Try hard to make friends at my job

>try hard to make friends at my job
>Actually try to just be myself, talk more and stuff
>Co-workers ask me what I'm doing after work what I did on the weekend and stuff like that
>Always say nothing special and hint that I'm open to hang out with them if they have anything
>Never get invited to parties/hangouts

you are trying too hard and you have a boring personality.

go lift weights and find a productive or lucrative hobby.

you are too open and there is no mystery of who you are.

stop being a sad cunt and become a sick cunt.

You're here forever faggot don't try to fight it

have you thought about organizing something and inviting them?

>>Always say nothing special and hint that I'm open to hang out with them if they have anything
Never say that. Say you were doing coke, running from cops, pounding booze, getting in fights, banging hoes, gambling, etc. They'll want to hang with you after they hear how exciting your weekends are.

>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance

Invite them out to the pub Thursday after work

>made friends with a guy at work
>Gets a promotion and moves to the other side of the country weeks later

Having friends through work is highly overrated and can lead to nasty HR messes

Stick with your group of friends outside of work

>I do what I want
>somehow feel sad others don't want me to stop doing what I want
OP confirmed for retarded

You'll be surprised they're probably doing the same thing your doing...

>Always say nothing special and hint that I'm open to hang out with them if they have anything
Why do you think people want to hang out with you when you basically tell them that you are boring, your life is boring and you have no friends? You are basically hoping they will invite you out of pity.

2 things:
1) always make plans for one exciting experience / activity every week
2) learn how to turn your experience in a nice story, even if it wasn't all that exciting
Exaggeration is allowed, but no lying.

>try hard to make friends at my job

dont mix business and pleasure.

>tfw slowly making contacts at all levels of business

Write 5-6 shitty books, sell them on Amazon (will prolly start earning you ~10 bucks/day if you are terrible, more if you are not), now when asked what you do, tell them you are a writer.

Coworkers make the worst friends because u generally spend all your time with them then. I work by my damned self and i still hate people. Still have other friends user said get uou a hobby and go to the gymb/bar.

Im taking up blacksmithing.

Forged in fire brought out a new generation of blacksmiths and all the older guys seem pretty escited. They have a national club u can join and go to quarterly meet ups. For example.

Weite 50-60 books a day. Mearn 100. Tel work to sucks dix

>Got any plans for the weekend user?

every fucking time

You can check out but you can never leave

>1 post by ID
And here I was about to waste my time giving you good advice


OP is "that guy"

go lift some weights

>Never say that. Say you were doing coke, running from cops, pounding booze, getting in fights, banging hoes, gambling, etc. They'll want to hang with you after they hear how exciting your weekends are.

For anybody reading this thread, DO NOT DO THIS. Youre just going to sound like a degenerate (unless you work someplace that hires convicts) and might be avoided even more.

Dont just say youre doing nothing though, that really is boring as hell

>You are basically hoping they will invite you out of pity.

Op, every time you give that "nothing special" line I can guarantee that your coworkers will proceed to laugh about how sad your life is behind your back.

You fucking retard. White collar guys do this shit (low classes can't afford coke, hoes, and gambling). Look at 80's Wall Street. Don't be a boring fruitcake, OP.

>Actually doing it in your personal life
>Talking about it in a formal work enviornment
>Not being able to tell where the line is at here

Your NEETness is showing, with a possible hint of autism.

make your own party

>start job talking to everyone
>then befriend Sr Manager
>ditch low level friends to only spend time with higher level ppl
>eventually befriend CEO


>he's a wage cuck
It's nice being an independent contractor, cuckboy.

>Hes a roleplayer
Its nice not having to make up stories to post

You seem like the other kind of "that guy" that people laugh about behind your back.

Well duh, did you even read the OP?
He said "at my job," and "co-workers"
Not "at my business," and "employees"
Good luck with your illiteracy.

>lets laugh at they wagecucks
You wish you were me.

I'd love to work with guys like that. Pussy boy.


Lie about small things though, like say youre teaching yourself spanish or another language cause you want to take a vacation and go there. If its guys get into sports a bit and just learn a bit. You dont have to know a lot just learn a few players names on your state team be it nfl/nba/mlb that lead the team in a stat. Most guys are into sports a bit so that should help you find something in common. Tv & films are another good way, especially with women.

Hell tell them you have become interested in investing in stocks & ask if theyve thought about investing or starting their own business to make money.

>Independent contractor
>I would love work with guys like that.
So which is it? With or for?
Do you work WITH them or do they work FOR you?
Your contradictions indicate that you're a wagie yourself.
Only thing worse than a wagie, is a wagie that roleplays being a non-wagie on a bangladeshi betti spaghetti forum.

I bet you would like to work, it must suck having no income.

>Its a good idea to tell random coworkers you dont know that you spend your weekend doing cocaine and banging hookers, because "its what wall street does"
Seriously, nobody is believing that you even so much as leave the house

I've been a wagecuck in the past. Nothing was worse than coworker pajama boys who just played WoW or jerked off to jew porn all weekend.
>random coworkers you don't know
Lol. You don't know your coworkers? You must be a stone cold autist.

>Lol. You don't know your coworkers? You must be a stone cold autist.
Hey Dumbass, the thread is ABOUT trying to get to know coworkers.

is right, youre illiterate.

Jesus, I thought Veeky Forums was at least on speaking terms with their coworkers. Guess this is just /r9k/ lite.

You don't just come out and say your snorted heroin off a tranny's choader your first day on the job.

>work at company with other young people, LOTS of them
>all form cliques and go out to lunch, play pingpong, etc.
>try to make friends for a year but no dice
>other people even try to get me involved and invite me to stuff during that time
>accept and go, yet invitations QUICKLY stop
>get fed up with the whole endeavor and say fuck it I'm here for the paycheck and benefits
>end up burning all my bridges outside of work too, never had many friends, but now have no desire for any

Just stop caring OP, these people aren't worth talking to beyond getting your job done. I won't make the same mistake at my next workplace, and I'll make sure to tell NO ONE about myself.

I wouldn't lie like some are telling you to. When the guys finally hang out with you and find out that you're not a wild man, they may call you out about your bullshit.

If I were you, I would just tell them what you actually did. They might have similar interests. You might like the same vidya or sports. You never know.