Based mods nuking shit threads edition



Other urls found in this thread:


Do it again. lets not nuke this thread though

inb4 deleted

Movement Speed or AP Quints on Rakan?



dario allowee best juggies cuz antigank pls respond

Someone post some cute fiora/vayne pics, they're my favorites.



movespeed quints work with literally any champ, might as well use em

i love yordle boys!
and i also avoid bot lane like plague
if i have to support i usually go veigar, it's fun.

What if you just go to rule34 instead?

strange happenings

comfy bfs~

How do I deal against thornmail? is lifesteal still the way to go?

Hey guys, remember Morello



good team contribution

Good times

Gold to Plat promos today bois.

Time to leave this hell for a slightly different hell.

>ywn be conquered by Karma


i claim this thread in the name of anonymous users

mods kys

>mods will now delete threads if you post at the imagecap but people delete images

nice to know this

keep this in mind

A-am I cool?

Should have carried harder desu

>tfw no Rakan bf to carry me like this

I wanna be someones gf (male) and feel loved and cherised.


one win in my last five. why can't i stop this????

>tfw finally got permabanned
Am I free now?

post logs?

or did you cheat


one more step mate


Who's #2?




knock yourself out

eh, seems okay to me

I want to attend one of Sona's concerts and sign to her from the audience silly things to make her giggle and have to concentrate on playing more. Not enough to actually disrupt her of course.

I want to cook a nice dinner for her and have a conversation in sign the whole time, so she can have someone who doesn't awkwardly talk at her and then wait while she signs like most people.

I want to bring her food to her room when she locks herself up there toiling away creating her next composition and when she gets stuck take her out for a pleasant stroll where she sees something in nature or in humanity to inspire her through her writers block.

>not knowing based ricegnat

I just love my big doggo.

>Graves getting his cigar back


>I want to cook a nice dinner for her and have a conversation in sign the whole time
She isn't deaf.

>lucian not banned
gee i wonder why your team lost

what happened to the old thread?


you dumb

>lulufag is still alive
truly the worst

No, you.


>Light-skinned Karma



it doesn't help that everyone still posts in his threads

thanks senpai

When will Garen finally realize the perfect woman was standing beside him his whole life

>the ugly vindicator vayne
Loving every laugh

`>the op is lulu even though we do not discuss the op at all this is truly the worst thing to happen to me in my life


just discuss the game

where the fuck my cosmic yi at


nu vindicator is good as fuck
'sides i already use all the rest of the non shitter skins anyway or maybe i think they're non shitter because i use them

Forgot pic

Incest is wrong

Poor poppy


I'm a jungler with no early-game pressure vs Ivern. What do I do.



>not putting nautilus in after irelia for a better composition since the colors transition better that way

LITERALLY kys yourself and never post one of these again

When it's too late.

Where do you need to live to make selling unranked accounts for 13 bucks profitable

nowhere, the chinese have that shit monopolized

Who's a safe jungler to first pick?

No permban shit like lee graves etc

yea (second edition)



ivern if he isnt banned at your elo

That was jhin's first victim, probably



I only play top lane


Powerfarm and hope your team inst retarded enough to fall into ganks

How is he doing this text?



kill urself


/me cums

Is this the highest ranked poster here?

What's some fun cheese for top lane normals/customs with friends? I'm Plat 1 and generally far better than anyone else when we play 5v5s.

I've been denying fun by playing nunu top but I want something even less fun for them, or more fun for me.

How do I get legacy skins like Noxus Poppy?
Hextech chest only?

>papa casting for MSI

guess life isnt that bad after all

ur damn right

On hit bard


And I think in new years eve you can buy them too.

How do I get into vg club

While this does sound fun this is more of a mid pick than a top pick. And it's in no way "cheese"

join the discord