoms being run by automatic chain reactions he's actually telling the truth as far he's concerned.
> he spoke it into existence.
What does it even means? That an our universe is actually word of God? Like we are just characters in a book? How it is different... from being danced into existence? One cryptic phrase doesn't count as explanation if you couldn't... explain it further.
Those are just pat answers, not explanations.
You are like a child or retarded person, or perhaps senile with dementia.
Super God that created a God.
Jesus says that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
An infinite being speaking with infinite power into an infinite space; what would that look like?
> Materialists on suicide watch.
Nice try, but there is no need for God even if you deny materialism all together.
I got 40 seconds in. Just because something is not probable doesn't mean it didn't happen naturally. That's like saying that me winning the lottery proves that the person running the lottery rigged it in my favor. Maybe that is true, but it's still not actual proof or evidence.
That's because you're assuming that I, a poster, am telling you these things are true.
They come from God, through his prophets and through his son, and I am merely relaying them to you.
Whereas you merely speak your own opinions, based on nothing.
I'd play it safe and worship God, were I you. If there is a Super God who God is not aware of, you are also not aware of him.
THIS was your smug secret, bargain basement ID?
No wonder you tried to evade questions.
God is life; God is reality. You're going to see God face to face one day, and your preparations for that day so far are pitiful.
You should watch the rest so you can feel like a jackbass.
No. Attempt something, anything, enough times, no matter how low the probability of success is, eventually all parameters will be met.
If you want to roleplay you should go to Veeky Forums or /qst/
>The fine-tuning argument is a secret
This is what atheists actually believe.
The problem with this is that people are horrendous at understand statistics and odds, and even with the mental pictures they will cling to the 1 in 10^120 as though that 1 were actually possible.
Anything over 1 in 10^40 is ludicrous and doesn't exist.
I can quote the bible, if you'd like. It was around before I was, demonstrating that what I am telling you was not generated by me.
Or you could just say you believe the multiverse theory is the best explanation for the fine-tuning. Welcome to philosophy 101. For your next assignment I want to you to explain why this wouldn't violate Occam's razor since it requires many more assumptions.
I'm not saying its a secret, I'm saying you danced around like it was a secret, in your misplaced arrogance.
> what would that look like?
I don't know... You are the one with *explanations*.
So... Universe is the story that told by God or it is nothing like that? You should been able to answer direct question if your explanations has any of real weight. What is your answer?
I didn't dance around anything. I clearly said that I don't discuss those sorts of arguments with people that clearly have no understanding of what they're talking about.
It's not even a theory. It's barely a hypothesis. It's just something to cling to because you're in rebellion against God and "God did it" is anathema to you.
Super God can made you aware of him directly, bypassing awareness of a regular God. There is actually no safe play, sadly.
I think you misread what I said. I think god is the best explanation for the fine-tuning and in that post I'm indirectly saying that the multiverse theory violates Occam's razor.
Okay, even if it was intelligent design, that still doesn't state what kind of intelligent design it was. Why does the existence of intelligent design prove that a single, Judeo-Christian God exists? I think that's a far stupider leap to make than just accepting absurd probability.
Come on now, you are a full grown adult human being, you have a brain, you (probably) have some sense of self respect or dignity, you are responsible for what you choose to do with your life. At some point in your past you got suckered into devoting your free time to repeating McChristian Southern Baptist YEC cult shit on this imageboard for literally months with no hint of irony. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. Repeating some cult mantras with conviction at me isn't impressive at all. Nothing you say will get people to convert to your cult, I really wish you would come to grips with this fact (for no other reason than maybe you would shut the fuck up and never post here again).
Stop fear mongering. God is omnipresent and that means that we face him directly, all the time. If by any mistake, you are blind to His presence, enjoy your existence in Hell, God denier.
I thought I was expanding on what you had said. I intended to, anyways.
Because Jesus rose from the dead.
>Why does the existence of intelligent design prove that a single, Judeo-Christian God exists?
You would have to examine the other classical theist and Christian arguments for that. You're essentially asking me why the theory of plate tectonics doesn't explain the existence of gravity. That's not what the theory of plate tectonics is for just as the teleological argument isn't meant to tell us that Christianity is real.
My mistake then
The multiverse theory is no more a complicated theory requiring assumptions than believing God is responsible for the creation of everything. For God, you must believe in the existence of a being who exists outside of time, who has always existed, will never cease to exist, has omnipotence, omniscience and the whole shebang. And he does this so that billions of years later he can reveal himself to some illiterate desert dwellers, flawed beings somehow made in this supreme beings image. I can't possibly believe such a tremendously tenuous explanation.
> Anything over 1 in 10^40 is ludicrous and doesn't exist.
This is retarded, because probability of an event is an arbitrary number that could be claimed to be as small, as you want by choosing biased probability space.
> The multiverse theory violates Occam's razor.
Sure. Just as you provide me with satisfying answers to the deepest questions humanity faces:
Jesus is God. You will see Jesus face-to-face, in your existence.
The funny thing to me is that Job figured that out on his own, and his book has been published for 4,000 years.
And you still don't know it.
There's only 10^80 atoms in the universe.
The chance that something will happen being 1 in 10^40 is ludicrous.
No, they are not real, because the very question they might pose is simply stupid: how can something that doesn't exist be questioned to exist?
In fact "Atheist" might just be another word to define "normal".
Obviously these phrases were just put tere to overheat stupid religious fags.
God doesn't exist no matter how hard you try to feed your own delusions.
Demostrate me that pagan Gods are not real: you can't!
Therefore you deem as false something you don't actually know about and you have no idea if it is false or true: the whole religion thing is extremely autistic, but humanity is going over this problem aswell with some intelligence.
In fact Christianity is dying off really quick.
Remember: religions haven't done anything than setting development back, religion is a poison that prevents the man from searching answers and leaves it in its happy delusion were "everything will be fine if i'm not a crimilan" and "death is just another coming to life".
Did you even know a basic math? Just collision of any chosen pair of atoms holds literally ~10^80^80 probability. It is much more probable than 10^40 in like gorillions of times.
Who's talking about atoms colliding?
> ludicrous
Random chess position has 5x10^49 probability to happen. You can literally put two random chess AI against each other and see *miracles* happen 24 hours at day. It is a pretty small probability on the grand scale. The true bullshit starts from 10^10^10 and beyond.
This is event that happens and you can define that event to have 1 in 10^80^80 probability. Universally it is still possible and not even that interesting.
I already seen Jesus. Every faithful Christian seen him from the beginning. Did you paid attention to a world around you, user? How could you miss him?
Ken Ham and Ray Comfort are bantmasters the yanks got butthurt at.
Ironically this "Fine Tuning" argument is actually just marveling that WE HUMANS exist, then with God stapled on at the end.
So once again, Man creates God in his image, like usual.
Uh oh, two christfags have caught each others scent, and are about to start the mating ritual.
Christians should be banned from this board. Can /rel/ get here any sooner?
>if the universe was different, life couldn't occur
That's nice. Life is a specific expression of certain relationships and sets of behaviors. If the relationships or behaviors were different, you'd see different expressions of them. This is not a problem, because there's no evidence to suggest that the universe was "intending" to produce life. It's not like an arrow fired randomly happened to hit an already-existing target, it's that an arrow fired randomly and created a depression where it hit.
Besides, there does appear to be evidence that our entire universe is not unique, based on its expansion patterns. There may well be infinitely many other universes in which constants are different, of of course life, stars etc only emerged where conditions are right. The telological argument assumes life is the "point" of the universe in a very anthrocentric way that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
>Atheists don't hate fairies or leprechauns
Speak for yourself you jewish looking cunt, the fairies are absolute scum.
We shall eat your children and hang your women.
There is a no tolerance policy for heathens.
No, not even close. Watch.
How did you become a Christian?
>There is a no tolerance policy for heathens.
> How did you become a Christian?
I choose to be on Jesus side after I heard his message.
Not so fast, as soon as he tells you that the earth isn't 4,531 years old and there are no Antichrist Microchips in the flouride water you will turn on him.
And you calling each and every move of a 100 move game ahead of time is still less likely than the universe creating itself.
What message would that be, again? And how did you make the choice?
I already turned on him. I'm showing you how to test people who say they are Christians, but are not.
Same way you'd ask people who say they are, oh, I don't know, 32 degree masons. You ask them how they got there.