/pg/ - Persona general

Previous: NEWS
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd in Sumaru City: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info
>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources

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Haru is ruining the game for me. I hate her so much, I can't even put it into words. That scene with her and Morgana in their introduction got me so angry I had to start fast-fowarding through it. It was a slap in the face.


Haru is a Mary Sue. She doesn't have flaws. She has Hollywood flaws. She gains everything by being rich and cute, then the game tries to subvert it by giving her a weakness and saying "Hey look, she's still human, she's surrounded by douches and her father is dead". But she isn't because those problems only make her more endearing. She's a bland girl with a moe side. She's not a character with flaws. She's Hermione.



cute smelly neet

>Anne is sweaty!
>Anne is buxom!
>Anne is beautiful!
>Anne is wet!
>Anne is cute!
>Anne is flexible!
>Anne is an angel!
>Anne is lewd!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne is silly!
>Anne is for kisses!
>Anne is stylish!
>Anne is for sexual!
>Anne is awesome!
>Anne is sultry!
>Anne is pure!
>Anne is amused!
>Anne is quality!
>Anne is Lovers!
>Anne is canon!
>Anne is an apricot!
>Anne is an actress!
>Anne is a model!
>Anne is Santa Claus!
>Anne is Anne, not Ann!
>Anne is best girl!

claiming for this thread and all subsequent threads

>reiji's hand
jesus christ

You're using the outdated OP. Please use the current OP that has been used for a while.

I liked this pasta more when it was about Yusuke because it upset fujos


I want to date Kawakami!
I want to put a ring on Kawakami!
I want to marry Kawakami!
I want to impregnate Kawakami and rub her swollen belly!
I want to rest my head on Kawakami's pregnant belly and feel the baby kicking!
I want to raise a family with Kawakami!
I want to tell Kawakami how much I love her!
I want to grow old with Kawakami!

Reeeeeeeee Good taste


>Anne is sweaty!
>Anne is buxom!
>Anne is beautiful!
>Anne is wet!
>Anne is cute!
>Anne is flexible!
>Anne is an angel!
>Anne is lewd!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne is silly!
>Anne is for kisses!
>Anne is stylish!
>Anne is for sexual!
>Anne is awesome!
>Anne is sultry!
>Anne is pure!
>Anne is amused!
>Anne is quality!
>Anne is Lovers!
>Anne is canon!
>Anne is an apricot!
>Anne is an actress!
>Anne is a model!
>Anne is Santa Claus!
>Anne is Anne, not Ann!
>Anne is best girl!

>sister found an english version of Memories of You and has been practicing singing it
>she's basically got it down pat
>she's practicing in her room again
>really proud of her for getting back into singing and going for what she dreams in
>trying to not cry

it's not fair anons

It's called foreshortening

Good job avoiding that thot Makoto and choosing a good girl like Hifumi

Who was in the wrong here?

fuck her

That image is creepier than it should be.


now is as good a time as any to get her drunk and fuck her

>I actually get to name my merry band of thieves.

Well fuck, wasn't prepared for this eventuality. Suggestions?

Cry and tell your sister that you're proud of her and that you'll support her all the way.

Fuck it I bought Asterius, what a fucking bad ass

Sounds like something Haru could use.

Any HQ pic of Hifumi's swimsuit?

If you just go with what Anne said she gets happy

they both participated in the worst part of the game


Imagine being so boring that out of all the flavours placed before you, you end up going for vanilla.

Anne is cute

Tell her you're proud to have a weeb sister


>No Asherah
>No Maya
>No Fafnir
>No Nidhogg
>No summonable demifiend
Why'd they drop the ball so hard?

but he went with Anne, not Makoto

I miss dead /pg/

When will Persona have a handsome black protagonist?

and then fuck her

If this post ends in 5. Your group name is gonna be
Anal thieves

Can someone explain to me the reference here?

I don't know what JoJo is


I romanced Hifumi and she was bland as shit
I want to go back and un-friendzone Makoto, NG+ is too far away

What rank is your sister's S.Link at?


Hey Mona I think you've got the wrong door, the safe room's 2 floors down.

I sure am thirsty, I got a lovely glass of water here I can drink.
Or I can have this tub of battery acid, how about this chamber pot filled with watery shit and piss? Oooo the african mud water looks delicious too. Maybe I could suckle diarrhea out of this elephant's asshole. Man what kind of loser would go for a nice plain glass of water with all these choices!


Sorry Yugi boy, I'm naming them Pegasus.

>Finished every link in a single run without following a guide.
Feels fucking great man.

>Forgetting Mastema.
Slay yourself, son of man.

Maya deserves to be a protag's persona

>Maya is centered around the concept of "illusion" and has multiple meanings. In fact, Maya's very name is "illusion" in Sanskrit. She manifests, perpetuates and governs illusion as well as the dream of duality in the universe.

Makoto is the most boring one in the game though

Main villan of one arc has a stand that can stop time, it's called The World because most of that arc's stands were named after the tarot cards


>Makoto x Phantom
>Anne x Ryuji
>Futaba x Yusuke
>Haru x Goro

Daily reminder that this is the optimal pairing in P5

rerolling for yugi user

It's a popular manga in Japan, Persona takes a lot of notes from it. Almost all of the poses the characters make when using their Personas are homages to JoJo.

Personas themselves are also very similar to entities in JoJo called Stands, spirits that represent the user's soul that stand and fight beside them. Johanna, Makoto's Persona, is also a direct reference to a Stand from JoJo called Born This Way.

This is autism genera

I like both Ann and Makoto
But only Makoto when playing in english, holy shit is Ann's english VA jarring

The villain of part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, a very popular and long running manga, can summon a type of power called a Stand. His is named The World (all the Stand users in part 3 are themed after the major arcana) that stops time.

Okay, makes sense.

Is JoJo actually a decent anime or is one of those meme autist animes like Naruto or One Piece or Dragon Ball Z?

daily reminder Makoto is a fujo

Fuck, sorry user, my phone gave out, didn't hear that last part. Come again?

Watch the anime, avoid the fanbase.


>people who haven't read jojo come to Veeky Forums

I keep forgetting how surface level this website is

This is

It's good and the main inspiration for Persona, don't listen to people that say it's ok to skip parts though.

>this is the ideal persona pairing
>you may not like it, but this is what perfect chemistry looks like

The fanbase is My Little Pony level of autism

>Normal girl
>Normal girl

>Student Council President

Really makes you think.

No, it's good. It's been elevated to meme status because it's popular but that doesn't mean it's bad. Like most pieces of fiction the vocal side of the fanbase is obnoxious.

It's been running for decades now so reading it can be a bit of a hassle but you should definitely give it a try.

Daily reminder that Lavenza is objectively best girl.

I don't watch a lot of anime. I haven't even seen Cowboy Bebop.
How many fucking parts are there?

What gender is Morgana?

How can one cake so perfect?

>be right before the final dungeon
>want to fuse yoshitsune
>realize morgana isn't rank 10
>rank 10 is on 12/23

So good old yoshi is basically NG+

Pussy (Male).

Who do you think Kamoshida user will talk about next? Do you think he'll be here tonight?

but Ryuji is also a loser and a thug

Morgana's a dude.

A Fuuka a day keeps the sadness and anger away.

It's in the middle of the 8th part right now which has been going since 2011

Gift from Satanael himself. We are not worthy.

Morgana's a car

no, he's a cat

Cute non-smelly NEET who is now also your co-worker!

I'm not going to fuck my sister you guys. But I told her I was proud of her and that I'm really glad she's giving it her all again.

She told me that she loved that song and it makes her sad, she said she gets nostalgic about how when we were younger, she'd watch me play games. Persona 3 and 4 were some of the favorite games she watched me play.

I feel bad that I beat Persona 5 without including her.

Only attendants are canon romantic partners

He's going to meet at the top with based Tora

Will it go to bed faster if we paint it red?

>How many fucking parts are there?
7 completed, 8 is currently running
1-4 have been animated

Wait are they books or TV shows?

What age is she?

Which character across all the games has the strongest persona?

who is this spunk flunk

What arcana is your sister
Why didn't you include her


>Shop Heir.
>Normal girl.
>Hotel Heiress.
>Thug with heart of gold.
>Mascot bear.

>Thug with heart of gold.
>Student Council President.
>Company Heiress.
>Mascot cat.

Hifumi is, senpai. Makoto has more cute scenes than she does

>A date with Hifumi as gf led to more pointless terms exposition

>always wanted a little sister
>realize that I'm so far gone that if I actually had one I'd probably want to fuck her

I'm glad for you user.
