Inheriting dosh - what would you do?

Hi Veeky Forums,
I'm going to inherit anywhere from 1 to 1.5 million in the next few years due to folks being old as fuck. My worry is that I'll waste my pop's hard work like the dumb faggot that I am. How would you suggest I use this money so that not only I have a comfy life, but I have something that lasts longterm for my family?
A few details: I'm educated and have a good career. No debt, but also few assets other than my car and emergency fund.

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Term deposits.
Pay set amount for you for years. as interest rates are super low keep the terms short. Also in a term deposit you cant access it to buy stupid faggot impulse buys.

Alternatively you can give it to me.

>60% Stocks 40% bonds or something similar

Draw out 3-4% of the principal per year and keep the rest invested. Have fun retiring early. Hope you're not a dumb faggot who keeps working after this.

Three or four fund lazy portfolio. You'll never have to save for retirement.

why wouldn't i keep working? a mill isn't that much money.

A million dollars makes a lot of interest (relatively) if invested properly. You can live comfortably on the interest and small withdrawals from your principal quite easily

>squandering your inheritance rather than investing and growing it so you can pass on even more to your children
Veeky Forums can't into generational wealth

I inherited roughly the same amount in both cash and property.

Will you just be getting straight cash or other assets?

>Passing money onto your children so they can just waste it instead of you

Yea fuck them. They can find their own way

Just do what biz alwaya recommends and invest it in Vanguard mutual funds. VTSAX is good. Easy if you're american.
Don't bother with bonds its less money long term. Just DONT try to sell your vtsax because it's going down. You cant predict it and you'll just lose money. Simply wait it out.
It follows the general economy, and it can't go to 0 unless the US is destroyed.
Long term it always goes up but of course it can go down for years (eg 2008 crisis).
Only mistake you can make is selling because of that.
You can take 4% of that 2 million out every year (80k) safely and it will still likely increase significantly over time.
Just take less when it's going down like during a crisis. Otherwise you will be fine.
In 30 years you could have 7 million and still lived off of that 80k a year.

a mixture. The split is between me and the other kids (big family). There are 3 properties worth about 1.3 mill total. The rest is in investments. Pops is a fucking money making machine.

I'll have to look into this. What about living off of dividends - is there any downside there? Any learning resources i should pick up to unfuck myself?

Put 20k in GIGL...they are the next chuckie cheese...but HEALTHY! watch your investment make 1,000% gains and you wont have to worry about much...

OP checked and kek'd

>implying i'm roll playing about a million dollar inheritance

poorfag detected.

what did your dad do?

The only thing you inherit is your dads dick

vp of claims for an insurance company. He always told me you make the bulk of your money in the last 5 years before retirement.

and his handsome face

>make the bulk of your money in the last 5 years before retirement.
fuck that shit. good for you though

eh, its kinda weird though. It's not mine you know?
It's something i want to have there for the family. I talk with my brother all the time about how we need to become like the jews and just accumulate wealth and influence for our clan. Hopefully we can do something like that.

You should do that. Just make sure not to raise them to be spoiled faggots.

>eh, its kinda weird though. It's not mine you know?
Not sure if you're entrepreneur ally inclined, but if you are, do something productive with it. Make people know that you deserve it because you turned it into so much more.

>entrepreneur ally

20% down on a $5mil apartment building
You live off the rent collected
You hire a management company
You live in one of the apartments
You buy insurance with the rent
Income based valuation
Higher occupancy means higher valuation
Let principal pay itself down with rent too
Go to college
Lift heavy objects and put them down again

This is misleading advice. If you follow this, you shouldn't expect your investment to grow in real value at all.

Put it in a savings account. Touch as little as possible. 4% interest rate, compounded monthly.

One Day – $109.59
One Month – $3,333.33
One Year – $40,741.54
Five Years – $220,996.59
Ten Years – $490,832.68
Twenty Years – $1,222,582.09

4% interest on a savings account


These are the people giving you advice in other threads.

Wrong. Also that depends on how much he spends.

If you have a mutual fund your dividends are auto reinvested. But sure you could take them out.
It might not be a lot though.

Don't listen to any of these kekolds. Buy an established business or businesses, sit back, collect a quarter million annually, and live happy. It's as simple as that.

Shit, this is work safe board. Pay no attention to the picture on this post.

If you're a NEET who doesn't spend his money on any kind of expenses, maybe.

>Put it in a savings account. Touch as little as possible. 4% interest rate, compounded monthly