
> Uninsured
> Work part-time at shitty retailer
> Don't make much money
> Just got W2s
> Going to penalized heavily for not having Obamacare (which is too expensive for me to afford)

Is there any way I can get around this? I thought if you made under a certain amount, you wouldn't be penalized.

The IRS can't force you to pay the penalty.

Explain this in detail.

last year they just took it out of my refund so I had to pay.

You shouldn't be getting a refund if you set up your witholdings properly.

You'll still get a refund if you qualify for credits.
Those don't get withheld, so you lose them.

>government literally penalizes the money they subsidize for you

Who thought this shit was a good idea

>work part-time at a retailer
>don't make much money
>get obamacare for free because I make shit

You can file for an exemption to the penalty. I've done it the last 2 years.

"Healthcare would have created an undue burden for me" is what it's called.

seeI did the same last year.

This is actually good to know, I have a friend that had to buy it otherwise pay even more in fees.

>burgers shitposting 24/7 about the "welfare socialist european healthcare system"
>this is what they have to deal with

your a fucking moron. If you work retail youre making less than 40K a year. You will qualify for exemption.



If part time < 30 h/w, you're exempt

This. I discovered this option last year.

Shouldn't you be on Medicaid ?

trumps is in offic obamacare is gone

I think ObamaCare is failing because most of us Millenials have figured out it's cheaper to pay the $600 penalty instead of $5,000 of health insurance that we can't use because of fucked up deductibles.

Most of my friends my age don't think Social Security, Medicare, or Obama Care will be there when we're old....

We're basically being forced into a Pyramid Scheme where we are paying for the old and sick... but there is nobody below us to pay for us when social services become insolvent.

Health insurance cost has been rising since decades.

The main issue is wage stagnation since the Nixon era.

>Most of my friends my age don't think Social Security, Medicare, or Obama Care will be there when we're old....
>We're basically being forced into a Pyramid Scheme where we are paying for the old and sick... but there is nobody below us to pay for us when social services become insolvent.

Honest question.

Any of you kids out there actually EXPECTING to have medicare or Social Security when you're 65?

I don't think the mandate still exists after Trump's executive order so you won't be penalized $700 by the IRS

>on medicaid
>covers everything
>get $100k worth of infusions every year
>only make $10k a year

Your taxes are being spent on keeping worthless shitstains like me alive

Not really

>not having a cushy low cost group health plan with your fellow highly paid coworkers

Whew. Thank goodness you guys pointed this out. I was sweating what to do about the lapse in my ins. last year. Thanks.

For 2017 taxes sure but not 2016

If you are truely poor you can get an excemption. They can't force you to pay.

claim amish exclusion

bro get a better job , your better then that.