Why does this trigger proddies so much?
Why does this trigger proddies so much?
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the means of execution and the corpse of your savior is a bizarre religious symbol no matter what denomination you're from
Hes still alive in that depiction, dummy
I think it's because the earliest crosses that Christians used were just plain crosses. They have the mistaken belief that it was the earliest symbol that Christians used and anything that came after is just some clerical invention or something like that.
>rebel cult leader got executed by rome
>random dude 100 years later says he was actually god
>build a huge ass church in the capital of the empire that killed him
>pagan cannibal rituals, rape-dungeons, indulgences, warmongering, >H>R>E, etc.
>btw all of this is literally the most holy and perfect institution that can ever exist, you get tortured forever if you think otherwise
Actually, the oldest known depiction of the cross comes from this graffito, equating Jesus with an ass.
Ha ha, well meme'd my enlightened friend
He was on the cross for 9 hours. He's been alive for almost 2000 years.
But to you papists, he's still dead on the cross.
And what meme sect do you belong to that doesn't use a cross?
Most Christians use a cross.
papists pretend Jesus is still dead on the cross, so they have to talk to Jesus' mommy.
>corpse of your savior
This does not exist in Christianity, which is why the Catholic fixation on his death for three days, and not his resurrection, demonstrates that they have nothing in common with Jesus' church. We worship the risen savior; they have their earthly pope and Jesus' mommy to bitch to.
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
catholicism is metal as fuck in comparison to sterile proddysm.
Spill Hellenic sacrficial cults and weirdass folkbeliefs all over my countrys church pls.
>tfw lutheran
>tfw own crucifixes
desu, I think the crucifix is a better symbol than an empty cross because it reminds you of the sacrifice Jesus made by dying for our sins. An empty cross is just an empty cross, Jesus would have been taken down from the cross regardless of whether he was the son of God or not.
iconography is a sin
Because American proddies are scared for the Chilluns.
>tfw raised catholic.
>tfw even as a 7 year old, the crucifix is nothing to me but a man nailed on a fucking pile of sticks. I knew how he got there anyway and why it was so important.
Bring out the mummified relics and thats the time I freak out.
Why are Catheretics triggered by the truth?
The corpse.
Does not.
Idols are forbidden by God
You'll be proud to know that they have murdered over 70,000,000 people in the last thousand years, up to and including today.
Nice numbers you got there.
Each life will be paid for, in full.
Jesus was never dead?
His body never stopped living?
Normal cross is OK though huh?
No matter how much you want to believe no one is worshipping a crucifix.
You are. You should fear the wrath of God.
His body is in Heaven
That doesn't answer the question.
Yes, Jesus's body is currently in Heaven.
Where was his body after he died? There was a corpse.
A tomb
Try telling me Proddy Britfags didn't kill loads of Abbos, Africans, Native Americans, etc.
Nice bs numbers you got there pal
Didn't kill them for their beliefs
So the corpse did exist. Glad to know.
Θεός να ευλογεί Αλέξαμενος.
>even if that were true that would make it all ok :^)
greetings mouth of satan
>Commemorating the precise moment when our Lord and Savior brought salvation to our immortal souls by willingly sacrificing himself to the most excruciatingly painful and humiliating method of execution for us
Why exactly would this be controversial?
>even if
That's a fact
>make it all ok
It wasn't ok, it just wasn't religiously motivated
It's not. Making an idol and worshiping it is blasphemy.
>Using a physical emblem as device to help concentrate your thoughts and prayers is the same as "worshiping"
That's like saying having a photograph of someone is the same as having them in the room with you.
>concentrate your thoughts and prayers
You're proving my point
A photo of someone you grew up with will stir up memories of the person and make it easier for you to remember them as a whole.
In the same way, a crucifix or other prayer aid can help the practitioner in their concentration. A crucifix, for example, can help one envision the suffering Christ endured in his sacrifice, the extent of which would likely be difficult for most average adherents to imagine without assistance.
How is this a difficult concept to understand?
I want docetists to leave.
Equating a symbol to idol worship is a logical fallacy
You talking about protestants? I'm pretty sure I saw a crucifix in a lutheran church a few months back.
Lutheran and Anglican are basically Catholic-lite
I don't think protestants are against seeing Jesus on the cross. I live in a protestant country, and Jesus on the cross is not something people would be unfamiliar with, people have seen imagery like this, including in churches, many times.
Proddies btfo