amazing jan boy dab
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Hi guys, sorry for the long read, but i think we really have to talk about this topic. First of all, this is not a balance whine thread or anything like this. I would like to talk with you guys about the adept's design and why it is problematic for SC2. I hope we can share some thoughts down below
The problem with adepts is their core design. Their design leads to imbalance, because they break basic rules of RTS.
Its possible that the Colossus is an air unit, or will be treated like an air unit. I have 2 facts to back this up.
b) In one of the gameplay trailer's (I forgot which one), the Colossus does NOT affect the Zealots' pathfinding, as you can see Zealots walk under it.
Ground units like Zerglings can attack the Colossus when they cant other air units.
but those Banelings took out a colossus, that would have to mean that splash affects air?
It's an entirely new concept, most likely. Not ground, not air, large walker
i noticed that too, its been posted some other times..
Start thinking outside of the box, this is not SC, it's SC2, therefore, ground and air are not the only options.
jan is spending his day off from work well....
colossus have 4 legs
shoot fire
600 health
1000 shield
[+973, -41] You can tell she really likes working out. People who work out know that weight is nothing but a number. Cool of Soyu!
It’s no secret that Protoss players have been pulling out their hair more than usual when we play Terrans
It’s no colossus that colossus players have been pulling out their head more than 600 when we shoot fire Terrans 1000
I noticed what you say... but let's say that in sc2 turrets cant attack very tall ground units (like colossus) wich make sense cuz the top of the colossus seems to be at almost the same height as air units. Now it would be inte
a badass ground unit killing machine yet vulnerable to many forms of attack. Pretty cool concept if you ask Looking forward to seeing terran and zerg concepts next!
yeah ti'm thinking maybe it is considered as both also
look how tall it is,
Colossus seems to be vulerable to attack by both ground and air units since it is so tall
Colossus tall attacks leg air ground attack concept
I have one concern though, if the Colossus indeed a Ground/Air unit?
how has david kim not considered this concept during 7 years while he worked at blizzard
they air attack(ground to air, air to air) and ground attacks.
Wasnt this mentioned in the gameplay trailer?
but i have a concern...
Thermal Lance warms my Colossus heart
colossus since it is so tall?
Terrans are for shitters
You're not halo, stop trying so hard
you are not air attack colossus
my mom says I can be anything about my mind to
concept of colossus air to ground attack is a concern
she also said not to speak to strangers
ugh racist mommy...
starcraft colossus starcraft colossus gook starcraft colossus seulgi
- The Colossus (plural -lossi, -lossuses) is a massive Protoss battle strider that towers over all other ground units on the battlefield. In LotV its base damage is reduced by 20%. It is built at the Robotics ...
Colossus SC2-LotV Cine1. A colossus. The colossus is an antiquated protoss construct dating back to the Kalath Intercession. It is feared for being a war machine, and some protoss believe they cannot be controlled and ...
Height: 17 stories
colossus its base damage is reduced by 17% stories
reminder we're watching the nfl draft in 3 hours
were not though
the gangs all here...
kinda wish hots and lotv we're never released
you might as well call them sc: episode 1/2/3
so stupid of them to waste time on shit story and break game even more by adding units instead of balancing it
just imagine if all the devtime and money were spent on wol
and over the years they would eventually patch it to perfection
not only it would be alive it would revive whole rts genre
now we're left with broken dead game i doubt sc3 will ever see the light of day
you will never play real sc2 thanks to activision-blizzard...
Ahhh...the morning after...
>GSL Code S 1d 6h 15m
>StarCraft II StarLeague 1d 15h 15m
>Afreeca Starleague 2d 12h 15m
Brood war is coming back bigger every day. Start playing bitch nigga. Remastered this summer!
play prey?
so my bitcoin investment has grown 276$ in the past 24 hours
blogging about colossus made me so miserable that i fell asleep T_T
dont even know what colossus is i thought it was some garbage to fool janny
hes a real bitch
this one is for you jan you miserable bitch
get mad
janni is such a fucking bitch lmao
gonna jerk off then shower then i'll be back to finish you off jan. so say your prayers
"legacy of the void"
what a poetic title, really urges one to reflect
Are we going to discuss something today?
i better not get banned for that janny you hear me
why would blizzard have dreamhack on the same weekend as dota 2 stupid
so that's what...4 days in a row now
love watching dota 2
wish the major didn't start at 9 in the morning
trying out new strats in ladder, hope ill make it out of bronze soon.
lmao jan
act like this irl and get beat up... oh thats right you would never do that... BECAUSE YOURE A PUSSY
are the dota 2 and sc2 finals at the same time again this year? i was so flippin mad last time...
wish i had dual monitors so i could watch all the action!!! >_
2am.. time for bed!
brit lads...
thought you'd be interested in this jan....
my new 'yo...
a modern day olive branch...
can you do any tricks?
i kinda want to buy one now...
yeah i got a lot of the basic string trick mounts down, now im just learning binds since this is a non responsive yoyo
baby i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey~
you dont know who you dealing with janny
this aint no game bro
this is sc2 you gaybrains
i'm actually getting pretty extra depressed without my bros to talk to...
yeah we only talk about sc2 here get with it or get out
dont say this janny probably likes it like the sicko he is
you're right
he is so fucked man... hate that fag
So what do you want to talk about now?
dreamhack austin is going to be so hype
watching cho in new york
cho flies half way across the world and buys $1 ramen for sad
yeah well im gonna make hamburgers tomorrow and im excited as fuck
hamburgers make a greasy mess... better to just buy them at bk
is bk your favorite or what
it depends
if i'm hungry i prefer a double whopper at bk...
is that a menu?
you gotta go for the menu
i dunno man
i'm starting to feel really bad
fuck u fags
talk about starcraft
don't feel good...
cho is offline...what to do
don't j off... i did that earlier and now i feel bad...
who else is watching tip with me and loomies?
nips are shit at sfv m8
street fighter is shit
gonna watch the shining i guess...
that just like.. ur opinion man
kys capcuck
god i don't wanna watch the shining its 2 and a half fucking hours long... fuck i wish someone would kick my head in tonight... FUCK
hopefully kill himself
“And see what you’ve come to now! So you haven’t drunk away all your better feeling, it affects you so much? But you’ve worried your wife to death! Instead of looking after your children, you sit in a debtors’ prison. Go awav, my friend; stand in some corner behind the door and have a cry. Remember your innocence in the past, and maybe God will forgive you. Go along, go along, I mean it. Nothing helps a man to reform like thinking of the past with regret.”
not feeling very hyped about dreamhack austin
nony is going to have to pull off an amazing run through the open bracket