Small girls in need of help edition
Small girls in need of help edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking really?
I want to look EXACTLY like Sejuani!
This place is a geographical anomaly
>other thread gets deleted
>new Lulu one stays up
Can't wait for all of the autistic screeching
I'm tempted to test it on a fresh account, though.
Other thread was better than this Lulu shit.
>all those previous deleted threads
>end up with a Lulu thread.
Go fuck yourselves mods
xth for Syndra
I want to watch Rek'sai tear lulu in half,
seriously fuck lulu and luluthreads.
New scenario:
>A building downtown has been taken over by terrorist. 40+ people are being held hostage by approximately 25 heavily armed terrorist. The building has been booby trapped and rigged with explosives.
>you must saved the hostages, get rid of the terrorists and disarm the explosives.
>you get to send 4 champions
Who do you send, /lolg/?
Rek'sai would never do that!
She's just a lady!
Wish me luck in promos, /lolg/!
Xth for Vayne is glorious
Me too. I want to be a tall strong Nordic lass that can decimate ten men with one swing of her mighty flail.
Unfortunately I'm just a tall clumsy and weak slav lass.
There are no words for how gay this splash makes me though.
they will outsperg you no matter what.
x zed heh
>team doesn't ban lulu or rakan
>all they have to do is slam their face on the keyboard and their whole team survives
lulu needs to be gutted again.
rakan can use some slight nerfs.
mfw everybody likes the new thread
Lulu a prime candidate for chromas too
I'm gonna just post these.
lulu deserves to be destroyed by the void
post reasons to live
y-your qt.
>all that trash talking to her opponents as she stomps them effortlessly
h-hold me lolg
I think im in love
Zac jayce heimer Caitlyn
>in flex with plat friend and 3 of his friends
>we have jungle cho
>kill their jungle and adc
>me: smite this then we can ult elder
>he ults baron
>misses elder smite
>lose game
I didn't check to see if he actually listened to me so I guess my bad?
Idk why no one steps up to shotcall in flex games and just leave it to the low elo shitters like me
How do I shot call and what do if people follow some calls or wait two minion waves later to execute a call
What skins do I dust/unlock, lolg?
Who is the other woman supposed to be?
Premium grade waifu
>tfw playing normals
aaaaaaaah where am i
What champion pisses you off the most?
reminder that lulu is an ugly dwarf whore
>People seriously think BotRK isn't the single best ADC item right now and a must rush on 90% of the current ADC pool.
It's literally the item that killed the ADC in 2K17 LUL meme
Reroll them all.
I stop shotcalling games cause everyone is a bunch of idiots that want to do their own thing so I just go with the flow of the game.
why is her map zoomed out so far. nice fucking hack gookshit
The changeling from Vayne's short story.
Objectively do you see any sexual arousal in Vayne's eyes in this pic?
ziggs for bomb disposal
Janna for keeping the people alive
Kayle for terrorist disposal
Ryze ult for a quick exit with the people if things to bad
Without a doubt. Although she is trying to kill Ashe, that seems kind of unnecessarily ruthless
Reminder that Renektonfags are the biggest shitters that will cry the fucking Nile river in tears if their babby's first lanebully can't faceroll the entire toplane roster
Buffing BoRK seriously was what this game needed.
Don't care if "Muh Lucian" when honestly BoRK seriously brought alot of auto-attackers back into meta.
>GP is in the game
>He isn't 5/0/0 at lvl 6
>Instantly calls whichever champion he's playing against "poorly designed" and "broken"
I've rarely seen this sequence of events NOT happening.
Reminder that salty dariusfags think their champion isnt exactly the same
>Make calls in chat
>Team actually listens to them
>Take 4 towers within 4 minutes because of my calls
>Tell everyone to back and reset then go for more towers
>Team gets cocky and doesn't listen
>They slowly feed Lee and Swain
>Can't do anything in fights because Lee focuses me first and I die to Swain AoE if I dive
>Team all decide us losing fights must be my fault because I'm no longer positive
>They refuse to listen to my calls
>They take stupid fights and get split pushed by Trynd the rest of the game and then spam ping on me for split pushing
>We lose
>"report Talon please"
I dunno how you're supposed to help people who would rather be 'right' than win the fucking game.
I do not find vayne sexually arousing at all.
Soraka, my goat wife!
The only champion it's good on is Lucian because his passive makes him apply the 8%currentHP damage twice, plus his abilites give him his passive again meaning he can apply 6 times for a whopping 48% currrentHP bonus physical damage.
No other champion should be building it because they don't synergize with it.
yes but does the vayne look horny
How many rune pages do you have?
you don't you let them lose and win the next one
>No other champ should be building botrk right now
It's a guy playing the game while she just sits there. We've seen this scam before it's not new.
Darius actually loses to other melee champs though. The only thing that outright beats Renekton is ranged cancer like Kennen that falls off even harder than he does
3/10 made me slightly irritated for a few seconds
A dariusfag isn't the one posting the same salty .webm every thread where they play like an idiot and get btfo of lane
>this is the thread that won
fuck you mod you trash
comfy bfs~
>bjergsen outs himself as a nazi live on stream
No thats just bad players in general. Like that renekton. He straight up just missed 3 autos in his combo and used q without rage
He shouldve won that easily
Neither is a renektonfag though?
dem hooves! You've convinced me
No, it looks like she's just enjoying killing the changeling.
I think the current power levels of ADCs is fine now but BotRK is entirely too strong right now.
They either need to nerf it or jack up the price. And then buff IE/ER and the Zeal items
Whenever i have a 80% win rate i always expect a massive lose streak around the corner
wtf riot do something
>this entire post
Okay you got me.
Actually it's only 39.36%
sexually enjoying?
good luck sweetie
To fuck my wife? I hope you please her like i never could!
It's true, no other ADC should be building it except Kog'Maw.
To every other adc it's just a very minor damage/survivability item but to Lucian specifically he abuses it's passive to hell and back.
>entire team is slamming Swain with spells
>gains 40% HP back
>struggle to kill him because the second rotation isn't enough
>his team catches up and saves him and he casually heals nearly full the rest of the team fight while dishing out shit tons of damage
Can kled love someone besides skaarl?
Pharaoh Niggalee
Cruella Leblenk
maybe is Skaarl had a sister
It is but if your teams retarded and sits ontop of him it's no different from not having an executioners entirly
Why? I'm not saying it's inherently bad, it's just subpar on them and a bit overrated. I'm not trolling, I just think it's really only insanely good on Lucian.
Please stop posting. You're actively lowering the quality of the thread with your shit tier game knowledge
This is your final (You)
>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri
caw caw
Now this is quality.
Skaarl IS female,just like the rift herald
all garbage except pool taric for the meme emote spamming potential
Ask the writers, retard.
p l e a s u r e c o w s
stop spamming images
Does my lp gains increase from 20 to 30 if im on like a 10 game win streak ?
>Bjerg feeding on Sol on stream.
This is surprisingly entertaining
>No other champion should be building it because they don't synergize with it.
>Why? I'm not saying it's inherently bad, it's just subpar on them and a bit overrated. I'm not trolling, I just think it's really only insanely good on Lucian.
win streak doesnt matter its base off your mmr
more like 20 to 22, but yes.
>friends invites me for aram
>karma veigar lux on the other team
f u n
t. moderator
Fuck off
Soraka's hooves are the cutest!
Oh God. No! Leave my goat wife alone! Go back to feeding men to Ahri.
Wouldn't a win streak increase my mmr?
what affects mmr ?
No remakes outside the LCS bruh.
what does this mean
>Now he's building double fucking catalyst items and is 0/6.
Holy kek
Wins but that doesnt mean if you have a 100 winstreak you'll gain a shitload of mmr. just because of the winstreak 100 winstreak you lose, your gains should be about the same Wins in general not only win streaks.
Everyday I forget that Pool Party Taric exists
>subscribe to upcoming informative jungle streamer
>3 weeks pass
>nothing but clickbait legit oneshot videos
>find new upcoming jungler
the cycle continues.