/owg/ - Overwatch General

>New Nexus challenge for D.Va and Genji skins (new D.Va skin, same Oni Genji skin)

>Official Uprising event website

>When does the event end?
May 1st.

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>people STILL think that Pharah is this uncounterable thing in the air

Enjoy Silver


She has a pocket mercy and zen orb. Wat do?

Here comes T.Racer!

I'm surprised that Jeff or Geoff haven't at least made a token post about her, this has been going on for at least a month now.

What's this from?

Are all Bastion players fuckboys who only enjoy taking it three at a time?

Pharah's concussive blast is removed as a separate ability.
Instead, she can now either left click or right click to fire any one of the six rockets in her magazine as either a normal rocket or a concussive rocket.

Is this a broken idea?

Kill Mercy, then Pharah.

I fucking tried.
>started in s2, was shit
>got a 144hz monitor, mouse, huge mouse mat and meme 7.1 headset
>practiced my aim in every possible way there is
>improved my reaction time down to an average of 180 ms
>played fucking lucio for a while to learn some game sense
>I've improved quite a bit, did 1v1 for practice, lost 5 games since it was introduced
>did wm to the point only genjis dare show there faces in the open without reins shield
>made a smurf and placed low diamond
Yet the first thing i get is "cyka blyat" assuming my teams mercy main doesnt call me useless first.
Yeah fuck this im gonna troll every single game from now on. Not even gonna help good teams. If i drop out of diamond ill make another smurf or climb back. Fuck you.

I fucking love making platinum Pharah players ragequit with Widowmaker

Copied from last thread.

Any videos/streams of parties finishing uprising (legendary) with unusual characters like Symmetra or Mei?

Sombra online.

>chain concussion someone off the map


>a pharah with half a brain can now concuss people off any ledge or keep an entire team off a point
you should work at blizzard

Why do people care THIS much? It's just a videogame.

They are both so far damage falloff makes mccree and s76 useless when pharah can 2 shot you.

it feels good to be good at something

>STILL no sexy Mexican laugh emote

Do you guys think people will be banned for the symmetra invincible teleporter glitch? I just ran into a game where some guy was doing that all game and no one could damage the teleporter

The score is currently tied between Pharah and Mercy

Obey the law user!

If Pharah is so far away that you cannot possibly kill her with two fucking hitscans, maybe one should switch to Widowmaker.

>defending gibraltar
>"don't defend right outside their spawn"
>half the team ignores this and dies in the first 5 seconds

Tell me again how easy it it to solo carry my way out of gold?

God damn that is the most garbage wallriding I have ever seen.
This nigga should never play Lucio ever the fuck again.

>Yeah fuck this im gonna troll every single game from now on.
>I think I'm a grand master player because I'm good at 1v1
>But I'm stuck in Diamond because shitty teams
>I'll just troll and try to ruin other's fun.

yes, people have been permabanned for exploits

Is having sex with a policewoman on duty a crime?

it's easy as fuck, get soldier or genji or widow, that shit works both in attack and defense and it's always needed

Feels bad

I want Officer D.Va to punish me to the full extent of the law!

Why can't this game have an SR system based on individual skill instead of who gets the least retarded teammates? Blizzard have always failed at competitive games.


Do one for the guys too

moderately to severely depending on how you change the conc function
the current conc knockback vectoring is fucking retarded since it has no splash falloff and ignores all vertical positioning so giving her infinite those would be ridiculously broken, it would still need a cooldown which basically means youve dont nothing but straight nerf it to cost ammo as well

Are you trying to sexually harass police officer?

but it is based on individual skill. if you're good you get more points from wins.

post your main without posting your main

post them in their best looking skin

>best rein game ever
>25 000 damage dealt
>55 000 damage blocked
>3 gold medals
>many great ults
>many great charges
>on fire half the time
>23 SR (only 1 more than I lost for my last match)
Why is this happening? Does blizzard just hate me? Do I need to play the system by becoming a sombra main?


so i guess you would be going to prison?

was that part of your master plan

If you insist

You remind me of my older brother.
>Played FPS games since DOOM was a thing
>Competitively played Quake, CS (up to 1.6), and R6: Siege, attending and winning multiple LANs
>Mostly played Quake until Overwatch came out
>Gets stuck at low Master because he can't fully grasp the class system (I adapted a bit better coming from TF2)
>Blames his team when they underperform
>Meanwhile I'm 4100 and trying NOT to tell him that it's his fault
I mean, he has the DM skill to probably be Top 500, maybe even Top 50, but he's so lacking in more subtle aspects of gamesense I know he'll never advance.

Anyone else having a problem with Resurrect? It says "2" on my screen but only Res' 1 person.

i don't get this picture.
Is it some kind of e-sports maymay?

if you have no aim you can still play genji to 70% if his potential why people think he needs skill

Pressing "E" is hard user


triggered by reality?

Way to miss the point and imply a whole lot.

I believe I can fly


>1000 dpi
>12 sens ingame
who small pad here?

being an actually good genji requires very good projectile aim since it's so essential that you get your ult up fast and frequently

he doesn't need very good aim but he needs great reflexes, positioning and ability timing
he's also very difficult for a newbie to play and actually be at least somewhat useful

Make me.

I had a dream where Winston's Tesla gun was replaced with a rocket launcher that could only fire one shot before reloading, yet did a fuckton of damage, and kills reset his jump pack.

Damn I wish this hero took skill so he could fucking something useful.

>be diamond
>make account to pracstise other heroes where i dont care about SR
>place plat
>drop to gold
>drop to silver
>literally can;t get out

The shit I see at this level that actually works. i can teamwipe but we still lose. forced 50 might not be a meme


>Genji on steroids

>Yeah fuck this im gonna troll every single game from now on. Not even gonna help good teams.

Typical dumpster cry babby mentality.

>I fucking tried.
How about you DO, you little bitch.

>tfw I realize I could've gotten all the arcade boxes by slogging through uprising a few times instead of all these 3v3 fails


Uprising is boring and requires 20 minutes for 1 win. 3v3 takes 5 minutes.

Kill the rest of the team because they aren't beaing healed. Whenever you see a pocket mercy punish the healer by forcing her off the pharah.

Actually it's 12 minutes for a guaranteed win


you really shouldnt be diamond if you cant just pick genji against silvers and 1v6 them

if you lose 4 3v3's it takes longer than that

>teammate respawns
>says "group up"
>goes in and gets instagibbed 2 seconds later
>"omg guise group up why are you all tunnel vision!!111"

Daily reminder that your average dps in a fucking moron.

>two mercy one-tricks on the same team
>the one who didn't instalock it fast enough berates the other mercy for only playing one hero
>literally has 155 hours on mercy and 4 minutes on LĂșcio himself

>throwers every game
Blizz will never fix this will they? Reporting doesn't do shit because you will still lose, and the next will have a different person throwing. I give up on this game, it's been fun but fuck this.

How do you become a good genji?

I cant seem to hit his projectiles at all.

I do?

is using movement abilities to get back into the fight too advanced for high plat or what


>tfw you bully the rein into solo-ulting you


Perfect footage for my silver montage


>hana will never put five warning shots in your back before you can ever put your hands up

What does this picture even mean?


I will never understand qp
Why an all time gold SR, who has an average win rate of 40s%, keep fighting against a 5~6 stack level 500+s who are all in diamond or masters? what the flying fuck

Is McCree's Blackwatch skin worth buying before the event ends so that I can have a sweet laser pointer?

Sounds like a bad case of gitgud deficiency.

I think d.va reloads her minigun faster than tracer

Cyberspace sombra?

Gauging interest here.

Does anyone wanna play some HotS for the challenge? Having no friends makes it difficult. :(

Matchmaking in qp really only cares about finding you a match quickly. You can be plat and go up against top 500s.


so you're gold


remove sombra's stupid ass E and heavily buff her hack and invis


Why do people rage about Sombra's Translocator so much?

>Hana will never perform body cavity search at you because you looked at her funny

dubs decides if I get cuckree or widow legendary

HNNNNG how do i git gud

low diamond baby

they both have better legendaries than the uprising ones