This goy is my hero

this goy is my hero

how do i develop aspergers to become like him and be able to analyse a fuck load of financial info to make profits?

i'm a trainee accountant atm. would have gone into IB/front office but unfortunately didn't get an internship. want to move into more revenue generating shit once i qualify (hedge fund, IB, asset management or somethiing like this).

wat do?

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jesus christ I hate the Big Short now

what you mean?



What are you currently reading, OP?

so i just finished reading the big short.

I've ordered liars poker.

in the mean time I'm reading jlcollinsnh stock series.

What would you recommend?

Read more. MORE.

>"While off duty at night, he worked on his >hobby, financial investing.[5] On one occasion, >Burry had been working so hard studying both >for medical school and his personal financial >interests that he fell asleep standing up during >a complicated surgery and crashed into the >oxygen tent that had been built around the >patient. As a result, he was thrown out of the >operating room by the lead surgeon."

If you work half as hard as the "goy", you might end up doing something right.

What do I read? How do I keep focused on reading?

My brain can only read for like 30 mins before I get tired or I get distracted by funny cat pictures online

me too

If that's the case, then you can give up on being a financial genius. If you can't self-study, nobody's going to trust you to work with large increments of money.

If you're serious, it's as simple as turning off your computer and treating self-study like real work that you're responsible for.

ok I'm gonna give it a go.

where do I start.

How do I make sure that I'm not a sucker that loses money in the stock market

Is it as simple as 'disciple + knowledge = success'?

You don't love the game yet, therefore you will fail.

When you love it, truly love it, then maybe you got a shot

Making yourself read, even if its 15hrs a day, is not going to achieve shit if you dont badly want it, if you dont dream about it.

irl mike burry is handsum


FUCK OFF WITH THE SCAM MAN DONT GIVE HIM VIEWS. For fucks sake, you idiots with your dumb ass Rich Dad Poor Dad bullshit and Tai "motherfucker in the rented garage " Lopez, Tai Lopez literally doesn't read, he's not rich in reality (he rents all that shit) nor would he be successful if you fucking retards didn't buy into his scam. Why are you such a fucking retard who buys into the ultimate mememan scam artist who is at this point the laughing stock of half of the FUCKING FIRST YEAR TRADERS and is openly mocked in emails among first year traders, not even the Excel monkeys believe him.

No one is gonna tell you how to become rich or how to become successful, do you know why? Because most of us don't even know exactly what was the turning point in our lives when we became successful and even if I knew? I wouldn't tell you, fuck you I don't owe you shit.

bump for real replies not memes



You're asking the same questions as someone who just learned about the stock market asks and wants to become 'rich quick'.
You can earn a comfortable life and have good success in the investment industry with risk-conscious work and good discipline but these immense success stories people continuously rave about mostly have to do with being the right person at the right time, a mix of luck and talent like everything else in life.
Get a degree in business, finance or accounting. Read a lot of books related to investment, math, business, economics, finance and analysis.
Don't just read and study, take internships, apply for jobs, network, etc.

Thanks for the honest reply.

That's essentially my plan.

I just started my first job. Accountant for a big bank. I want to move into investment which is what I wish I had experience for when I was applying for jobs.

So my plan is to become full autism the next few years and become like Michael burry.

So how important is it to attend a target school or some top tier university for these kind of jobs anyway?

Pretty important since that's where the big firms recruit from

Get a real job.

whats wrong with accountancy?

i plan on moving into something more revenue generating in 3-5 years anyway

Just know that Finance is not a good way to make money. Even the most successful take until their 50s to get rich

Get a strong understanding of Finance and Management and then conquer an industry yourself.

Fortunes aren't made by Financiers, but grown.


>Even the most successful take until their 50s to get rich
this is true for most areas of finance except trading and the hedge fund industry. its not THAT uncommon for a good trader in his 20s to get a multi million dollar bonus. I've seen people in their late 20s get bonuses well into the 7 figures, a guy at my old firm got a 8 figure bonus when he was like 32. obviously they are exceptions but it can happen if you are the right combination of lucky/smart/ballsy.

IBD/front office, what user applied for, doesn't get those seven figure bonuses till senior levels, which take awhile to reach as IBD is a service job where experience and age trumps merit. Trading is much better to make cash tho.

Yes but that is based on the premise that op will last for 7-10 years working 80+ hrs a week.

Even if he gets in IB its more realistic he will only earn 200-300K a year through most of his career at a fund. My dad made 380K this year and he's a 45 year old small business owner with a middle school education. He works 60 hrs a week on average, same as those Finance jobs and he started from nothing.

Its more likely that an educated person can make a fortune starting a business than managing money. It's too hard to differentiate yourself in Finance unless you're a trader.

alright so realistically how can i get into IB/any revenue generating thing after i qualify as an accountant

i work for one of the big 4 american banks. is internal transfer from accountancy to IB/AM/(something else like this) a possibility?

like i said, i had no internship so couldn't get this as a grad role (i did apply) so i thought i'd get an entry level job in finance at a bank and hopefully work my way into something more interesting

i don't mind even self funding a CFA after the accountancy qualification if that'll help.

Everyone knew what he knew. the question was: when would the bubble burst? The market could have remained stable/irrational long enough for him to lose all his investors money. He was lucky.

To transfer you'll have to know someone in the department you're going to or have serious qualifications. A CFA is a start, but there's tens of thousands of CFAs now so maybe pair that with a masters degree.

Or suck someone's dick