> Be danish
> The state pays for my masters degree in IT
> Litterally get paid to study 5100dkk a month (685 euros / 734 dollars) after tax
> Live in brand new student-housing for almost nothing
> Will be able to graduate without any debt at all
> Got relevant part-time job that pays over 165dkk an hour (22 eur / 23 dollars)
Thank you Denmark.
>be danish
>pay 57% tax
I never understood why Danes, or most other Northern European people, don't simply take all the free stuff until they've finished uni, then run off to somewhere with lower taxes for 30 years.
Sure, you might not be entitled to whatever state pension exists if you choose to return later, but you'd have 30 years of much lower taxes and hopefully decent savings.
Is it a culture thing?
Is it hard to establish yourself in low tax areas?
Plenty of people do that, I'm planning to move to Switzerland.
tfw swefag and don't know what to study
>Veeky Forums - ???
go to fucking /int/ or /pol/ if your want to brag about where you were born
Hospitality studies :)
>have to pay ridiculously high taxes
>So high that there's no point in trying to make more money
pls go
>live in brand new student housing for almost nothing
Great meme my friend
>be danish
>pay 57% tax
Try +60%
LMAO @ your europoor country
>Be swiss
>State pays for masters degree in economics
>Number 1 ranked business school in the world
>Literally get paid to study 1600 chf(1600 usd 1500 euro) a month because I come from a low earning household
>Live in brand new student-housing for almost nothing
>will be able to graduate with 200k made from day trading
> Got relevant summer job that pays over 50chf an hour (36 eur / 40 dollars)
but yes you're at least doing better than 3rd world countries like argentina, tunisia, usa etc...
*50 chf(46 eur /50 dollars)
Also forget to mention
>not living in a socialist shithole, being among the worlds lowest taxpayers without having to leave my country.
And you get free Veeky Forums posts from the goverment aswell
>OP thinks he's getting free shit
>Doesn't realize he's paying the highest tax rate in the world
>Doesn't realize Denmark is slowly turning into Sweden Jr.
>OP is literally paying a rain tax
>60% X 165dkk = his taxes
Yes the tax is high. I pay 48% but that dont stop me going to the UK after my education
Yep, i've been to Zug before, it's great.
I know some people that moved there after successfully starting up their business.
+1 good point
What people doesn't realize is that you will end up paying all of your ""free"" education and money through tax later in life anyway..
This is literally how socialists think: "Oh man i get free money and free education, life is great".
I rather have high taxes and free education than low taxes and 250.000 dollar dept. Danmark is cool.
>685 euros / 734 dollars) after tax
You mean 300 euros left for food and entertainment?
Exactly. Too much shitposting in biz
Only the dumbest have that much debt.
It keeps the stupid in shackels like slaves, where they belong
So what's stopping me as a Britbong from moving to Scandinavia and taking advantage of the "free" education on offer?
Inb4 Brexit
We have tons of eastern europeans
>Be Scottish
>The state paid for me to study engineering
>Drop out because secured as job in oil industry because family connections
>£43k per year even though didn't finish education
>news keeps saying oil is running out and industry is dying
>already know where the new rigs will be for untapped oil
>find out real reason Scottish gov wants to lean UK is because there is lots of oil where uk nukes are stationed here
Thank you Scotland
A white Dane won't be bragging about some measly human rights and some petty 700 Euros. You're a brownie, aren't you?
Enjoy paying $70,000 for a Toyota Tercel
Nothing for master studies, but for undergraduate you have to be able to speak the native language, so here in Finland it's either Finnish or Swedish.
>Be Norwegian.
>Free double-degree in Management and Finance.
>Recieve scholarship
>Rent out apartment, gets support to pay rent anyways.
>Live in apartment that's in your parents name
>State pays all food, transport. electrical bills etc.
>Recieve 4500$ a month without doing shit.¨
>Save money and invest in stocks.
The tax rate in Norway is 27.5%
>Live in apartment that's in your parents name
>$4500 a month and cant even afford his own apartment
Thats a skam