Do you like drifting and drift culture?

Do you like drifting and drift culture?

Fuck those LARPing faggot powersliders

No, because drifting culture is essentially Veeky Forums culture. Poor weebs that like to talk numbers and bench race but don't engage in any actual competition but they pulled the ebrake once in their underpowered shit box in their high school parking lot at night.

>pic of Haggard Garage miata
haggard garage is the absolute bottom of the totem pole when it comes to drifting/

I mean good for them for being able to take something stupid and fun and turn it into a job

t. someone who lives in the same state as them and about 30 min away from their shop

THAT being said. drifting is stupid fun, whether you are the drivet or the passenger/spectator.

Anyone who says different is usually a no fun having faggot.

I myself am indecisive in whether I should build a track grip focused car or a drift beater.

>Poor weebs that like to talk numbers and bench race but don't engage in any actual competition but they pulled the ebrake once in their underpowered shit box in their high school parking lot at night.

I have no idea where you live but there are a few places in America where there are grassroots drift competitions with 400hp+ drift cars.

Honestly it sounds like you're projecting.

I suppose at least Orion seems genuinely interested in drifting even though they get tied up in retarded projects.

In the words of the Drift King himself, Keiichi Tsuchiya:

Drifting is for young guys who don't have the money to compete in proper motor sport series.

Prove him wrong.

>posts literal quintessential poor man's shitbox


There is nothing wrong with that

yeah it easily some of the best fun you can have in a car with some of the chillest people

some of the pro cars are over $100k invested easily

decent grassroots builds are going to be 10-20k

say you buy some old S13 shell for $1500
add in $1500-$2000 in suspension mods
$3000-$5000 for an engine and mods

you could easily buy a Spec Miata or something instead

Unrelated tangent:

My neighbor is the tire salesman for the southern region of Formula D (needless to say he is rich)

>poor mans shitbox
>now drift taxed to shit and very expensive

>very expensive
>5 grand or less for OK one

poor mans shitbox but when it comes to competitive grassroots drifting, you're looking at spending $15k plus on it. sure it aint much in motorsports but it isn't a "little" either

stop being a bitter faggot

Find me an amateur "grassroots" drifter that isn't spending his lunch money on cheap tires and zipties for his shitbox.

Stop being a poor faggot.

Yes, it looks fun
>drifting culture

Money all of the sudden makes someone not an amateur? You seem unnecessarily angry about people spending money on something they enjoy.

A 400 hp shitbox stickerbombed with sponsorships all of a sudden makes someone not a poor LARPing sideways faggot?

Better than stance although they tend to overlap.

>every day we're drifting further from god

dubs of truth

Loosing traction at the tires intentionally except for very specific and intentional reasons is abhorrent to me.

Tires exist to give traction to the wheel. The wheel exists to propel the car. Spinning the wheels and loosing traction intentionally and propelling the car inefficiently is a subversion of the meaning of the tires existence, the wheels, the whole damn car.

Drifting is like putting on a porn and there's just kissing and alot of loud grunting and maybe some off screen over the clothes petting. No penetration, no qualifying sessions, no money shots, no lap times, no cum swaps, no checker flag all out full speed finish line orgasm. Just alot of undulating, groping, and grunting mess with no skin and no fucking. All very droll.

you sound autistic

Are you German by any chance?

I agree with you though

It's the figure skating of motoring, and figure skating is fucking gay.

Check out this sick tandem bro, perfect initiation

the only good drift culture was the one before 2004, then americans and tokyo drift ruined it

Chris Harris drifting, yes
Retards with extreme steering racks drifting, no

kek this reminds me of that article where the Germans who engineered a car (I want to say a v8 Mercedes) met up with an American reviewer who did a burnout and they thought it was the dumbest thing ever

you sound like the person who would like drag "racing" tho

Harris is boring af tho

No. It's basically the skateboarding of post-highschool.

As an additional downside, it encourages ruining old RWD cars and inflating their prices.

"Drifting" is something you should do a couple times around a safe bend when you're on your way to get new tires because it feels naughty.

Fucking manchildren, I swear.

No, but thank you. Honestly. That's the nicest compliment I have ever received.

Juden detected.


>Doesn't answer the question
>being this mad
I fail to see how people actually going to the events are LARPing. That's like calling people playing a pickup game of soccer LARPers.

Irish. But very self hating. But my wife is German. She doesn't let me laugh at rape and molestation jokes. Very strange people.

Because they are powersliding, getting high off their tire smoke, and coming to Veeky Forums to be butthurt faggot queers.

Tell me if the man children with monster stickers and backwards fitted caps had resources enough to purchase GT cup cars with a race trailer and small team of mechanics they wouldn't do it.

They have no choice but to buy 20 year old heaps of shit and LARP as race car drivers as they spin the tires after they clutch kick and pull their hydraulic brake (oh boy) and call it a day provided they don't smash into a concrete wall

I'm almost 100% german and I act the same way (prude and borderline autistic)

I hereby declare you an Honorary Deutschlander for a full 24 hours, effective immediately.

>do you like drifting?
yes, it's undeniably fun and one way of learning better car control that could be of use in various situations and generally gives you the ability to control slides and future proofs you in case you slide due to unforseen circumstances so that you don't ruin your shit
>do you like drift culture?
no. along with stancefags and other assorted MUH LOOKS scenes, the drift scene is absolute cancer almost everywhere around the world
90% of practitioners can't even drift and have no intention of actually getting better at it.
like some other user said, it's Veeky Forums in a nutshell. people talking and that's about it.

When I perform the oral sex on my wife I think only of the Fatherland.

I would like it if I had any nearby roads to actually drift on, or fuck even a track. I live in BFE nowhere in the great state of Iowa. Open roads and farm land as far as the eye can see.

adam lz plus the hundreds on Amateur grassroots drifters across america that are nameless.

stop being a giant faggot

Drifting today is what drag racing was in the 70's and 80's. With that being said I wonder if there were huge fucking vaping faggots back then like we have now
>dude cragars are ill af
>dat stinkbug stance doeee!

1.) fuck
2.) you

Actual drifting? Yes. Fun as fuck and takes real skill.

Powersliding bullshit around flat corners? No. Fuck off Vaugh Gitten Jr.

If you don't know the difference, kindly kill yourselves

*tips respectfully in your direction*

Found the dipshit with a Mustang that thinks he can drift

post pics of your drift slut, brah

>Do you like drifting
Yeah it's fun as fuck
>drift culture?
literally more cancerous than stance

>tfw poorfag
Why must he be so right.

no it's pretty retarded

this thread reminds of when I got into an argument with some mong sperging about formula drift and other retarded events. his argument was that drifting was good because these "leagues" existed. it was pretty retarded.

Professional drifting is cancerous. Grassroots DIY drifting is amazing.

Get a car, buy some spare tires, meet up with friends, skids, change tires, go home.

looks fun it's a skill I'd like to learn, seems like it would lose its excitement as you gain skill though.

Your life must be hard, user. I'm sorry no one appreciates you.