/civ4xg/ - Strategy/4X General

This thread is for all strategy games that do not have their own thread, focusing on 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate).
tags: /cbg/ /rtsg/ /wgg/

- (Future FAQ Pastebin goes here. If you want to contribute, reply to the OP with ideas or excerpts to use!)
- WIP Ship Design Guide for 1.5.1 pastebin.com/2QWUPKSh
- Another Ship Design Guide for 1.5 reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/61nolh/ship_equipment_load_out_for_141_15/
- Wiki stellariswiki.com/Stellaris_Wiki

>Endless Legend
- Manual cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
- Wiki endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

- Fix for Civ IV BTS XML errors: dropbox.com/sh/ljdms8ygix2btcs/AACC_IGIy7zAkomwA6S4DJp3a?dl=0
- Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE) well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
- Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot - multiplayerrobot.com
- District Cheat Sheet hydra-media.cursecdn.com/civ6.gamepedia.com/2/29/District_Cheat_Sheet.png?version=07510f0f43d7188e00e7046c90360dba

>Alpha Centauri
- Essential improvements pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
- Official short stories mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

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Can we have the spiders back?

How do you make the perfect 4x game?

Playing with some ideas for a mod.
I want to add modifiers to each of the different authority types so they matter for more than just leader lifespan.

I was thinking
>Democracy - +5% minerals due to free market economy
>Oligarchy - +5% research speed due to the administration raising the best and brightest above the plebs
>Dictatorship - +1 core world due to the ability to circumvent bureaucracy
>Imperial - +5% unity due to the sovereign's status as a symbol of the nation

Is this a bad idea?

Gee, someone seems a little upset.

Tineye doesn't look for images "like" that, it only looks for that particular image with that specific hash.

10 years of nofap.
By the end of it you'll transcend your mortal body and become the ultimate grognard.

Shouldn't it be +5% energy credits due to free market economy?

I tried adding modifiers to authorities and it didn't work, did you find a way?

The Last Federation, Firefly games and Trails of the Sky I guess 90% off this week.


No, because the government still eats all your credits with taxes.
But at least the mining companies are productive.

Haven't tried yet, just assumed it would be possible.
But I guess that's my fault for thinking Paradox wouldn't hardcode something so important.

I'll take a look at the files and see if I can find anything.

This looks pretty funny desu

What does /civ4xg/ specialize their Stellaris capital planet into? A tech hub? A mining center?

Usually consider changing it into a research planet once I colonize a 25 tile homeworld candidate

I usually end up using it for energy credits.
But I don't ever seem to produce enough research, so maybe I should start using it for that.

do we need to dox you again?

How many trait points do i need to become erudite, resilient and enduring?

I want to actually ascend.

Pretty much fill the blank tiles with empire-modifying buildings and other uniques and the rest with whatever their tiles originally provide.

Yes it's bad, almost all of your modifiers are fucked up.

Democracy should be bonus to core worlds; having a large state bureaucracy/state helps in management of large things. Single leaders cannot effectively manage an entire country if its anything more large or less shitty then N. Korea.

Oligarchy gives more wealth by concentrating it in the hands of the wealthy elite that run the country. Oligarchs can stand directly against science, but science shouldn't be tied to government type anyway.

Dictatorships should give a bonus to leader skill levels. While obviously in reality dictators can be shit leaders, in space game we'll just say that having one person in power means they're more effective then a team, especially since they've been serving their entire life.

I actually really like your Imperial one though, keep that the same. Nice to have a cultural leader types, like the monarchs of Britain.

>Dictatorships should give a bonus to leader skill levels.

>Democracy should be bonus to core worlds
This works too, although arguably extreme bureaucracy implies some degree of inefficiency and/or decentralization. I will admit I pulled the dictatorship one out of my ass at the last minute because the only other thing I could think of was naval cap, but that implies a military junta.

>Oligarchy gives more wealth by concentrating it in the hands of the wealthy elite that run the country.
This is fine, but I'd rather boost minerals than energy. Can't quite articulate why but it just feels better to me.

>Dictatorships should give a bonus to leader skill levels.
I'm worried this would be too strong. I made all the bonuses small on purpose because I'm not a fan of mods that just give everyone massive bonuses for free. They usually justify it with "it's balanced because the AI gets them too :^)" but Pairadicks AI is dogshit.

Are leader skill levels useless?
I actually don't know a hell of a lot about the deeper aspects of the game, which is why I asked about this in the first place.

Anyway I'm gonna crack open the files and see if this is even possible before I invest any more thought into it.

Not him, but having leader levels at game start is ridiculously op. I think you can start with 3 and then get +2 admiral/general and +1 everything from things. Having level 5 scientists always is amazing.

Why are Materialists so retarded?

Anything other then militarist/pacifist fanatic and then your ascension type is retarded. Materialists have robot ascension which is neither the best nor the funnest. So its the worst choice.

I'm angry that people like you STILL don't understand what Spiritual and Materialist actually mean. It's not space religion vs space fedoras, dumbass.

The dialogue options that Spiritualist and Materialist empires in the game have do very little in dispelling that perception.

>It's not space religion vs space fedoras, dumbass.

they are in game dumbass

Not theoretically, but they end up acting like that.

>Talk to a religious empire
>They ask if I've heard the good news.

So are we going to ignore the fact that the OP has a pony in it?

What's the point of a pacifist empire

Yes , but i think both imperial and dictatorship need something larger to make them comparable to the confy agendas ( and the ability to pick them every 50 years ) from oligarchy

and the FREE influence and boosts that may be more fitting to your empire every 10 years from democrats

I'd say that slavers Dictatorships and Imperioums should be able to get influence from slaves , total slaves or number of different enslaved species , but that sounds a bit harder to mod compared to your original suggestion

announcing reports is against the rules so yes
just do it and don't post about it


>forcing us to use slaves

what did he mean by this?

Liberation into your federation so you have hundreds of people in your federation. 1 for every planet. Vassalizing liberated planets and then enslaving them when you integrate them.

How butthurt will the universe be if I use forced labor to cull my slave pops? I wanna replace them with synths.

Gunning for science/unity and building your way to the victory conditions.

wew, so unless I'm doing something wrong
>mods don't change the checksum
>authorities can't have country_modifier applied to them

Thanks a load, Pairadicks.

nice blog fur fag

>get event chain to turn into intelligent ayys (old humans)
neat. I also got unique buildings

>playing fanatic purifiers
>already destroyed the unbidden and cucked the only remaining AE so hard that it's getting bullied by every shitter in the galaxy
>bordered on both sides by the two largest rival empires in the galaxy, they're both in a defensive pact and have equivalent fleets to me so I can't really do anything
>the one with the most powerful fleet suddenly guarentees some shitter's protection
>said shitter has no defensive pacts or other guarentees
>declare war on it then proceed to utterly rape my rival's empire freely while the other rival sits with his dick in his hands

LOL this galaxy man

the earthlings are about to get thrust into the homeworld universe whether they like it or not

I wonder if this still triggers if you have intelligent and weak.

Are you gonna help me convince Pairadicks to make authorities moddable or are you just going to sit there and shitpost?

How do I modify save games? I looked up a tutorial but no matter what I try, it breaks the save. All I did was replace any reference to my founders species name to something else.

Get really good at dangling carrots at the end of sticks

>have to keep playing musical chairs with slaves every time the equality faction forms
I suppress these faggots every time they show up but they just won't stop.

Take a Paradox game at the end of its development cycle. Something like CK2, but with pops and trade. And then add a campaign mode modeled on Sengoku Rance.

What is the best mod/combo of mods for Stellaris that give extra tech/traditions/resources/buildings/things to do outside of vanilla. I want to play tall, like 1/5 a spiral tall and not have to worry about running out of things to do while going on enslavement runs.

You get the resilient trait instead.
I'm going to change just the humans on Earth to form an intelligent ruling class specialized for research.

CK2 has been shit since Rajas of India desu.

>You get the resilient trait instead.
Gross. Who turns themselves into ugly spiral heads for that?


god that's annoying.

the real price for human rape-slaves.

shit. I think it keeps the normal humans as my primary species if i dont modify all of them.
any way i can check/change it?

>Playing the Commonwealth of Man
>Be aggressive expansionist
>Everyone around me is inferior in every way or Pathetic
>Meet the UN
>They are inferior


Do the United nations Humans count as a different species than the CoM Humans?


theyre a subspecies. they have all the same rights when you conquer them

Its like Khan vs humans. Theyre the same but different in little ways that you can tell.

>playing civ 6
>Take Saladin's final city on the continent
>Make peace and take all of them
>Come back to the world map
>"Would you like to keep this city?"
Now it's occupied and Saladin wont cede it to me. Thanks Firaxis.

Any reason I cant go here? I also cant go to any enemy fleets even when they are in my territory any idea why I mean im at war and even when they are in my empire I cant warp to them.

So how's your empire going?

hmm. maybe it did change.
Wont really matter unless I change my ethics later.

This exact problem happened to me with a system near my border with the Ix'Idar Star Collective, except we weren't even at war (yet).
One of my science vessels warped in to explore it, got destroyed instantly before I could even check what kind of hostile fleets were there, and then I couldn't warp in to the system ever again.

Keep restarting because unless I give the AI tons of bonuses I just curb stomp them at everything.


>playing civ 6

just like real life desu

Is there a better looking slave race mod? I dont care about animations I just dont want fucking squids as domestic slaves.

around a squid hide your kids

So uh how did you fix it? Might be kinnda of a problem if I cant attack the enemy. I know I can beat them my fleet strength is like 4x bigger then them.

I didn't fix it.
I just loaded that save to see if I could enter the system now that it's inside my borders and I can.
But as far as I know it was inaccessible during the entire war despite not being in anyone's territory.

Weird ass bug.

The more I play this game the more it bugs out. The early game is very stable but the larger the map and the more fringe the case the more likely it is to collapse. Like hell this game ive had the crisis break my transports dissaperar as seen in the pic ships refuse to fire and now this really annoying.

This actually happened to me early on. I never play games far because I always get bored due to either an unwinnable war or an eternal cold war.

Ive tried fighting the giant robot fortress and my ships would bug out going into its range then halfway and turn around to leave again. So I had to go invincible and waited 2 years and I couldnt control them or stop them from doing it.

>not suicideing during an eternal cold war
Thats half the fun, bringing the galexy to its knees because they try to stop you while you risk it all to take them out.

Is there a mod that lets you choose who your potato servant race will be if you take that ethic? I don't like it being random.

Won't work if I only have defense pacts and didn't build enough science labs.
Plus warfare in this game is fucking terrible. Utopia has actually made me enjoy the empire-building quite a bit but I just see war as a tedious chore I need to do to acquire slaves. They need to add fleet caps and shit.

i never play games far because after you get the biggest fleet with the biggest dick you've already won, but you still need to engage in hundreds of years of incredibly tedious curbstomp wars to get to the actual victory screen

Thousands of small fleets will be even worse.

Just go for the mindless tedium of winning through habitat spam.

It feels a lot better than it did at launch honestly. I'm almost finished with this game when before I could barely play an hour without getting a migraine.
Biggest complaint for me is the god awful minimap though.

>suddenly I'M the bad guy

>ships are refluffed to have 'gravity cores'
>need to orbit stars and planets to offload to equalize the gravity within the ship
>different systems with more stellar bodies can support more fleet
>when a system is overloaded with too many points worth of ships, they start to take damage from the gravity core pulling the rest of the ship into it or something, structural damage
>now you have to split fleets like armies in other Grand Strategy games

There you go, I fixed Stellaris.

Arthropod is the best portrait category.

Heres a simpler idea.
>Each admiral can only command so many ships without a combat penalty.
>If to many ships are in command under that admiral when they enter battle they suffer an increasingly severe stacking penalty
>Different ships give different stacking penalties screens like destroyers and corvettes give less capitols give more.
>The stacking penalty can be decreased by the skill of the admiral and tech.
I stole all that from darkest hour.

what an overly complex, stupid workaround
here I just fixed it, dumbass
>transport from star to star is throttled, takes much longer to transport bigger fleets (even if split and re-joined right after)

Oh boy, tons of irritating micro.

It would be nice, manuvering battleships to the side while corvettes attack from the back and cruisers take up most of the damage before they focus on corvettes. Combat now sucks.

I'd rather it not be even more tedious.

yes there is

Im kinnda bored of my current game its getting kinnda boring nothing is left to do and super large with 30 empires was a bit overkill. How fun is it to make everyone use hyperlanes?
God no I cant imagine the bigger battles. I DO HOWEVER wish that I could give better orders to my fleet or make them do clever things. As it stands destroyers stay to far back and only defend my BBs from missle and strikecraft attack while my cruisers and corvettes kamikaze. If I could give them orders that would be great. Hell let me give orders to my fleet as it stands both sides try and rush each other till its a swarm. I would like it if I could tell my fleet to chill back if I have better long range fighting ability.

Why is AI so bad at teching?

There used to be a mod for that.

That's fucking retarded. It's just a bunch of tedious micromanagement.

This is the right idea, but there needs to be a reason to not just make your smaller stacks follow your bigger stacks around.

I already put that in with what I said the key word there is combat. Even if you tried to game it and bring a bunch of small fleets when battle starts it checks how many ships are in combat not fleets or any of that just flat how many ships in battle.

The problem with breaking up doomstacks is that the smaller fleets will realistically need someone to lead them and Stellaris doesn't give you many leaders like it does in Darkest Hour.

Trying to make leaders more expensive and special was a mistake. It made no sense in EU4 and it makes no sense here.